Heyo, I'm trying to play this, however, my precess seems to be going, Get all the resources I need, the gravel, the wood, the food, get looking for a place to hole up for the night, and then turn around to see a giant flying dick monster firing purple jizz that poisons me. And then dying, starting a new world, getting killed in broad daylight via what looks like a hook horror. Dying starting a new world. Getting all the resources I need to then be crushed by a meteor, falling 2 chunks away and spawning things, that then kill me, then dying starting over.
Is this normal, are these mobs, meteors, and things, supposed to be an issue on the first day, when you have no tools, no weapons, and no armor? Is it just a consequence of me spawning in mostly shady areas? Is any of this explained anywhere in your mod description? I get hardcore, Agrarian Skies wasn't hard core enough for me, that's why I'm trying out blood and bones. But what I'm wondering here, is if this process of getting gangbanged about halfway through your first day is normal, or are the spawn mechanics somewhat bugged at current? And if I should just create a chest at my spawn and slowly build a shelter around it?
From my experience, yep, all of that is normal, although you may be getting some bad luck.
My first day agenda:
-Get 20 blocks of wood so I'll have enough to make tools, patterns, etc.
-Some of that needs to be rubber wood, so I'll have a torch.
-Extra blocks to get high up into a tree where nothing can hopefully get me.
-Sheep to make a bed are a bonus
-Gravel for tools
If all goes well and I have a pick, and 11 cobble for a furnace and juicer, things are going well.
Progress is really slow in BnB, and everytime i overextend, i tend to die and lose stuff