Botania - An innovative natural magic themed tech mod (Not in beta any more!)

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So how does the system detect if the items have been converted yet or not?

The Rannuncarpus places the Redstone block on the converted Livingrock. (I have no idea if the Mana Pool is required)
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I actually just hacked together a version of Gideon's system using purely Botania. I managed cut out all the separate block placers and breakers by using a Rannuncarpus to place the stone and wood, two more to place redstone blocks on the converted livingrock and livingstone, mana spreaders with bore lenses to break the livingwood/stone and the redstone blocks, and hopperhocks to pick everything up.

I'll go make a thread in Community Showcase, then report back here.

Edit: Here it is. I also forgot to mention that I solved Gideon's duct problem by using Corporea.
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The only thing I don't like is using the bore lens as the block breaking method. If there was a non-SFM/CC method of discriminatory block breaking (i.e. only break this block ID), it would make this a lot simpler. Particularly if it could work in an area effect.
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The only thing I don't like is using the bore lens as the block breaking method. If there was a non-SFM/CC method of discriminatory block breaking (i.e. only break this block ID), it would make this a lot simpler. Particularly if it could work in an area effect.
The bore lens works perfectly fine for what it does, a rannuncarpus for block breaking would be super boring imho.
The problem isn't that the bore lens doesn't work (though making a visually appealing build almost necessitates using a warp/bore/potency lens via a redstone mana spreader, multiple force relays, a prism, and a bunch of other post-elven tech), the problem is that while you can indeed automate the whole process with pure Botania (and vanilla), it comes at a point late enough in the mod that unless you're specifically rushing it, by the point you CAN automate the system, you've obviated the need for the automation in the first place.

A neat way to change this might be a mana pulse sent to a Pure Daisy will cause it to break one of the 8 blocks it affects. Either only if it's been converted, or not... because honestly it's usually done in batches, so "wasting" mana pulses is kinda silly... though setting up a couple of dayblooms in order to send a regular pulse is... kinda ingenious now that I think about it. It's also tickrate... well it's just as tickrate dependant as the pure daisy (I assume) so if the build works on a stable world it should work on any world.
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New ring.
It's.... It's.... So beautiful:eek:
I'm assuming it's like a convenience builder thing, but you need to have the blocks to place in the first place, and the only reason it worked like that in the video was because you were in creative. That's my guess at it from what I gathered from the video. Either way. Its amazing:eek:
I'm not sure if the obvious sarcasm was missed or you're playing along with the joke... straight lines are SO hard to read.
Vaskii I have been playing with your mod recently and I am here to say thank you for the great mod, and the update! I will be having tons of fun with it.

By the way... I'm still hoping for Kirito's Night Sky Sword ( I know it's made out of a tree, but a man can dream).

Also I realize now that it is 1° de abril, But I don't believe in those surperstitious holidays.
I was half expecting "Floral Powder can now dye sheep." to be an April Fools joke.
SO glad that "Added radius viewer functionality to the Manaseer Monocle." was not a joke though. That's seriously useful for efficiency's sake!
I had an idea, I was going to make it myself with your permission to release it but; I decided to suggest it first. An item called the "Daisy Chain" It would be a Chain you can put on Mana Producing Flowers to make them directly produce RF. I understand there is already a way for them to produce RF but I thought this was an interesting alternative.
I dislike the idea of connecting conduits to flowers, considering the connections will be midair and there's no plug or anything on the flower