Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7[Ultimate][Whitelist][Lockette][Essentials][16+]

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Username: Jordan59678
Age: 13
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Why I Want To Join: Im a youtuber and i think i could start a series for my channal called Feed the Beast and i have 14 subs so they could go on your server and play, and i think its a good server to play on its friendly and everyones nice
Suggestions: I have None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have'nt played
a lot
of feed the beast and i could learn what to do
Denied too young and your app was to short.
Username: Bladespirits
Age: 29
Location: IN, USA
Why you want to join: Looking for an active community primarily.. hoping to helpout on a community project now and then between working on my own base.
Suggestions: Limit ages and keep loaded chunks to a minimum.
Plugin Suggestions (optional) None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've been doing Ultimate for about a month now.. I've got a very good understanding of anything EU or MJ powered as well as Thaumcraft, bees, Redpower, and Factorization. (hoping to add computercraft to that list eventually)
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) I've never really kept old stuff to look back onto.
Username: Bladespirits
Age: 29
Location: IN, USA
Why you want to join: Looking for an active community primarily.. hoping to helpout on a community project now and then between working on my own base.
Suggestions: Limit ages and keep loaded chunks to a minimum.
Plugin Suggestions (optional) None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've been doing Ultimate for about a month now.. I've got a very good understanding of anything EU or MJ powered as well as Thaumcraft, bees, Redpower, and Factorization. (hoping to add computercraft to that list eventually)
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) I've never really kept old stuff to look back onto.
Username: Zoratoune
Age: I'm 18
Location: I live in france
Why you want to join: I want to be apart of a community like yours with mature people to play ftb the most freely possible ans so I decide to join your community
Suggestions: Have some french people like me on your server :) ^^
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I don't have much experience in ftb ultimate but i have played a lot of the ftb beta pack A in the past
Username: b0ffa
Age: 17 (96)
Location: Sweden
Why you want to join: Many reasons, mainly because I feel public servers lack the "community" feeling, one of the few things i expect from a MC server.
Suggestions: None I can think of, most likely disable certain blocks if the servers grows lagspikes.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Never tried out Ultimate but I've played Mindcrack for quite a while and im familliar with most of it. Dem beez ~
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): Not many pics expect from a collab build:

And yea, if you find the app lacking in some way, shape or form I'll edit if for yah :3
Username: Spyke10k
Age: 26
Location: California, USA
Why you want to join: I used to frequent tekkit servers but quit for over a year. I need a new regular server I can get on and learn new fun stuff. I like building things and being creative, I generally soak up everything like a sponge and play too much sometimes.
Suggestions: Not at the moment no.
Plugin Suggestions (optional) No.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None but I'm a fast learner, like when I joined the tekkit server I was on that for 3-6 months.
Username: PrinceKJ
Age: 17
Location: Michigan, US
Why you want to join: it is a fun server to play on
Suggestions: none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: 4 months
Username: asuperbname
Age: 16
Location: Illinois, USA
Why you want to join: Looking for a stable server with a community large enough to last. Most other servers I found with "small community" (less than the 100 people super servers) turned out to be too small and eventually disappeared presumably from lack of funds. Jumping into teamspeak and loading the server in the FTB client showed enough people on to actually have some social interaction.
Suggestions: n/a
Plugin Suggestions (optional): n/a
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've done several runs through more or less every mod in the pack. Exceptions include Greg tech as there were better alternatives to it's end game.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): n/a
Username: PrinceKJ
Age: 17

Location: Michigan, US
Why you want to join: it is a fun server to play on
Suggestions: none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: 4 months
Denied app was to short. A few lines isnt going to cut it. reapp in 24hours.
Username: accapulco
Age: 26
Location: Turkey
Why you want to join: I've been on the hunt for a stable server to play on for the last week. I tried most of the servers listed on the forums but none stuck to me as a place I'd want to dedicate my time and effort to build my factories and other structures. I like to be within 100 blocks of other people so we can share our creations with each other.
Suggestions: --
Plugin Suggestions (optional) --
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Have been playing BC, Ic2, RP2, Forestry since they came out. I'm familiar with most of the other ones as well but there are a couple like the ME system which I'm new to.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) --
Username: deep_n_dirty
Age: 28
Location: Iowa USA
Why you want to join: Getting tired of playing by myself want to play with a community
Suggestions: none
Plugin Suggestions (optional) none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: beginner but doing the research is part of the fun for me
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Username: PrinceKJ
Age: 17
Location: Detroit,Michigan,United States, western hemisphere, earth, milky way Galaxy
Why you want to join: i played this server before it switched maps and i have been on it for a couple of months. i enjoyed playing o it and i usually work with preekap and i also need a sever to play on that has people on almost all of the time. other servers i have been on have been only me most of the time. while i have been on i there was always other people so i didn't get bored.
Suggestions:the fake are kind of annoying because it is hard to tell who is real or not.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): remove citizens mod, add more prevention make can't access chests if they are unlocked.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: i used to play on tekkit but i switched to ftb about 3 months ago and i started on mindcrack but switched to ultimate about 1 month ago. i have played on this server before the maps changed.
Why you want to join:i am looking for a server just to join and have fun with other people
Suggestions: sorry cant think of any off the top of my head
Plugin Suggestions (optional) i dont got any
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:i have had a bit i know alote of things but not the recipes to make the stuff ik what to do with the stuff tho lol
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) i dont got any but i am a great duilder
Username: Brad417
Age: 17
Location: California, USA
Why you want to join: I would like to join so I can play with my friend Jon, ign vtech250, and I would also like to meet and play with new people. In the past I have lost interest in Minecraft, but recently my interest has rose with the recent updates with Minecraft.
Suggestions: I would like to suggest a limit to the number of chunkloaders that can be placed by a person. I would also like to suggest a limit on how close you can pump lava in the nether by a portal.
Plugin Suggestions: GroupManager(in the Full Essentials download)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have a lot of experience with Ultimate FTB and industrial type mods. I have been playing Minecraft since infdev and enjoyed most of my experiences in the game. I started playing with mod a little over a year ago. The first mod I added to Minecraft was Buildcraft. I played on the original buildcraft server by Spacetoad. I have been playing FTB since before the release of the the launcher. I am a subscriber of Direwolf20 and I keep up with most of the mod updates.
Username: deep_n_dirty
Age: 28
Location: Iowa USA
Why you want to join: Getting tired of playing by myself want to play with a community
Suggestions: none
Plugin Suggestions (optional) none
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: beginner but doing the research is part of the fun for me
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Denied a few lines arnt going to cut it here.
Why you want to join:i am looking for a server just to join and have fun with other people
Suggestions: sorry cant think of any off the top of my head
Plugin Suggestions (optional) i dont got any
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:i have had a bit i know alote of things but not the recipes to make the stuff ik what to do with the stuff tho lol
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) i dont got any but i am a great duilder
Username: Brad417
Age: 17
Location: California, USA
Why you want to join: I would like to join so I can play with my friend Jon, ign vtech250, and I would also like to meet and play with new people. In the past I have lost interest in Minecraft, but recently my interest has rose with the recent updates with Minecraft.
Suggestions: I would like to suggest a limit to the number of chunkloaders that can be placed by a person. I would also like to suggest a limit on how close you can pump lava in the nether by a portal.
Plugin Suggestions: GroupManager(in the Full Essentials download)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have a lot of experience with Ultimate FTB and industrial type mods. I have been playing Minecraft since infdev and enjoyed most of my experiences in the game. I started playing with mod a little over a year ago. The first mod I added to Minecraft was Buildcraft. I played on the original buildcraft server by Spacetoad. I have been playing FTB since before the release of the the launcher. I am a subscriber of Direwolf20 and I keep up with most of the mod updates.
Username: accapulco
Age: 26
Location: Turkey
Why you want to join: I've been on the hunt for a stable server to play on for the last week. I tried most of the servers listed on the forums but none stuck to me as a place I'd want to dedicate my time and effort to build my factories and other structures. I like to be within 100 blocks of other people so we can share our creations with each other.
Suggestions: --
Plugin Suggestions (optional) --
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Have been playing BC, Ic2, RP2, Forestry since they came out. I'm familiar with most of the other ones as well but there are a couple like the ME system which I'm new to.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) --
Username: Trippinman
Age: 19
Location: MD, Usa
Why you want to join: My friend vtech250 and brad417 plays and i would like to join and play with them.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate?: alot of xp with ftb mod packs
Kingsnake190/Killer5252-Pictures of the server

Our collection of Lapis


A picture of our old base (unfinished)


Our collection of diamonds

  • Like
Reactions: makeme
Username: Dunklerbiber
Age: 30
Location: OH, USA
Why you want to join: I want to play at a place with a large amount of things to do and very little griefing.
Suggestions: None.
Plugin Suggestions (optional) None.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I have experience with most of the technological aspects of the mod, gregtech and IC2.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Username: Trikan
Age: 25
Location: East Coast, USA
Why you want to join: The description of the server and its background sound like it's run by experienced individuals, and I'm looking for a place to play FTB with a community of people. I'd hope to find my own niche on the server that I can fill.
Suggestions: Only thing I ever see cause any problems is large number of laggy blocks, such as chunk loaders & quarries. If those are limited to some extent I wouldn't see a problem with it.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have a decent bit of experience, most of it tech based as opposed to building. Been playing for quite some time now.
Username: EmilsM
Age: 16
Location: Latvia
Why you want to join: Because I want to explore more mods and meet new awsome people. And im friends with vtech250 :)
Suggestions: Keep the server up and running!
Plugin Suggestions (optional) -
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Enough, but not all of it.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) -
Username: TomatuAlus
Age: 17
Location: Latvia
Why you want to join: Because there are no normal mature servers out there which i see viable for me and my friends.
Suggestions: Make a promotional video if you haven't got one, and make some screenshot available for us guys, who want to check out your server.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Much, had almost gotten my first hybrid sp when my friend blew all my base up. After that i am sure he regrets that. My experience is very huge and i know a lot of things.
Username: Exege
Age: 19
Location: United States of America (Eastern coast)
Why you want to join: Looking for a new, serious looking FTB server. You guys seem to have everything in order, and some extra plugins never hurt.
Suggestions: Dedicated Mining ages are always good, in my opinion. Other than that, though, hard to make suggestions because I've never been on the server.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): None.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Fair amount of FTB experience. I've been playing FTB for a few months now, so I know most of the general concepts and ideas.