Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Agreed. Blood magic is hugely overpowered. Everyone will mention "cost of getting there", but it still makes things trivial at that point. The cost is very disproportionate to what you get in the end.
Are you looking for this?
BM is IMO almost perfectly balanced. The only issue I have is death spam for blood, which is currently being fixed. The rewards are great but at the point where you get them you have probably spent weeks working and tinkering on a black reactor and that's after all the time both getting to the point where you can start BM and to the point where you can automate LP production. Also the whole "disproportionate" argument fits neatly with these lines and impressively also within these
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to cut the block lag down, use the arguments provided both in the beginning of this thread and in the desc of the pack on the launcher itself, trust me they help. the issue is being worked on by the mod author atm.

edit: also, if you come in and cuss on my thread again you get a straight up ban.
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sorry for the cussing but that seems like something that should not have ever been an issue especially when i have 5g ram allocated and this pack shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as RR single player or multiplayer.
sorry for the cussing but that seems like something that should not have ever been an issue especially when i have 5g ram allocated and this pack shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as RR single player or multiplayer.

its the AI routines and its being worked on. I may have to disable a few things, but the jvm arguments fix some of it.
so for the people running servers, curious if you can get me some stats on entities and your tps etc.
so for the people running servers, curious if you can get me some stats on entities and your tps etc.

What is the command to get total entity count? Didn't see it. Using the map to show entities per chunk, I see 13, 9, 8, 3x7, 3x6, 3x5, a bunch at 4. TPS according to "forge tps" has an Overall : Mean tick time: 16.369 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000.

However, we have had a few major lag spikes both client and server.

Also, Manticores can drop Iron Ore which can let you skip boosting a copper pickaxe.
what format do you want this in or you want me to just post some numbers
What is the command to get total entity count? Didn't see it. Using the map to show entities per chunk, I see 13, 9, 8, 3x7, 3x6, 3x5, a bunch at 4. TPS according to "forge tps" has an Overall : Mean tick time: 16.369 ms. Mean TPS: 20.000.

However, we have had a few major lag spikes both client and server.

Also, Manticores can drop Iron Ore which can let you skip boosting a copper pickaxe.

Numbers are ok. Would prefer stats from the /opis console atm.
ok first run server has just been restarted only me on
world tick 2.285 ms
tile entities 0.248 ms (1359)
entities 6.254 ms (348)
handlers 0.271ms (19)

total 9.058 ms

forced chunks is at 70

note i have hostile worlds turned on
we are peaking at only 6 players and the only time the server lags is when a miner zombie and his friends spawn
ok second run just after half way through the night still only me

world tick 2.221
tile entities 0.223 (1495)
entities 7.407 (276)
handlers 0.234 (19)

total 10.086 ms

forced chunks 70
loaded chunks 1780

also Eyamaz im very lucky and have very good gear to run the server on
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The other night I was playing and I saw an armor creeper riding a ghast. If that's not one of the scarier sights to see :p thank god it was plenty far away from me

Edit: Yes, I saw the mini-ghast / creeper combo last night for first time but when I replied, I read ghast as spider [more mundane]. but yeah, still follows true. that ghast combo scared the hell out of me but no fireballs so it went down pretty quick :}

I know! what an uneven partnership that is! hey spider, wanna let me ride on your back? I promise it's just for show. aint gonna blow up or anything. wasn't that an aesop fable or something with the scorpion and the frog?

Come to think of it, when I played 1.0, I made a lava pit around my house (before I ended up getting lava monsters) and the funniest thing I thought I've ever seen in MC was one zombie getting picked up by another zombie and then the zombie that got picked up, thrown at me. I saw this alot back then. Just realized I haven't seen that at all in this play through. funny stuff.
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ok i would like to retract my statement about the miner zombie 3rd run 2 players online

world 3.135
tile 0.215 (1658)
entites 197.323 (451)
handlers 0.198 (19)

total 200.871

forced chunks 82
total chunks 2135

note that skeletons are 90% of the lag and the miner zombie is spawned but does not make the list as i right this we have got back to normal

also "While this mod is used to ramp up the difficulty of SSP after a certain period of time has gone by" by certain amout of time they mean within 5 min so much shit spawns on the first night and the day is less than 5 min so did have enough time to find gravel for tools or anything. needless to say this pack in not for me. i will not be suggesting it to anyone.

I'm a grown man i will talk how i see fit

that remains to be seen, but regardless, try the jvm params, either the ones that eyamaz put up on the launcher (haven't tried) or the ones he has linked in his .sig. I just tried the latter and the last 24 hours seemed to be much less lag tho I haven't done alot of travelling. Before I made that change, the worst lag I've had was riding a mount from a long distance back to my base. Since you're on an entity, you're subject to IT's latency/lag and I think that's why I was able to look around but sit hostage while it waited to service the entity I was riding. that was really awful, seeing how the other side lives :}

I have a suspicion that it's when you play a game, they optimize it for playthrough, but in this you have multiple (120+) players (mods) in the game that each is unoptimized and running separately, under java as well. that's my layman's take on it.
ok i would like to retract my statement about the miner zombie 3rd run 2 players online

world 3.135
tile 0.215 (1658)
entites 197.323 (451)
handlers 0.198 (19)

total 200.871

forced chunks 82
total chunks 2135

note that skeletons are 90% of the lag and the miner zombie is spawned but does not make the list as i right this we have got back to normal

Skelly? Hrm...
what do you do in the end? I don't know if this is spoiler or not, but I'm clueless. was pretty amazed at what happened since no big drag was flying around I decided to take care of the pylons and well, one of them just sort of well ya know? did my game bug out cause no dragon or am I missing something truly obvious?
what do you do in the end? I don't know if this is spoiler or not, but I'm clueless. was pretty amazed at what happened since no big drag was flying around I decided to take care of the pylons and well, one of them just sort of well ya know? did my game bug out cause no dragon or am I missing something truly obvious?

No dragon? weird...