Another question. Just started a minefactory harvester/planter/fertilizer setup and I swear this worked in previous version, but:
1) wheat grows fine and uses the industrial fertilizer, but the seeds that drop are less than you put in, so they get used up and no more crops. no one to one. I watched 32 seeds disappear into 20 into 5 into 0. intended? crops are being destroyed and replanted.
2) hunger overload soy, had only 1 seed, fertilizer didn't have any effect on it (might be intended via config) but when I bonemealed it, it got harvested, but zero seeds. again, not 1 to 1?
3) cotton is working (big whoop) it doesn't look like the harvester is destroying the crops since I have same amount of seeds. potatoes/tomatoes seem to slowly grow, but no seeds for tomatoes and I haven't been keeping track if I've gotten more potatoes than I planted but I swear they are just going through the whole cycle and repeating, and I probably have the same amount of potatoes that I started with. I'll have to check this but I'm pretty sure of it. again, intended?
4) does biome affect this? all of this is done in a forest biome. does altitude affect this? I'm at y=105.
I've been manually farming up till now in 1.07, so this is worrisome if this is intended.
EDIT: wheat is diminishing returns, soy is plant, get soybean and destroy crop, no seeds, tomatoes have planted, not getting destroyed, getting tomatoes, potatoes ARE working. I had none of these issues in the same plot of land manually.
also note that there are recipes to get seeds from plants. is this the intended direction you're supposed to take? I assume no balance to manual/automatic farming so have to nerf the automatic?
edit2: ignore above, I answered my own question. there is a SLIGHT increase in the crops that don't leave their crops and over time, you can build more seeds through crafting. I'm assuming that the crops (tomatoes for example) don't have recipes for seeds since they don't get destroyed. Sorry for the wasted question. I had to resort to cheating and setup a mini AE system (provider network) w/mac to automate it for a while and verify the things produced and could be increased on their own.