Early game you can make juice out if the berries you find. A juicer is a stone pressure plate and piece of smooth stone. Gives you a half heart and one full haunch of hunger
Cool man. Thanks!Added 3 of the Let's Plays I follow listed under the last spoiler.
Are you a Tuber doing a Let's Play? My requirements are simple.
At least 5 vids into the series.
Don't be a d-bag (that's my job. I consider this trying to usurp my position)
edit: also note, I will link directly to your channel, not just to the lets play playlist, so that people can see what else you do.
I am having trouble starting Thermal Expansion. I found the 9 diamonds, the vulcanite, still need some ignatius (i whent mining in nether without fire protection, lost all my stuff to those monster throwing lava blocks at you)
But how do the hell I get these first steel ingots? do i have to get 6 of them in dungeon loot?
Is charcoal basically out of the question in 1.0.5? Only early way to make sawdust is from the Metallurgy crusher, it seems... except you need to put more than 1 coal worth of fuel in to make 1 charcoal. Plus you need 2 logs to make 1 charcoal.
Cheers! It's appreciated.Added 3 of the Let's Plays I follow listed under the last spoiler.
Don't cheat like a sissy!I found out the hard way that you can use Opis Minimap's teleport ability while in Survival mode... and by "the hard way", I mean dying on Hardcore by teleporting directly on top of a horde of mobs above my hidey hole at night![]()
You need to make a mattock in order to till the soil. To make a mattock, you need the smeltery, which you need seared bricks for, which needs grout, which is made from gravel, sand and clay. You get a book telling you the specifics of how to make it, but you'll need a minimum of 52 of each to make it.How do you farm things like wheat in this modpack?
Thank you for the quick reply i did not realize it could only be made of metalYou need to make a mattock in order to till the soil. To make a mattock, you need the smeltery, which you need seared bricks for, which needs grout, which is made from gravel, sand and clay. You get a book telling you the specifics of how to make it, but you'll need a minimum of 52 of each to make it.
A mattock is made from a shovel head, an axe head and a tool rod, and needs to be at least pure copper (seemingly just only metals/alloys required to make ?)
The crops then require sunlight to grow, torch light will not work. And they take around 4 times longer to grow or so than normally.
Yeah, I'm thinking this is going to be yet another issue of cmi with BoP. If that's true, I may end up pulling it and do some testing with highlands instead.
FYI all, I figured this one out. The gray Mapwriter maps are because I didn't enable Biomesoplenty after the update. So the map was generated with BoP, but after the 1.0.5 update BoP wasn't loaded and confused everything. Just re-enabled and it looks good again (once you re-explore the area). OopsDeleting config/mapwriter.cfg didn't fix the grey minimap color for me. Anyone else seeing this?
I found block 2 (grass) in MapWriterBlockColours.txt is a stone color and tried to change it to a green, but it seems to generate and overwrite the file on load. Then I confirmed it looked ok in Magic Farm 2 and tried is copying over the 3 mapwriter config files from MF2 into BnB, but I still had grey grass. Both are Opis 1.2.0 with the same config files, so I'm not sure what the difference is.
Any other ideas on what's going on there?
Absolutely adore the modpack Eyamaz, it's the hardcore style I've been looking for for a long time.
I'm curious though, as to your reasoning behind adding the "Random Things" mod, which seems to add quite a few powerful items for very cheap, such as: Block Mover, Block Replacer, Magnetic Force, Entity Mover, etc.
Also, it feels like Magical Crops grow quite fast... Do they have the correct growth time multiplier?