[CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

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What do you think of the Serf to Supreme Challenge?

  • City Construction Challenge was better!

    Votes: 9 7.0%
  • It's okay, but there's definitely room for improvement

    Votes: 35 27.1%
  • Give me my Electrics sooner!

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • I enjoy the slow introduction of mods.

    Votes: 43 33.3%
  • I wish Element Animation would hurry up with the next episode.

    Votes: 24 18.6%
  • I love it!

    Votes: 51 39.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh boy text walls! There are a couple other mods you could (theoretically) look into for more realistic play. The first one I'll suggest is called Minecraft Improvements. It mostly makes the wood/stone ages take a bit longer to get through. The second one I'll suggest is honestly more standalone unless you know how to work MineTweaker - Terrafirmacraft. That mod completely overhauls Minecraft (and boasts that it's "the way survival mode should have been"). Basically it's Bear Grylls meets Minecraft and has a baby. You start God knows where on June 1st, 1000. If you spawn in the northern hemisphere, you won't have enough growing season left to start a farm and will have to wait till next year and just live off the land. If you spawn in the Southern Hemisphere... good luck. Middle of winter, so no plants growing. Have fun.

But yeah. I don't think that's really what you're looking for. I just like to suggest it when I can.

Welcome aboard the challenge authoring ship! :)

[EDIT] Also - you may want to try VoxelMap (requires LiteLoader) instead of JourneyMap. My computer, though not a potato, can't operate with JourneyMap installed. Since Rei's is no longer being updated, I chose to go Voxel and haven't looked back.

Hey thanks! I will check into voxelmap, I haven't used it yet so I'm testing it now. Minecraft Improvements isn't coming up when I'm looking for it, is it maybe Improving Minecraft? I love the idea of terrafirmacraft, but maybe not for this one. XD

I did remove Natura because I still couldn't come up with a justification for it and ChromatiCraft because it was just too everywhere. I want to play with it, but it doesn't fit what I'm going for here. So I added Psi. Another one I have no experience with, but it looks like it will be both useful and thematic. If that one doesn't work out it's a toss up between witchery and blood magic, but probably witchery. Like I said, I want to encourage exploration if I can, and that has some cool world gen. If anyone has other magic suggestions that I'm overlooking I'd be happy to consider them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I may end up adding witchery in the next version, I'm still a bit undecided on it. I do like the world gen it adds a lot though. I uploaded the pack to the curse launcher for testing, it's listed as Rags to Riches, I wanted to try to pay homage to the Refugee to Regent idea with the title since I found it so inspirational. You're welcome to check it out but I haven't added the content yet and that will probably take me about a week. I'll have decided on witchery by then for sure. I did end up going with Enchiridion and Custom NPCs for storytelling and Simple Achievements for stage goals. If you do check it out, please give me all of the feedback.

Edit: Speaking of adding content, does anyone have experience actually adding custom books using Enchiridion 2? It appears to be deleting the text I add every time I launch the pack. I'm probably just missing something simple, but there's not much information available on usage for Enchiridion.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
Added Fast Leaf Decay because floating leaves annoy me. :)
Had to fend off two (!) werewolves the first night. That wasn't particularly easy when all you can use is a hoe if I remember your rules correctly.
I ended up barricading myself under a tree with a single high row of dirt so I could still attack, but monsters couldn't reach me. The spider on top of the tree was pretty mad at me all night, but got over itself the next morning.
Watermelons and strawberries kept me from having to eat rotten flesh at all, which was nice. I found a few sheep on day two, though they didn't appreciate getting punched and promptly attacked me in return. As the owner of a fancy new bed, I hope you weren't betting on the sheep in that fight.

Testing Enchiridion 2 now regarding the book issue.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I created a book "Hi there" in world 1, started a new world 2, saw the book I created ("Hi there") in NEI on world 2.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
Once you have your book(s) written, place them in the player's inventory with whatever else you want the player to start with on a new game, and type /startinginv save.

Then start a new world, everything should be cool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I created a book "Hi there" in world 1, started a new world 2, saw the book I created ("Hi there") in NEI on world 2.

Thanks for the feedback! Does your book still contain any text inside after reloading? I was still able to use the book I created but it was blank. And I did consider increasing the amount of wool you start with, it's intended that you'll have a bed almost immediately. I heavily reduced all of the hostile spawns from Mo Creatures but obviously didn't turn them off. I was pretty generous with food since Hunger Overhaul is in, I added a few recipes so EBXL items you can forage for have a little more use.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
Temporarily turned off Sanity and Air Quality in Enviromine because they're distracting. Body Temp/Hydration and Food Spoilage is quite enough to deal with for me at the moment. I'll turn them back on when I'm farther along in testing.

I don't have an issue with the monster spawns right now, though my second world had me start next to THREE komodo dragons, which wasn't fun. I lived, but barely. I just ran for the hills.

The starting supplies are fine as they are, in my opinion.

Checking book contents in new world 3...


...seems to work just fine.
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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I found your evil tweak to Agricraft. Not only do you keep weeds turned on, but you increased the frequency of them and had them destroy crop sticks too. Soooo evil.


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2013
I saw your tweaks to HungerOverhaul as well, pretty fair for the most part, though I'm not a fan of the food stack size thing. If I go to all the trouble to make something nourishing, I don't want it to take a ton of space in my inventory as well! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I saw your tweaks to HungerOverhaul as well, pretty fair for the most part, though I'm not a fan of the food stack size thing. If I go to all the trouble to make something nourishing, I don't want it to take a ton of space in my inventory as well! :)

Yeah, I debated with myself on the weeds. I tried to balance that by making them not overtake crops, but if you use a rake you can keep your crop sticks too. That's a fair point on the food stack sizes, but on the other hand we do have modded storage options and so very many chests to stock in the city we're building. Enviromine food spoilage should be off, though. I didn't want the carefully stocked kitchens to end up with spoiled food. Is it on? If so I'll need to change it when I update.

edit-also thanks for testing on enchiridion, like I said I'm probably just missing something simple. I'll play around with it some more when I get home.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looking into the possibility of adding quests via Custom NPCs... I would need my own map and everything for that wouldn't I? It's definitely staying in so players can populate their builds, but I don't think it's going to be the solution I'm looking for to provide items to the player at the start of each stage. Time to start looking at HQM I think.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok I have actual content added to Rags to Riches now. The update is approved and should be on the launcher shortly if anyone cares to check it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welp my playtest reveals that I've inadvertently rebroken a thing that I fixed with the first update >.> A new update to fix that is incoming today.
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The Mobius Archives

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
Wow, so much to catch up on.

Three videos for you all to watch while I read the last few posts.

This first one is short. I'm mostly just trying to get the auto-craft system working better for brick. I'll be moving it out into it's own building but for now it's sticking by the construction zone by the gateway hotel:

Up next I wanted a mob grinder (actually I wanted to divide by diamond) and got my ass handed to my by mobs while creating cursed earth:

And lastly I complete The Architect branch of Blood Magic to tier 2. I like blood magic because it works out to be nicely gated by the altar tier for the challenge. The book also makes a nice read while your doing some sacrificing.

There really is only a small bit of Blood Magic left on tier 2. I may wrap those up after setting the aforementioned mob grinder and associated building better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did the update get posted yet? I've been holding off on downloading it.

Yep, I have a new version up now. Actually, two... I missed another potion ID conflict. So, 1.3.1 is the version you want, and you'll want to start a new world since I made HQM changes for the first stage. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!
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