Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Heyo, I'm trying to play this, however, my precess seems to be going, Get all the resources I need, the gravel, the wood, the food, get looking for a place to hole up for the night, and then turn around to see a giant flying dick monster firing purple jizz that poisons me. And then dying, starting a new world, getting killed in broad daylight via what looks like a hook horror. Dying starting a new world. Getting all the resources I need to then be crushed by a meteor, falling 2 chunks away and spawning things, that then kill me, then dying starting over.

Is this normal, are these mobs, meteors, and things, supposed to be an issue on the first day, when you have no tools, no weapons, and no armor? Is it just a consequence of me spawning in mostly shady areas? Is any of this explained anywhere in your mod description? I get hardcore, Agrarian Skies wasn't hard core enough for me, that's why I'm trying out blood and bones. But what I'm wondering here, is if this process of getting gangbanged about halfway through your first day is normal, or are the spawn mechanics somewhat bugged at current? And if I should just create a chest at my spawn and slowly build a shelter around it?

From my experience, yep, all of that is normal, although you may be getting some bad luck.
My first day agenda:
-Get 20 blocks of wood so I'll have enough to make tools, patterns, etc.
-Some of that needs to be rubber wood, so I'll have a torch.
-Extra blocks to get high up into a tree where nothing can hopefully get me.
-Sheep to make a bed are a bonus
-Gravel for tools

If all goes well and I have a pick, and 11 cobble for a furnace and juicer, things are going well.

Progress is really slow in BnB, and everytime i overextend, i tend to die and lose stuff :)
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From my experience, yep, all of that is normal, although you may be getting some bad luck.
My first day agenda:
-Get 20 blocks of wood so I'll have enough to make tools, patterns, etc.
-Some of that needs to be rubber wood, so I'll have a torch.
-Extra blocks to get high up into a tree where nothing can hopefully get me.
-Sheep to make a bed are a bonus
-Gravel for tools

If all goes well and I have a pick, and 11 cobble for a furnace and juicer, things are going well.

Progress is really slow in BnB, and everytime i overextend, i tend to die and lose stuff :)

Aye, people tend to try to rush like its a "normal" MC. Even Jaded has stated that BnB is about x2 the difficulty of MF2 especially with how I have tech drawn out.
The start of BnB isn't actually that slow if you just know what you're looking for in the world. (By start I mean getting to the smeltery and having a safe'ish place to hide).
It takes a little bit of patience to wait out the nights though. I made a few videos just to cover those basic steps, and was able to confine it down to around 50 minutes (took me I think a couple days to get there, 2 hours game time roughly).

@ the ore topic, I find Vulcanite to the thing I can't find for the life of me. I've searched all over the nether (well a lot anyway) and I've found tons of the other ores (apart from the really rare red one sanguinite) and I just can't find any of it. When I finally think I found some, it's just more ignatius. Which is annoying, because I really want some so I can get the lava generators going.
Also, most of the special nether mobs don't attack me for some reason. They just look at me, and fly into my face. Pigmen, ghasts and small ghasts attack, but all the ones from Lycanites mods don't do anything to me. Well, apart from annoy me I guess. The Ettins used to do that, but after 1.0.5 they've been really pissed off at me, so not going near those guys again :'D

Edit: Nope, nevermind, the pinkie demons attack me quite rapidly. The others don't though.

Interesting to hear that the damage of some mobs is too high. I don't know if this one is affected, but I have noticed plague anything is just a death sentence for me lately. Especially with a bow. That is mostly due to all the debuffs though.
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One thing I like to get right at the start is fruit trees. Yea they're slow to grow but at least till you can farm it's renewable food stuff.
I just discovered that you can make the Draw Plate with ANY type of panel and post. Not just Diamond/Iron. I tested with both stone and ghostwood, both worked. Is that fixable ? Because that's quite broken.
One thing I like to get right at the start is fruit trees. Yea they're slow to grow but at least till you can farm it's renewable food stuff.

The saplings grow instantly with bone meal it seems. I'm not sure if that's intended as it is sort of overpowered as you can break of the unripe fruit and get fruit back!...

I'd actually suggest that drop be removed. There'ss not good reason why breaking the unripe fruit blocks should give you a ripe piece of fruit.

By bonemealing the trees, breaking off the unripe fruit, combining it into saplings and repeating, it's quite easy to get an orchard of 25 trees planted in a few minutes. All you need is a single piece of fruit, 6 bone meal and oak/jungle saplings .

Don't waste bonemeal on the grass getting saplings, it's far more profitable to speed grow trees, break the fruit off and use it to make new saplings. You probably don't want a variety of fruit anyways as it doesn't stack so well that way and is hard to work with. Two types of regular fruit trees are enough, then maybe later in the game olives/coconut/spices/etc... for any special recipes you want to get into. Not all fruit trees are equal either Star fruit trees/mangos are the best from my experience. Lots of fruit and you can make smoothies with them! Plums are a waste of time as they have almost no recipe options. I'd go with half apple (for recipe options) and half some sort of high volume fruit that works in smoothies.
The saplings grow instantly with bone meal it seems. I'm not sure if that's intended as it is sort of overpowered...

By bonemealing the trees, breaking off the unripe fruit, combining it into saplings and repeating, it's quite easy to get an orchard of 25 trees planted in a few minutes. All you need is a single piece of fruit, 6 bone meal and oak/jungle saplings .

Don't waste bonemeal on the grass getting saplings, it's far more profitable to speed grow trees, break the fruit off and use it to make new saplings. You probably don't want a variety of fruit anyways as it doesn't stack so well that way and is hard to work with. Two types of regular fruit trees are enough, then maybe later in the game olives/coconut/spices/etc... for any special recipes you want to get into. Not all fruit trees are equal either Star fruit trees/mangos are the best from my experience. Lots of fruit and you can make smoothies with them! Plums are a waste of time as they have almost no recipe options. I'd go with half apple (for recipe options) and half some sort of high volume fruit that works in smoothies.

I meant to get the fruit to ripen. Getting the trees to grow with bone meal is no problem. do that all the time. :)
I meant to get the fruit to ripen. Getting the trees to grow with bone meal is no problem. do that all the time. :)

You don't need to wait for it ripen as you can just break of the unripe fruit, which gives ripe fruit back. Then use one of the fruit you get to replant the tree...

*Edit* But yeah breaking of unripe fruit it painfully slow before you get a decent axe. :(
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I just discovered that you can make the Draw Plate with ANY type of panel and post. Not just Diamond/Iron. I tested with both stone and ghostwood, both worked. Is that fixable ? Because that's quite broken.

Yes, that is the major barrier to starting a lot of tech. It forces you to mine deep for diamonds and deal with the gasses. The recipe is based on the old recipe from Redpower. To keep progression, it could be changed to [Iron Block + Diamond Block + Diamond Saw] = [Diamond Saw + 3x Diamond Drawplate]

Oh, and I will disagree with Miss Jaded, BNB is much more than twice the difficulty of of MagicFarm. I ran a server that was peaking at 25 players with MF2 and got a very good idea of progression. So many things in BnB add difficulty, and are force multipliers for other things.

Example: Dez and I are carefully clearing level 3 of a dungeon. Happy with progress and vowing to take it slow and steady, and not do something idiotic that kills us again. Enter Mr. Creeper, who didn't do much damage to us at all as we knocked him back down the corridor, but his explosion triggered something else. Coal? Read Gas? no clue, but that then triggered a powererful Red Gas explosion under us that went on and on. I heard about 3 explosions before i died, then many more with the death screen up. Gigantic crater in the dungeon, and time to make new armor and weapons :)
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@ the ore topic, I find Vulcanite to the thing I can't find for the life of me. I've searched all over the nether (well a lot anyway) and I've found tons of the other ores (apart from the really rare red one sanguinite) and I just can't find any of it. When I finally think I found some, it's just more ignatius. Which is annoying, because I really want some so I can get the lava generators going.

I've yet to find Sanguinite, but have found a bit of vulcanite.
So, some balance issues...

1: No downside to killing yourself over and over next to a bed/blood altar with an orb or a sacrificial knife. It makes it possible to acquire huge amounts of blood with no effort. Might it perhaps be possible to for instance give people a "Blood-Letting" debuff when they use these items to hurt themselves that makes it so if they die within a short period (30s?) they would spawn with extremely low health/food?

2: Bound tools (not including the sword). The right click ability on these tools is excessively powerful, huge area digging/mining/chopping, around 5x5x7 area around you. Only 10k blood per use, which considering the above or a well of suffering, is far too simple.

3: As I've mentioned before, Magic Crops grow at normal speed rather than the slowed down speed, and while the mod is far harder than normal in the amount of effort it is to get seeds, it's still overpowered with how fast you can grow the crops to get resources once you have the seeds (especially with the watering can). (30 seconds with watering can to grow a 3x3 of seeds, such as cow seeds, harvest and craft into mass raw beef for infinite food.

4: Witchery crops suffer from the same lack of growth time multiplier that Magic Crops do, although this is not quite as much of a problem considering witchery crops (to my knowledge) are not quite as powerful in the usefulness of their drops.

Shameless Self Promotion
Powerful Server, Dedication to high difficulty, Public, Anarchy/Raiding/Pvp.​
I agree on Blood Magic. If it hasn't had any nerfs, it's the obvious answer to everything. Very powerful and game breaking abilities in it. And somehow sitting at an altar killing yourself over and over and over just goes against the modpack.

Is there a way to make the self sacrafice only work on health points 6-10, and not all the way down to death. Suddenly you have to heal up to get health to sacrafice. IE, an actual sacrafice. Or set it up so dying kicks you out of that game and you have to click on the screen and relog. The extra 5-10 seconds isn't a big deal when you die normally, but sure would slow up the BM.

I was on a server for a bit where two guys were powering up their bloodpools. Nothing but the same spam scrolling up over and over on your screen as they killed themselves over and over.
Is there a way to make the self sacrafice only work on health points 6-10, and not all the way down to death.

That's a really good idea. Definitely not as easy as a config change for sure, but having use of the knife dependent on a check on player health in the code would likely be trivial to implement...
I spoke a little with @WayofTime before PAX on the subject, I don't know if anything was decided, but I haven't had time to look at the recent updates yet.
I'll be trying to get 1.0.6 up by the weekend.
I just confirmed that you can make a diamond drawplate as described by Ghooostie. I had a stone saw and used it to make a drawplate from an oak plank.
I just confirmed that you can make a diamond drawplate as described by Ghooostie. I had a stone saw and used it to make a drawplate from an oak plank.
How do I get glowstone blocks for blood magic pillars? Can't be crafted :/
You can only get blocks by silk touching them
Once again seeing a slowdown of mobs spawning around player bases. Running 1.05 with BOP off, Hostile worlds on.
At first, we saw a lot of lycanite mobs, and nights were filled with zombies, skeltons, creepers by player bases. When I was in creative setting up the spawn area the first night, it was amazing. But as time went on, less and less, until now players are starting to run around at night. Using the Aperf command I'm seeing a good amount of mobs, for example, 800 mobs in 1000 chunks, and 33 forced chunks. Using COFH command to kill the hostile mobs i got 154 deaths of non-lycanite hostile mobs. It quickly rose back up to about 800, but not near players.

I'd conjecture that somewhere there is a lot of lycanite mobs below the surface. Could it possibly be lobbers and cinders? They spawn in lava or fire, respectively.
Once again seeing a slowdown of mobs spawning around player bases. Running 1.05 with BOP off, Hostile worlds on.
At first, we saw a lot of lycanite mobs, and nights were filled with zombies, skeltons, creepers by player bases. When I was in creative setting up the spawn area the first night, it was amazing. But as time went on, less and less, until now players are starting to run around at night. Using the Aperf command I'm seeing a good amount of mobs, for example, 800 mobs in 1000 chunks, and 33 forced chunks. Using COFH command to kill the hostile mobs i got 154 deaths of non-lycanite hostile mobs. It quickly rose back up to about 800, but not near players.

I'd conjecture that somewhere there is a lot of lycanite mobs below the surface. Could it possibly be lobbers and cinders? They spawn in lava or fire, respectively.

Well this is going to take you a minute, but do me a favor.

Go into each of the lycanite configs and change the force despawn on each mob to true. Its a fail safe I contemplated enabling from the get go, but needed to see if it was warranted. If it fixes the issue, I'll roll that into the 1.0.6 changes.
(you only need to do this server side.)