Seeing pure daisy recipes in the changelog made me think that
@Vazkii might actually approve the custom recipe handler idea I got a few days ago, so here goes:
If I understand correctly, the spirit of the Runic altar is to infuse the items with mana, and then compress and etch/imbue them on the livingrock you throw on it, making a rune. (and there's no other recipes than runes in the runic altar in 'vanilla' botania, right?)
I've been playing the modpack Regrowth lately, in which the Runic altar is used to make most of the magical crops seeds, and they require an essence seed in the recipe (and a hefty amount of mana for the end-game seeds), after which you throw the livingrock on the Runic altar to finish the crafting.
Of course I realize that these are just custom recipes which are made by the modpack developer
@thephoenixlodge but when I started thinking about how the Runic altar is about etching the rune in the livingrock, it kinda didn't make sense to me to require livingrock to finish recipes like resource seeds, and I thought 'what if Vazkii allowed the finishing item to be something else instead of the probably hardcoded livingrock, which would give modpack devs more freedom to use the Runic altar for custom recipes, and make those recipes make more sense (in my head)' so when I saw pure daisy recipes in the changelog, I got new hope of mentioning my idea to Vazkii.
So Vazkii, if you read this and approve of this idea, you should thank
@thephoenixlodge for making Regrowth and using the Runic altar for custom recipes