Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Can someone give me some tips on how to collect 24,000 cobblestone to get to the deep dark? Mining cobblestone manually doesn't seem to be that efficient especially with that much cobblestone it wouldn't be fun and extremely time consuming.
so im getting random mob spawns in my base, i've been killed by surprise baby ents about 4 times already (no X's anywhere in the base, all tunnels sealed off).

atm im even getting random zombies in the tunnels i have and not to mention the fire skelly that literaly spawned right next to me (i saw it appear out of nowhere).
i have no clue what is causing this, but its getting rather annoying running around a bunch of tunnels to see if they wrecked any torches.

Can someone give me some tips on how to collect 24,000 cobblestone to get to the deep dark? Mining cobblestone manually doesn't seem to be that efficient especially with that much cobblestone it wouldn't be fun and extremely time consuming.
extruder is the only way to hurry it up. so off to the nether with you to get those steel ingots
Can someone give me some tips on how to collect 24,000 cobblestone to get to the deep dark? Mining cobblestone manually doesn't seem to be that efficient especially with that much cobblestone it wouldn't be fun and extremely time consuming.
Igneous extruder into barrels.
so im getting random mob spawns in my base, i've been killed by surprise baby ents about 4 times already (no X's anywhere in the base, all tunnels sealed off).

extruder is the only way to hurry it up. so off to the nether with you to get those steel ingots

Oh so i'm not imagining the Pig Iron Ores in the nether being smelted into Steel Ingots? o_o
Can someone give me some tips on how to collect 24,000 cobblestone to get to the deep dark? Mining cobblestone manually doesn't seem to be that efficient especially with that much cobblestone it wouldn't be fun and extremely time consuming.

But in many ways not nearly as time consuming as mining for hours, getting blown up by gases, and expending a lot of resources :)
-Make a big backpack and add a crafting table to it. You can set the recipe for compressed cobble. Just keep it in hotbar, and keep dumping the cobble into it.
so im getting random mob spawns in my base, i've been killed by surprise baby ents about 4 times already (no X's anywhere in the base, all tunnels sealed off).

atm im even getting random zombies in the tunnels i have and not to mention the fire skelly that literaly spawned right next to me (i saw it appear out of nowhere).
i have no clue what is causing this, but its getting rather annoying running around a bunch of tunnels to see if they wrecked any torches.

Unless it has been fixed since the last time I checked, the red X's are off by one. They show up on light level 6 and below, but not on 7. You need 8 to be safe (from most mobs). A common place people often forget to check is on top of their machines, crafting tables, barrels etc.
If I want to add LiteLoader to BnB, how might I do that? Editing the JSON seems to just cause the pack not to launch...

Edit: Found this solution. Amazingness.
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I've just decided to give this a try and I can't get my foot in the proverbial door.

I just managed to find 3 coal from a nearby open area, but I've survived two days by foraging during the day and hiding (terrified) at night, boxed in my tower. I have no idea how to progress since I need coal to mine and I need to mine to get coal (I might need a bit more in depth getting started guide). I'm also extremely confused by the health system. From what I've pieced together you regain one heart equal to every time you eat? How does that work for combat?

Coming from experience with Magic Farm 2 I thought I was prepared with the tool progression and Tinker's stuff, but this gas, coal and torch stuff is throwing me off. I'd really like to play, but I just need that push in the right direction.
I've just decided to give this a try and I can't get my foot in the proverbial door.

I just managed to find 3 coal from a nearby open area, but I've survived two days by foraging during the day and hiding (terrified) at night, boxed in my tower. I have no idea how to progress since I need coal to mine and I need to mine to get coal (I might need a bit more in depth getting started guide). I'm also extremely confused by the health system. From what I've pieced together you regain one heart equal to every time you eat? How does that work for combat?

Coming from experience with Magic Farm 2 I thought I was prepared with the tool progression and Tinker's stuff, but this gas, coal and torch stuff is throwing me off. I'd really like to play, but I just need that push in the right direction.

You can make a crusher which crushes wood logs into a material that can then be smelted into charcoal in a furnace for early game torches. You can increase the amount of torches you get by mixing rubber into the mix. Charcoal/Coal, rubber and 4 sticks. Also another early game trick is to make a flint saw using 2 sticks, 1 flint and 3 stone sticks. You can use this to turn a wood log into 4 planks rather than the 2 you get through normal crafting. Best thing to avoid combat until you are pretty well established as swinging a weapon eats a lot of hunger and healing during battle requires potions. Healing outside of battle requires certain foods and if your hunger is already full, you will not heal until the next time you eat. To get rid of mobs without using up your hunger, you can make pungi sticks out of sugar cane and make a small pit with them at the bottom and when the mobs fall into the pit they will slowly die from damage. Use a few trap doors so that the mobs easily fall into the pit. Place the pit in a path that the mobs might follow trying to get to you.
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Mining is sort of put off for a bit at first. You can find coal/aluminum/copper pretty easy in surface ores, and mountain sides. You need to get a smelter going first, to get the tools you need, and get a farm going. Rubber trees are good to cut for wood, since the sap will get you more torches. Like was said earlier, make a few crushers to gets some charcoal for torches as well. The start up for bnb is slow. I like to build high in the air above water. Helps to get away from mobs after the nasty nights. Dive in, deploy boat, hopefully they follow some, and you can loop around to your base later. Build elevated paths, put torches along them now and then, and break them up with two trapdoors to leave a spot for mobs to fall from them. Don't pack much on you. Expect to die. Every resource is precious.
So these zombies that like to pick you up, apparently there are scenarios where they can carry you improperly or something. Caused me to get kicked for "Illegal Stance" a few times just a little bit ago.

Possible contributing factors: I was jumping, they were falling and some were on conveyor belts. By best guess is that some combination of those motions combined with them repeatedly picking me up temporarily messed up my position data.
At one point I fell off my 3 high wall into a zombie horde. I got grabbed, carried into the middle of the baying mob and thrown back over my wall. It just wasn't my time.
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At one point I fell off my 3 high wall into a zombie horde. I got grabbed, carried into the middle of the baying mob and thrown back over my wall. It just wasn't my time.
Last night I had a creeper and a zombie head towards me, creeper blows just as zombie picks me up. no other creatures in sight (daytime) and zombie starts carrying me around but no monsters in immediate vicinity, so he just carried me around for a while. was funny as hell. I've had creepers carry me around too which is quite unnerving.

Speaking of carrying, I saw a skeleton carrying a spider which made me do a double take till he chucked the spider at me.

On a different note. Doing the viscera cleanup from the meteor hits has finally caused me to disable it entirely. If only reika had a third option. option 1: hit ground, impact w/crater and meteor, destroy whatever, option 2, hit by anti-meteor gun and air-explode spreading a TON of ores everywhere, and then a new one 3: if you have a anti-meteor gun, it just destroys meteor. simple. no ores. If there was that 3rd option, it would keep with pack's lore (anarchy going on) w/o making it like scrooge mcducks vault swimming in copper, etc... That cleanup is so bad cause of....

2 nights ago, I had back to back to back CTD's, the final one killing my level.dat. I had some backups so went back and reoccurred like clockwork. Each time it's ticking entity from hostile worlds. So, I took advice someone gave a couple pages back and set to false the spawning in caves and the other thing in the config. crashes went away, but suddenly more meteor strikes (cooincidence or who knows). I was getting rainfail once an hour or more of meteors and they spread out over the largest map size around my base. I'm 6 hours into cleaning it right now and I'm 1/4 way through. It's too interrupting and if I let it go, it just creates more havoc and no danger to me since my turrets get them. It's slogging down the machine, etc...

btw, those settings I made to hostile worlds? They still spawn, but no more ticking errors. don't know how the buggers are coming in. If they are coming from the portal (only one portal per world or can there be another?) I surrounded it / covered it in lava and water (to kill lava creatures) and they are still showing up.

Which leads me to: Finally came up with a good plan to kill the buggers. I got "thrown" into a lake of sewage by one zombie and it gave me an idea. Between puking fits, I devised a plan to run around the area, collect sewage from all the pools, and then take that sewage, bucket by bucket in a bunch of hardened tanks, to underneath my building site, 4-8 blocks down, hollowed out 1 block and started laying it everywhere (puking all the way). Now they look like they are in a mosh pit every time the 'gang' shows up, puking on my poop.... :} love it.

the smell is awful but the view, exquisite. :}
You can get multiple bloody cobble gates from meteors. They seem to come down occaisonnally, and i've had 4 or 5 active at once. So even if you wait until the first comes down, and move 10k blocks, they will follow you :)

Pungi stick pits around the base is also fun.
is there a way to progress in blood magic, since i cant really make a diamond sword to get a bound blade. thus i cant get the blood shards
You can get multiple bloody cobble gates from meteors. They seem to come down occaisonnally, and i've had 4 or 5 active at once. So even if you wait until the first comes down, and move 10k blocks, they will follow you :)

Pungi stick pits around the base is also fun.

Yeah, I just learned that you can stick up to 5 of them in one block which makes a real difference. the problem is how to get around them, etc... with no tinkers construct drawbridges, you're forced to do old school piston stuff which has it's limitations and sizes and only takes one digger to ruin your day, plus in early days of pack, my redstone torches would disappear but now project red's in the pack, so that's something. wish there was wireless redstone and drawbridges :} hehe[DOUBLEPOST=1399644533][/DOUBLEPOST]
is there a way to progress in blood magic, since i cant really make a diamond sword to get a bound blade. thus i cant get the blood shards
I'm not positive but there is a cobalt X (armor/sword) that is same ID as the diamond one, so most likely you need it instead. haven't started BM yet (about to once I finish cleaning meteors)
(about to once I finish cleaning meteors)

good luck with that.
i've had a meteor shower right above my base, after that a couple more meteors got shot down above there. removed the guns afterwards because of the insane mess. i've got stone/netherrack/endstone all over the place, cleaned up what was directly around the base, but going further is just crazy (since i live in an autumn forrest near a wetlands, there's giant spruce/fir and willows around covered in ores/blocks >_<[DOUBLEPOST=1399645124][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm not positive but there is a cobalt X (armor/sword) that is same ID as the diamond one, so most likely you need it instead.

just tried it out in a test world. this is indeed the way to go.
gotta get so much more cobalt t.t, i was hoping to never go back to the nether (damn hellfish t.t)

it does however, not seem to do anything to mobs(the test one i got that is)
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