Well, a midas stone/ king midas turned anything to to gold, so that of course includes flour 

Edit: Also, can anyone explain to me how the meteor defense stuff works ? I have one placed on a hill near my base, but a meteor just crashed down not too far away from me. I upgraded it to Tier 1, so I'd expect it to have the range needed.
It's at -553, 107, 304 and the crashed meteor is at -580, 72, 340.
Or does it need power regardless of rotarycraft not being installed ? Is that the issue ?
public int getProtectionRange() {
return 16*(this.getTier()*2+3);
@Batch2 Afraid not, it most definitely crashed into the terrain, flames and all present. I would screenshot it, but I already cleaned it up (it was pretty close to my base too so it could've been worse I guess)
I guess a way to find out about the power thing, would be to place a power source below it (or next to it) and see if it drains or not.
public void onMeteor(EntryEvent e) {
EntityMeteor m = e.meteor;
double dd = ReikaMathLibrary.py3d(e.x-xCoord, 0, e.z-zCoord);
if (this.canPerformActions() && dd <= this.getProtectionRange()) {
public boolean canPerformActions() {
if (!this.canSeeSky())
return false;
return ModList.ROTARYCRAFT.isLoaded() ? power >= this.getMinPower() : true;
It shouldn't require power because Rotarycraft is not in the pack. Also, I believe the meteor gun only works if the point of origin is within the radius.
I don't have access to that info atm, but iirc I've had them travel greater than 10 chunks (160 block range.)
Actually, come to think of it, the range is probably closer to 3 or 4 hundred for the point of origin from the player.
Hmmm I'm just going off what's in the code, but it says something rather different. Maybe there is a disagreement between the smoke trail that is rendered and the entity mechanics (as they are separate objects) or I'm missreading something...
They spawn within 64 blocks from the player at world.provider.getHeight(). They have a y velocity of -4 and x/z velocities if +/- 0.25-0.75.
Default minecraft world height is 256. So the maximun drift (at bedrock) should be 256*(0.74/4) = 48 blocks x/z and ... That's assuming that the world height hasn't been raised... this would mean that it's entirely possible for a tier 0 gun to be hit by a meteor lol.
This would also mean that the gaurenteed zone of protection for a teir 1 gun would be 32 blocks z/x and only 8 on the diagonal!
Ohhh I may inform reika of this... That might be a bug/oversight. The low diagonal value occurs because the defense range is calculated using Pythagorean theorem and the velocity x/z values are calculated individually separately. This results in meteors moving fasting thus drifting more on diagonal while the effective range of the defense gun being even in all directions.
Unless he changed that recently, this is not the behavior I have visually seen. I've watched horizontal drift being over 5 chunks at y64. Figuring from my player to the impact displayed on the map. The contrail typically dictates a PoO on the opposite side of my player (with no way to judge actual distance.)
@Anesos So basically the defense guns are a cute little thing to have, but it wont really save you unless you spam them ?![]()