Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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No dragon? weird...
*peers at you* something about your face which doesn't let me trust you. I see something far in the distance. ok. will look at hardcore ender expansion to see wtf. this is the first time with this pack leaving overworld. in each of previous version, I couldn't leave nether w/o it crashing. 1.0.5 + fixed that for me so again, first time for me.

With the only flying being either creative mode or blood ritual (which is limited distance wise) I don't see how I'm supposed to get ALLLL the way over there. at least if we had tmechworks then I'd be able to build bridges over. thinking of sp building a ladder to heaven.

Edit: ok, I looked up hardcore ender and from what I could tell, yes, there should have been a dragon. just like vanilla. I was able to make ladders up to all the pylons and blow them up w/o anything but a few enders below pissed that shit fell on their heads. I see a bunch of named enders but I'm in the subservient mode where I'm staring at the ground all the time not looking up. finding my ores but yeah, thing in distance is something altogether different. got over there by jumping clouds and very slowly making a bridge and, like in sp, ...and.... you're dead/gone.... so wondering if the creeper that jumped into my portal ahead of me glitched things. guess I should reload my previous world save and see if the glitch is already in the game or not..... sigh.

edit 2: ok, you were right. something bugged. note to self, don't let a creeper go into end before you. only thing I can think of. this time I went in sword ready, killed creeper before explosion, took notice of surroundings, see familiar ender dragon bar and then boom something shot me into void. yup. there be dragons.
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so after profiling over the last 30 min or so i think it is just the AI in general we get spikes at about 2 min after night fall but not every night amount of players dosent make to much difference had 6 people on and hit 200ms but was hitting that with only 2
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ok, they don't need ladders...


This cannot end well....
ok, they don't need ladders...

This cannot end well....


@Dezil_nz I've noticed personally that lag at night only gets really bad if the there's not a full walloff between the player and the enemies. I've tried before making a small hole for them to fall into so I could punch their feet, and it just goes super laggy really fast because they'll all constantly try to path to you, even though they can't actually get to you. That could be an issue too.
so for the people running servers, curious if you can get me some stats on entities and your tps etc.
I would love to post some stats, but as we just had to reset the map last night for the 1.0.6 update and a config error on our side concerning gas gen, I doubt any of ours would yet be useful. I'll see if I can get some later today or tomorrow when we actually have things going on again. :p

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BM is IMO almost perfectly balanced. The only issue I have is death spam for blood, which is currently being fixed. The rewards are great but at the point where you get them you have probably spent weeks working and tinkering on a black reactor and that's after all the time both getting to the point where you can start BM and to the point where you can automate LP production. Also the whole "disproportionate" argument fits neatly with these lines and impressively also within these
No, I have not read those threads, so can only base my opinions off my own experience with running servers and observing players, how fast they achieve results and what happens after. A masters degree in statistics and 30 years experience with games and game design helps a bit too. Death spam for blood is a problem, both the spam and the mechanic of killing yourself over and over as a mechanic. To be perfectly balanced, a mod should be an option to game play, and in line with other mods. BM isn't, it's the way to become all powerful and beat the game. There's a reason modular powered suits and quantum armor aren't in this pack.
"balance" "overpowered" etc are terms we throw around a lot. One thing that helps any discussion is to define those terms.

Game Balance describes the mechanics by which a player moves through the game, and is going to be mostly defined at first by the design of the game creator. Later on, with a million people playing Everquest or WOW, player input could affect the ongoing game. Minecraft suffers a bit in the discussions on game balance. We have a generation of kids who grew up with games and talking about 'balance' 'power' etc., and ready to discuss/argue it, but we aren't all playing the same game. Discussion of the balance between two weapons in Skyrim can be done because we all play the same game.

With minecraft, any discussion of balance has to be confined to within each modpack. Vanilla is much easier than BNB. An item/mod that allows for easy resource gathering in vanilla doesn't have the same impact as in BNB. Who cares if you got a stack of diamonds in vanilla in two hours? In BNB getting any at all is a major accomplishment at first. B-Team has such prolific ores that I had diamond armor in about the first 15 minutes, after finding them in surface outcroppings. Since a mod has different effects in different packs, how could it ever be 'perfectly balanced' if it's effect changes the game in different ways within different modpacks?

BNB has a progression. More and more of one all the time. Balance is going to have to be mostly defined the TheEvilOne. He has made changes to things, and some mods affect other mods. We aren't really sure how things work until we get there. If Bound armor turns out to not make you essentially invulnerable, I'll be happy. If you can then walk through content trivially, the purpose of the modpack as defined by TheEvilone has been circumvented, and thus unbalanced.

I think the term 'overpowered' is used in many ways. Sometimes it means "not quite balanced", (and there's that balance word again), other times it means game breaking, or could be used in a very specific manner such as indicating that one type of fuel for producing RF is 'overpowered' because its both easy to get and very efficient.

When we could get easy charcoal and make torches, rubber trees were fine. When charcoal got harder, the easiest way to get torches was chopping rubber trees vs. regular ones. Rubber trees for torches was 'out of balance' with coal and charcoal, or 'overpowered'. Now it's getting changed and we have to work early on for torches.

If TheEvilone is worried about how we get torches, I'd sort of think that he might also have some concerns on a mod that lets you fly, create lava and water, negate hunger, shrug off damage, and do many other amazing things. The only reason we aren't talking about Witchery is because it takes longer and does less than bloodmagic :)

I'm looking forward to progressing through witchery and bloodmagic at some stage. I hope that they give players a better chance of beating obstacles in return for the work/fun of getting to the high end stuff in the mod. I'll be disappointed if when I'm done there's no need to struggle at all and keep going.

Of course, if the creator of the modpack says "yeah, I see everything as leading up to mastering bloodmagic and then crushing the game", then I have to shut up, as it's hard to argue balance when something is working as intended :)
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No, I have not read those threads, so can only base my opinions off my own experience with running servers and observing players, how fast they achieve results and what happens after. A masters degree in statistics and 30 years experience with games and game design helps a bit too. Death spam for blood is a problem, both the spam and the mechanic of killing yourself over and over as a mechanic. To be perfectly balanced, a mod should be an option to game play, and in line with other mods. BM isn't, it's the way to become all powerful and beat the game. There's a reason modular powered suits and quantum armor aren't in this pack.
Balanced doesn't mean in line with other mods, it means having a fair risk reward associated with it. Mod devs don't balance against other mods because they don't know if they're going to be there they only know that their mod will be. Mods balance against themselves. While blood armor is pretty cool and has lots of features it doesn't make you invincible. Have you ever fought a blood magic demon? The armor protects you and will extend the time you stay alive but you will almost certainly due. The only reason some mods aren't in the pack is because eya doesn't want them to be. He wouldn't add ic2 because it works off a completely different power infrastructure and wouldn't make sense in this pack therefore quantum armor is out. MPS isn't in the pack purely because he doesn't want it to be. He could create his own recipes that were post end and very balanced and make the suit take loads of power. I already admitted that death spam is a broken mechanic but I also pointed out that work is being too prevent it from being abused.
Balanced doesn't mean in line with other mods, it means having a fair risk reward associated with it. Mod devs don't balance against other mods because they don't know if they're going to be there they only know that their mod will be. Mods balance against themselves.

That is one definition of balance. And I agree, mod devs don't balance against others. It's why MFR makes so many other tech mods useless as players use the easiest one with best results.

However, Modpack developers are concerned with the balance of within their modpacks. While a mod dev may feel his mod is balanced, that may not be the case for the modpack dev. And as to 'balancing against themselves', that's infuenced by each mod devs expectations of the game. Some like harder progression than others. So one persons balanced is another's overpowered. A modpack dev that has ideas about his packs balance may not want to use a mod straight out of the box. It's one of the reasons we have items missing from some mods. In something like monster, who cares? Tons of cool, overpowered mods and everyone just progresses as they will, same with many other packs.

BNB is different. It has it's own 'balance'. TheEvil one defines it. We can make suggestions.

Personally, i wish BM took killing monsters that weren't from spawners, with a sacraficial blade. Hunting down things to sacrafice vs having an automated production of blood, or killing yourself over and over. It would fit with having to mine for resources, and build, which are core parts of the game.
It doesn't matter how the mod is balanced normally, it's a matter of how it works in its current spot in the progression tree of this specific modpack. So let's see, it's current slot is right after the deep dark, once you've done a good amount of mining for the fantasy metals. Next step so far as my knowledge goes, is first killing the wither for nether stars, then using them to craft the end portal and going to fight the big bad dragon.

The wither has 300 health in my SP world, and a bit of armor (4 points vanilla). So if I used the best available, I would be in full tartarite armor, a bound sword, a strength 4 potion, and a long duration regen(2? or can it get to 4?) potion. I fight it in a cave, so it can't escape my sword. I spawn it, drink my potions, it explodes and I run in... 4 shot, no health damage taken, 5 second fight.

The Ender Dragon has 330 health, and a good amount of armor. It has attacks that can deal some serious damage, throw you around, even throw you in the void. I would use the same setup as above, but adding in a healing flask, buffed to the point of giving me my full health bar and an air sigil, which allows you to push yourself in the direction you point it (hardly full flight, but it saves you from the void). A bound sword with strength 4 is 80 damage if my math is correct, minus whatever armor the dragon has. I'm fairly sure that should still be a 6 hit kill if you can manage to hit it. So strong enough health/regen potions to have near infinite health, an air sigil that basicly gets rid of all problems of getting hit into the void, and the ability to kill the boss in only 6 hits if you can get close enough to it (which with the air sigil, I can't imagine will be the most difficult of ventures). Do the advantages you get from blood magic in these two boss fights seem correct for this pack? Certainly not the wither.

You mentioned blood magic bosses being extremely difficult, are they worse than the wither/ender dragon? If so, perhaps blood magic should be moved to post-end progression. Otherwise, and if the advantages you get in the ender dragon fight aren't too much, then perhaps the wither simply needs to be moved to pre-deep dark progression.
On your server are gas pockets/nether gas clouds spawning correctly? Ours seems to be missing them for some reason. Probably a config error, which will be dealt with when the owner gets on. Just wanting to see if this is a problem isolated to us or if you have experienced it as well.
On your server are gas pockets/nether gas clouds spawning correctly? Ours seems to be missing them for some reason. Probably a config error, which will be dealt with when the owner gets on. Just wanting to see if this is a problem isolated to us or if you have experienced it as well.

If you are using BoP, don't use BoP worldgen. The biomes will generate in default.
On your server are gas pockets/nether gas clouds spawning correctly? Ours seems to be missing them for some reason. Probably a config error, which will be dealt with when the owner gets on. Just wanting to see if this is a problem isolated to us or if you have experienced it as well.

we didn't reset our world but ill just get a test server up to take a look

@Ghooostie only issue with that is on a server you cant make everyone wall themselves off
Nope no BoP, we aren't running anything abnormal. Tried replacing the server configs with freshly edited configs that worked on my end to no avail. Tried replacing mod files, still no gas generation.... Using these files to make a server on my own computer is working perfectly.

EDIT: Disabled all server plugins, ran server with a copy of both my config and mod files, still no gas generation. We are out of ideas. Starting the server with no gas generation for now. Let me know if you have any ideas Eyamaz.
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Using lapis to apply a luck modifier to my damascus steel pickaxe on the tool forge causes the game to crash in 1.0.6. I remember the same bug occurring in Agrarian skies a few version ago.
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Using lapis to apply a luck modifier to my damascus steel pickaxe on the tool forge causes the game to crash in 1.0.6. I remember the same bug occurring in Agrarian skies a few version ago.

Known issue with the FTB build of IgTw:TiC. I think she rolled hers back didn't she?
@Eyamaz! Little bug I found.

The dynamic lights mod thinks that Witchery's books are a viable source of light. When holding any of the guide books, it functions identical to a torch in the player's hand.
Every time i try to create a world it starts up then before i get onto it kicks me off and say that minecraft does not have enough memory. I have java 7
Sometimes it will just start up then just close back down
And if i try to put it im full screen it freezes and crashes my minecraft, this is what the launcher says:
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
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Known issue with the FTB build of IgTw:TiC. I think she rolled hers back didn't she?

I believe she did initially (as the new work station functionality disappeared for a couple versions), then later got a version that works with the latest iguana tweaks.
The patch notes say the following about the last IgTw:TiC update:
  • Updated Iguana Tweaks Tinkers Construct 1p-b10 - prog4
    • Updated to be compatible with latest Tinkers Construct API
Every time i try to create a world it starts up then before i get onto it kicks me off and say that minecraft does not have enough memory. I have java 7
Sometimes it will just start up then just close back down
And if i try to put it im full screen it freezes and crashes my minecraft, this is what the launcher says:
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ##########
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] @ Pre render
2014-04-20 21:40:00 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] 1281: Invalid value

Do the following:
1) Ensure you have allocated enough memory to minecraft. Click options in the laucher and ensure the memory is between 2-4 gigs.
2) Add the custom java parameters Eyamaz has suggesting on the first page of this thread.
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I want to say this mod has been a load of fun for me and my friends. We've progressed quite far down the tech tree and we've created an extensive town.

However, with the last patch, there seems to be a bug. Every few hours after I log in, animals sometimes disappear or are frozen and you cannot interact with them. Also all machinery are broken and I cannot interact with them until I break the block and reset them. It seems to be more common when there is TPS lag.

I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this issue or knows more information about it. Log wise, the only message out of the ordinary is:

2014-04-21 03:04:33 [WARNING] Fetching addPacket for removed entity

Everything else is normal.