I know my PC needs an upgrade, but these out of all the things in my world make the biggest impact it feels.
You may wish to do what I did: I have just recently finished "moving out" of my original base. I leave the chunk loaded and the equipment running, but when I'm physically in it's vicinity I average around 4 Fps, when I'm not more like 50.
Before resorting to that I stripped almost everything. About the only things I didn't strip aside from Rotarycraft things ( 200PBRs, two hp turbines, 1 turbine generator, several magnetostatics, three grinders, 1 centrifuge, a bed rock grinder, and a crystallizer/refrigeration duo to feed the mags) were a dozen or so tesseracts, my ME system, a chain of 20 IC2 electric furnaces, 10 autonomous activators and 20 gendustry apiaries.
Other than the tesseract and the RoC stuff I've temporarily shut all that down and it didn't help, and I've been very thorough about learning mods and settings that improve FPS. It's hard not to come to the conclusion that being in the presence of my RC stuff is devastating on my frame rate...
I actually don't mind all that much. On a new log I'd totally go reactor craft again. I've set up a network bridge to issue all production commands with "the dark FPS draining zone of industry" and I'm happily working on a new base built for aesthetics instead of production. Between tesseract, magnos and an RoC electric gen my new base will want for nothing

For me, leaving an RoC industrial zone chunk loaded but far away results in about 12.5x frame rate.
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