Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7[Ultimate][Whitelist][Lockette][Essentials][16+]

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Username: SirTakua
Age: 17
Location: United Kingdom
Why you want to join: I left my last server for exam leave but when I returned the server was offline so I'm now looking for a server to play FTB
Suggestions: can't suggest much yet now can I?
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Most of my experience in Ultimate is within Thaumcraft and MFS but I do have low/medium knowledge of the rest of the mods.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional):
would a video do? :

i should say that the videos above are both vanilla as i have yet to build something i consider epic within ftb
Also I should mention i do not use skype or teamspeak often

Why you want to join: seems like a good place to learn ftb 100%
Suggestions:Non, your "ad" for the server is very very nice
Experience: about 6 hours of playing with single player
Denied Put more effort into your post next time than a few little lines.[DOUBLEPOST=1369468129][/DOUBLEPOST]
Username: AytrusTekis
Age: 28
Location: OK, USA
Why you want to join: I upgraded my computer specifically for running my own private server (3.0ghz 8 core cpu, 16gb ram), and for a while this was fun and all, however I just never could get the population I wanted. I really want to be apart of a closed server that has an active community for the experience of working together and being able to show off what I build.
Suggestions: None, so far.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): None.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have been using the Ultimate mod base for several months now. There are still things I find new regularly, but I have a really good handle on all the low to mid game stuff.
Username: JollyNinja
Age: 18
Location: South Dakota, U.S.A.
Why you want to join: Seems like a friendly server with respectable rules. I would like to join a server and become part of a growing community.
Suggestions: None, I haven't played on the server yet, but I'll probably have some eventually.
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've played it a little bit, I understand IndustialCraft well.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Username: makeme
Age: 18
Location: uk
Why you want to join: you seem like a cool bunch of guys plus freelancer is definitely in my top 10 games
Suggestions: none atm edit the main post has a couple of spelling mistakes :p
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: played a lot of mindcrack but havnt used ulimate yet :p
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Username: Zoratoune
Age: I'm 18
Location: I live in france
Why you want to join: I want to be apart of a community like yours with mature people to play ftb the most freely possible ans so I decide to join your community
Suggestions: Have some french people like me on your server :) ^^
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I don't have much experience in ftb ultimate but i have played a lot of the ftb beta pack A in the past
Username: blight000
Age: 16
Location: Estonia, Europe
Why you want to join: Because I dont like public servers and I love a server with nice community and no lag. Also I have 2 friends that also love minecraft and mods, but we are having trouble of finding a server we actually like.
Suggestions: Maybe some pictures of the server in the forum thread.
Plugin Suggestions:
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have played mods for almost 2 years now I think, and I know a lot about the mods in Ultimate.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): I dont really have pictures of stuff.
Username: blight000
Age: 16
Location: Estonia, Europe
Why you want to join: Because I dont like public servers and I love a server with nice community and no lag. Also I have 2 friends that also love minecraft and mods, but we are having trouble of finding a server we actually like.
Suggestions: Maybe some pictures of the server in the forum thread.
Plugin Suggestions:
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have played mods for almost 2 years now I think, and I know a lot about the mods in Ultimate.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): I dont really have pictures of stuff.
Denied lied about his age.
Sorry to importunate you but did you see my post because you reply to blight000 and not to me. Just saying!
Username: Zoratoune
Age: I'm 18
Location: I live in france
Why you want to join: I want to be apart of a community like yours with mature people to play ftb the most freely possible ans so I decide to join your community
Suggestions: Have some french people like me on your server :) ^^
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I don't have much experience in ftb ultimate but i have played a lot of the ftb beta pack A in the past
Have you got any frog legs spare for me? Jokes aside Welcome to the server!
Username: J0rdHardwell
Age: 16
Location: Swindon, England
Why you want to join: Have fun, meet new people
Suggestions: None yet, after playing the server for a while this may change.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: been playing FTB since novermber, modded MC since IC1
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): dont save pics :/
Username: cocoaguy.
age: 17
Location: Ontario, Canada.
Why you want to join: i am trying to find a fun friendly server to play with others and help others.
Suggestions: Maybe allow some floating structures like i know its meant to be realistic but you do have a few magic mods so maybe if who ever built it stuck to like the magic theme they could keep it
Plugin Suggestions N/A.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? i have a lot with all the mods except greg tech.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) sorry i dont have any.
Username: KiwiLemon
Age: 20
Location: Ontario, Canada
Why you want to join: Looking for something fun to do over summer
Plugin Suggestions (optional)N/A
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much Non at all but hey ill learn
Username: asuperbname
Age: 16
Location: Illinois, USA
Why you want to join: Looking for a stable server with a community large enough to last. Most other servers I found with "small community" (less than the 100 people super servers) turned out to be too small and eventually disappeared presumably from lack of funds. Jumping into teamspeak and loading the server in the FTB client showed enough people on to actually have some social interaction.
Suggestions: n/a
Plugin Suggestions (optional): n/a
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I've done several runs through more or less every mod in the pack. Exceptions include Greg tech as there were better alternatives to it's end game.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): n/a
Server Ip:
Teamspeak 3:
Here's some information about Aurora 24/7 and the old dbB+ Aurora community:
Aurora was once a old Freelancer(Game) server using the Tng mod that ran for many years with a great community over 10 years the server lasted so i have made this mine craft Ultimate server in memory of Aurora. The server will grow and expand into a thriving community with a website, forums and teamspeak 3 server. You see I was playing freelancer on the aurora server for 9 years solid so i would like to run this server on mc Ultimate in memory of aurora and its great community. To build a new community within FTB
Owner: Karl2002
Admins: Zenzar
Mods: None at the momeant but we are recruiting
Additional details about the Server:
1. It’s a dedicated Server with 50 slots
2. Hosted via a private server company in America
3. Its running on 16GB RAM with a ssd. Quad Core
4. Connection 100/100
5. Server has been up for 4 months.
6. This server is 100% legit, no items shall be spawned in.
7. Map backups every 30 minutes.
Staff members are always your superior. When in doubt or in arguement, consult them (And accept their decisions)
Do not exploit glitches - we will punish you (But if you report them, we will like you)
No griefing. Griefers will be severely punished.
No 1x1xY constructs, destroy it after use if you have to have one.
Absolutely no floating structures. All structures should have some sort of realistic supports. Trees should be cut down all the way
Empty buildings (ghost houses) will be removed by server staff after two weeks.
Plugins shall remain updated
You must apply on this forum post to obtain builder rights or in the server via asking a admin. If you do not, you can still join the server. You just will not be able to do anything.
Please follow this format
Why you want to join:
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)
Age: 18
Location: Cary NC USA
Why you want to join: I was looking for a FTB server that was challenging didn't have much people and I saw this server and it looked pretty good
Suggestions: I don't have any suggestions yet
Experience on FTB: I haven't played it that much but I've played TEKKIT for a year and also I've watched a lot of videos on FTB so I know partially what to do but mostly I know what it's about
MC name: tshirt1
Please reply when you have white listed me thank you for reading my application.
Age: 18
Location: Cary NC USA
Why you want to join: I was looking for a FTB server that was challenging and wasn't crowded
Suggestion:I have no suggestions yet
Experience: I've played TEKKIT for 1 year and I've also watched a lot of videos on FTB so I mostly know what I'm doing
Username: tshirt1
Tshirt1 has been banned for griefing and leaching off others constantly asking for stuff too. He is not welcome back on aurora.
Username: Spyke10k
Age: 26
Location: California, USA
Why you want to join: I used to frequent tekkit servers but quit for over a year. I need a new regular server I can get on and learn new fun stuff. I like building things and being creative, I generally soak up everything like a sponge and play too much sometimes.
Suggestions: Not at the moment no.
Plugin Suggestions (optional) No.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None but I'm a fast learner, like when I joined the tekkit server I was on that for 3-6 months.
Username: Trippinman
Age: 19
Location: MD, Usa
Why you want to join: My friend vtech250 plays and i would like to join and play with him.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: alot of xp with ftb mod packs
Username: b0ffa
Age: 17 (96)
Location: Sweden
Why you want to join: Many reasons, mainly because I feel public servers lack the "community" feeling, one of the few things i expect from a MC server.
Suggestions: None I can think of, most likely disable certain blocks if the servers grows lagspikes.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: Never tried out Ultimate but I've played Mindcrack for quite a while and im familliar with most of it. Dem beez ~
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): Not many pics expect from a collab build:

And yea, if you find the app lacking in some way, shape or form I'll edit if for yah :3
I wasn't griefing please unban me please I won't do whatever i did again.[DOUBLEPOST=1369584389][/DOUBLEPOST]Please just unban me this is the only server I liked and I liked th people on the server too.
Hi and Welcome to Aurora 24/7
In Memories of the dbB+ Aurora.
Freelancer Community!
Server Ip:
Teamspeak 3:
Here's some information about Aurora 24/7 and the old dbB+ Aurora community:
Aurora was once a old Freelancer(Game) server using the Tng mod that ran for many years with a great community over 10 years the server lasted so i have made this mine craft Ultimate server in memory of Aurora. The server will grow and expand into a thriving community with a website, forums and teamspeak 3 server. You see I was playing freelancer on the aurora server for 9 years solid so i would like to run this server on mc Ultimate in memory of aurora and its great community. To build a new community within FTB
Owner: Karl2002
Admins: Zenzar
Mods: None at the momeant but we are recruiting
Additional details about the Server:
1. It’s a dedicated Server with 50 slots
2. Hosted via a private server company in America
3. Its running on 16GB RAM with a ssd. Quad Core
4. Connection 100/100
5. Server has been up for 4 months.
6. This server is 100% legit, no items shall be spawned in.
7. Map backups every 30 minutes.
Staff members are always your superior. When in doubt or in arguement, consult them (And accept their decisions)
Do not exploit glitches - we will punish you (But if you report them, we will like you)
No griefing. Griefers will be severely punished.
No 1x1xY constructs, destroy it after use if you have to have one.
Absolutely no floating structures. All structures should have some sort of realistic supports. Trees should be cut down all the way
Empty buildings (ghost houses) will be removed by server staff after two weeks.
Plugins shall remain updated
You must apply on this forum post to obtain builder rights or in the server via asking a admin. If you do not, you can still join the server. You just will not be able to do anything.
Please follow this format
Why you want to join:
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)

Username: Jordan59678
Age: 13
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Why I Want To Join: Im a youtuber and i think i could start a series for my channal called Feed the Beast and i have 14 subs so they could go on your server and play, and i think its a good server to play on its friendly and everyones nice
Suggestions: I have None
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have'nt played
a lot
of feed the beast and i could learn what to do
I wasn't griefing please unban me please I won't do whatever i did again.[DOUBLEPOST=1369584389][/DOUBLEPOST]Please just unban me this is the only server I liked and I liked th people on the server too.
Tough you are remaining banned after the number of complaints i got from my users.