Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nope no BoP, we aren't running anything abnormal. Tried replacing the server configs with freshly edited configs that worked on my end to no avail. Tried replacing mod files, still no gas generation.... Using these files to make a server on my own computer is working perfectly.

EDIT: Disabled all server plugins, ran server with a copy of both my config and mod files, still no gas generation. We are out of ideas. Starting the server with no gas generation for now. Let me know if you have any ideas Eyamaz.

only thing i can think of is the fact you guys are running mcpc+ (i asume you downloaded the server onto your home machine and launched with forge) that is the only difference between our setups (would love for you to share how you got mcpc to work want to see the performance difference)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
only thing i can think of is the fact you guys are running mcpc+ (i asume you downloaded the server onto your home machine and launched with forge) that is the only difference between our setups (would love for you to share how you got mcpc to work want to see the performance difference)

Yeah... That may just be an mcpc issue...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when i try to craft the apiary from harvestcraft server side the client crashes instantly.
crash report:

used modpack version is the newest. 1.0.6 i think...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Welcome to my little side of evil on the FTBLauncher​

This modpack can be resource intensive!

BNBPack 1.5 Edition Code : BNB15e
(this is currently missing the /libs folder. you will need to copy this in for yourself, I currently have no intentions on fixing that issue since 1.6 will be coming soon.)
Before you play this pack, i suggest you read the guide on Iguana Tweaks for TiCo and Unlit Torched and Lanterns as they change the start of the game dramatically. You may also notice I did not include a minimap mod. This is because I left the choice of which minimap mod the user would like to use so they may add it themselves. This thread is also highly recommended.
Please direct all support for this pack to this thread only!
I am not releasing a server version of this pack but feel free to make your own as long as you do NOT distribute it. I will not be offering support for any SMP.

Modpack Version =
Computer Specs =
Pastebin link to Crashlog =
Description of Error =
Known Issues
Tessellation Errors [all versions]: Users not using the latest version of lwjgl may experience these errors. This can be remedied by manually updating your lwjgl files or importing the modpack into MultiMC and selecting "Change lwjgl..." from right clicking the instance.

Pack Code: None, this is a public release!
1.6 Modlist and Permissions
Change Logs

Adding/Removing mods is not supported in this pack.
Removing mods will break the recipes and adding mods will likely break the progression of the pack.
Please be sure to direct all support to this thread, FTB itself will not be providing support for this pack. General feedback welcome as long as you are constructive about it.​

Server Note
Hostile Worlds by Corosus has been disabled server side.
While this mod is used to ramp up the difficulty of SSP after a certain period of time has gone by, it is very unfair for use on a standing server.
Once the invaders spawn, new players will not have a chance to get any sort of defenses set up.
This mod should only be enabled for Hardcore Challenge servers, you have been warned.

Recommended JVM arguments:
-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+TieredCompilation
(The second set may not work well on all systems)

To any streamers:
Yeah, Its dark. sorry, its part of how the pack works.
As much as I would like to see streamers stream it, I'm not going to sacrifice a mechanic for it. Much love though. <3 guess what?
v1.0.3 will contain Dynamic Lights that not only adds an awesome eerie ambiance,
you can hold a torch to see! Much love! <3

Known Issues
Client Side
*Crash when trying to add Lapis to any TiC tool using the FTBBuild of iguana tweaks for TiC (BnB 1.0.4+)

Server Side
*Not all recipes seem to be working between client and server, but I can't reproduce. May be OS dependent. ~ fixed in 1.0.5?


*Occasional crash when creating a new world with DEFAULT world gen type from the extra gases I added. Looking for a work around before removing the extra gases. ~ fixed in 1.0.4​
*BoP worldgen is not generating caves. ~ .disabled BoP and added BoP biomes to vanilla world gen as a work around in 1.0.2
*BoP food is set abnormally high in their code for restoration and cannot be disabled. This is currently considered an exploit until I can find a fix. ~ .disabled BoP in 1.0.2.
*TPS issues from AI. ~mostly fixed in 1.0.2
*Too much mob regen. ~ fixed in 1.0.4, reduced spawn rate of healer mobs to 1 in 140 instead of the 1 in 14ish
*TPS issues from extra gas seeds. ~ cut extra gas spawns, again in 1.0.2

Can you dude add thirst mod? That would be insane for the players of this!

Welcome to my little side of evil on the FTBLauncher​

This modpack can be resource intensive!

BNBPack 1.5 Edition Code : BNB15e
(this is currently missing the /libs folder. you will need to copy this in for yourself, I currently have no intentions on fixing that issue since 1.6 will be coming soon.)
Before you play this pack, i suggest you read the guide on Iguana Tweaks for TiCo and Unlit Torched and Lanterns as they change the start of the game dramatically. You may also notice I did not include a minimap mod. This is because I left the choice of which minimap mod the user would like to use so they may add it themselves. This thread is also highly recommended.
Please direct all support for this pack to this thread only!
I am not releasing a server version of this pack but feel free to make your own as long as you do NOT distribute it. I will not be offering support for any SMP.

Modpack Version =
Computer Specs =
Pastebin link to Crashlog =
Description of Error =
Known Issues
Tessellation Errors [all versions]: Users not using the latest version of lwjgl may experience these errors. This can be remedied by manually updating your lwjgl files or importing the modpack into MultiMC and selecting "Change lwjgl..." from right clicking the instance.

Pack Code: None, this is a public release!
1.6 Modlist and Permissions
Change Logs

Adding/Removing mods is not supported in this pack.
Removing mods will break the recipes and adding mods will likely break the progression of the pack.
Please be sure to direct all support to this thread, FTB itself will not be providing support for this pack. General feedback welcome as long as you are constructive about it.​

Server Note
Hostile Worlds by Corosus has been disabled server side.
While this mod is used to ramp up the difficulty of SSP after a certain period of time has gone by, it is very unfair for use on a standing server.
Once the invaders spawn, new players will not have a chance to get any sort of defenses set up.
This mod should only be enabled for Hardcore Challenge servers, you have been warned.

Recommended JVM arguments:
-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CICompilerCountPerCPU -XX:+TieredCompilation
(The second set may not work well on all systems)

To any streamers:
Yeah, Its dark. sorry, its part of how the pack works.
As much as I would like to see streamers stream it, I'm not going to sacrifice a mechanic for it. Much love though. <3 guess what?
v1.0.3 will contain Dynamic Lights that not only adds an awesome eerie ambiance,
you can hold a torch to see! Much love! <3

Known Issues
Client Side
*Crash when trying to add Lapis to any TiC tool using the FTBBuild of iguana tweaks for TiC (BnB 1.0.4+)

Server Side
*Not all recipes seem to be working between client and server, but I can't reproduce. May be OS dependent. ~ fixed in 1.0.5?


*Occasional crash when creating a new world with DEFAULT world gen type from the extra gases I added. Looking for a work around before removing the extra gases. ~ fixed in 1.0.4​
*BoP worldgen is not generating caves. ~ .disabled BoP and added BoP biomes to vanilla world gen as a work around in 1.0.2
*BoP food is set abnormally high in their code for restoration and cannot be disabled. This is currently considered an exploit until I can find a fix. ~ .disabled BoP in


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With limitations on getting buckets/water when starting out, a thirst mod could be extreemly brutal. I've played with one in Terrafirmacraft and it seemed to just entail standing in water now and then as you were trying to get things started up. Added difficulty, but I think of the wrong type.

Plus, we already live on fruit juice for the first several weeks:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
only thing i can think of is the fact you guys are running mcpc+ (i asume you downloaded the server onto your home machine and launched with forge) that is the only difference between our setups (would love for you to share how you got mcpc to work want to see the performance difference)
Ya, it's the only thing I've been able to think up as well. I would love to share the magics of how we have mcpc+ running, but I am simply the public emissary from Forsaken (the third rated server network on woot woot), and not the owner with his infinite knowledge.

Shameless Self Promotion
Powerful Server, Dedication to high difficulty, Public, Anarchy/Raiding/Pvp.
Note: Gas Gen Broken On Our Server.​


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
I am so frustrated. The recipe

recipes.addShapeless(<1484> * 4, [oreDict.coal,oreDict.itemRawRubber,oreDict.stoneRod,oreDict.stoneRod,oreDict.stoneRod,oreDict.stoneRod]);

Refuses to craft 4 torches. It'll craft 3 just fine, it'll craft 5 just fine, but tell it you want 4? lol nope.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when i try to craft the apiary from harvestcraft server side the client crashes instantly.
crash report:

used modpack version is the newest. 1.0.6 i think...

I disabled the bees in 1.0.6, the apiary should also be disabled...

I am so frustrated. The recipe

recipes.addShapeless(<1484> * 4, [oreDict.coal,oreDict.itemRawRubber,oreDict.stoneRod,oreDict.stoneRod,oreDict.stoneRod,oreDict.stoneRod]);

Refuses to craft 4 torches. It'll craft 3 just fine, it'll craft 5 just fine, but tell it you want 4? lol nope.

Yeah, this has been bugging me for days.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
The annoying bit is that it crafts 4 vanilla torches just fine. no problems there. And looking through the log, it loads the recipe just fine, but it doesn't show up in--game at all.
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Reactions: Eyamaz


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The annoying bit is that it crafts 4 vanilla torches just fine. no problems there. And looking through the log, it loads the recipe just fine, but it doesn't show up in--game at all.

When I get home, if it's what I think...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I noticed I was having trouble with reactors and my troubleshooting lead me to a post on their main website. Seems like 0.3.1A had a rather big bug where your reactor will get recognized as peripherals. Not sure how many people are running reactors but this crippled my home. Had to manually update that mod in the mean time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So we've been playing on the server with 20 tps more or less constantly, then one night we notice it's at 10.... This is what opis found. Strange huh? It was a baby zombie with an enchanted bow outside our house. It had been attempting to get through a wall to get at our villagers. Killed it and got instant 20 tps again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, it really seems like at times the AI is trying incredibly hard to have mobs do things and eats up a huge amount of resources. We've been trying to get players to make complete walls and sealed houses where mobs can't shoot or try to get to them. Seems like if there is a possible path, they are constantly trying.

Teddy Bear

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok second run just after half way through the night still only me

world tick 2.221
tile entities 0.223 (1495)
entities 7.407 (276)
handlers 0.234 (19)

total 10.086 ms

forced chunks 70
loaded chunks 1780

also Eyamaz im very lucky and have very good gear to run the server on
i this a public server? im looking for a BnB server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i this a public server? im looking for a BnB server

We have a group playing on Lolnet, based out of NZ:

Forsaken network has one up as well. Both of us using the latest version, 1.06
Puremadness is a new server, but they are still on 1.05
LegendsUnleashed I was playing on, but they need to fix a couple of things right now, server hasn't been up for a bit while the owner's computer has been down, due to some issues with updating.