I was working on making my own little list of all the bees and their data when I got a question/concern about some of the Flora-in-a-box information... so I went to the Collected Guides Thread, opened a few Forestry and other bee links and found the Beekeeping Wiki through that... then when I found no answer to my question (on any of the sites), I followed the link here.
I also did some experiments, just to see if I could figure it out.
So, here is my question, which should probably result in adjustment to the Beekeeping Wiki (better if it was fixed in game):
What does the Flora-in-a-box mean by honey comb every 5.1 minutes?
There are some that are 2.8, 3.9 or such, so that means it can't be 5 minutes and 10 seconds... so...
Possible translations of 5.1 minutes:
1) direct, where after the decimal is seconds straight up.
- 5 minutes, 1 second
2) percentage of a minute, where after the decimal is a percentage of 60.
- 5 minutes, 6 seconds
3) possibly error in formula, where 100 is used in place of 60.
- 560 seconds, or 9 minutes 20 seconds
4) direct forumula, no adjustment for display - divided by 60 to get the value, just just multiply by 60 to get seconds.
- 306 seconds, or 5 minutes, 6 seconds
Okay, so 4 and 2 are actually the same thing, just worded differently.
Also, I suspect it is actually 4 and that the mod author just didn't bother scripting to do the math to display the seconds as a seperate number.
Sorry to be a bother, but I figured it out through ranting... or at least the probability... however, I am still posting this since the I was unable to find it specified.
As such, I recommend that in the Beekeeping Wiki that the translation to proper time (5 minutes and 6 seconds, or just 5 min, 6 sec) be listed beside the Flora-in-a-box format.
Thus, people see the Flora-in-a-box data and the corrected (easly understandable) version as well.
On a test of 16 hives on 1 lifespan of all Forest queens, I got 5 combs.
So, it seems it is also a chance of producing, which is not mentioned at all in game... and I didn't find it elsewhere.
Are the combs all the same probability chance or does each comb or bee have different chances?
If I knew how to crack open the code, I'd be very tempted, just so I would know how it works.
Well, hopefully this is more helpful for the Beekeeping Wiki than it is annoying for the thread.