Whitelist Server Aurora 24/7[Ultimate][Whitelist][Lockette][Essentials][16+]

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Username: WERMIL
Age: 18
Location: Latvia
Why you want to join: I just like playing ftb ,and your server looks good for doing that. I also like your server rules they seem reasonable.
Suggestions: N/A
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I have been playing Ultimate since it came out ,and also I have been playing these mods since IC1.
IGN: Tundras
Age: 36
Location: Canada
Why you want to join: I'm tired of server hopping. I'm looking for a fun/mature server that doesn't disappear suddenly. Or one that isn't full of people that blow their lid because someone asks what seems to them a simple question. I'm looking for a server that's full of people that love the game and want to explore it together. I'm a mature father of 3 that loves gaming and this is my release valve at the end of a day, I would like to be able to enjoy it with some great people. Hope to get a chance to chat with you in game :)
Plugin Suggestions (optional) None.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I have experience with most of the technological aspects of the mod, gregtech and IC2 over the last 6 months.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional). I would, but the DW20 server I spent 4 months building on is gone and I didn't get a chance to get some screenshots
Username: MCReezn
Age: 16
Location: Virginia US
Why you want to join: Because I like FTB
Suggestions: None
Plugin Suggestions (optional) Nope
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I have played some single player.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) No sorry
Please add me on skype if I get whitelisted, as I do not check my FTB forum account often. its is: pjf2121
  • Username:
    • BookerTheGeek
  • Age:
    • As old as my tongue and a little older then my teeth. (If you know what movie that quote is from, You win a hug. My age is in my FTB profile, but I meet your requirements.)
  • Location:
    • Planet Earth, in the state of delusion. (Pacific Northwest)
  • Why you want to join:
    • I am looking for a white listed Ultimate server. Guess what, Your a white listed ultimate server.... :D Really though I've been playing on another wonderful server but it is hosted somewhere other then the US and so I am usually getting disconnected because of lag, so am looking for a new home.
  • Suggestions
    • List the version of Ultimate your playing on the main post?
  • Plugin Suggestions (optional)
  • How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:
    • Pretty good at everything.
Yeah, I'm a smart-ass, but I play fair, I play a lot, and I like to help out others. Sorry if my application is a bit off-kilter, I have an odd sense of humor sometimes. And oh yeah, I actually play freelancer still to this day. And I bought the game when it came out.
Username: The_PyroX_115
Age: 18
Location: AZ
Why you want to join: Looking for a good server to try out and stick with. All other servers I have tried either died or were laggy hopefully this one will be smooth.
Suggestions: More staff and to list what version the Ultimate pack is in the OP. Limit on the ammount of XYtanks there are cause they cause lag if too large.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? I don't have much experience with ultimate per say but I have Experience with the mods in it.
In Game Name: IRyannHD
Age:16 - 17 in September.
- Location: - Kent, England.
- Minecraft experience: FTB for about 5-6 Months and Vanilla since the alpha builds.

Why I would like to join? Because I'm interested in joining an online Feed The Beast server to build, make friends and help on projects with others in building structures, or in more of a technical area such as industrial craft, Applied Energistics or Red Power. As in previous servers I have tried to touch all the mods and explore/learn as much as I can and when it comes to Feed the beast I'm good when it comes to the mod aspect and creating intricate setups as My 'good at' subject would be the more technical side of feed the beast such as Red power, Build craft/Industrial craft.

Suggestions: nope.

As I have final exams coming up soon i won't be as active for about a week (GCSE's) but I will try to be as active as I can, on a normal day I would be online about 4-8 hours a day, depending.

How much experience in ultimate: There are so many mods in this mod pack so I would be lying if i said that I knew every mod, there are some I'm confident with and some, not so much but I would say that I know a little bit of some mods as I try to get into as many of the mods as I can, to learn and have fun with them (That's what they're there for, Right?). I do know a lot about IC2, Build Craft, Red Power and some of Thermal Expansion.

Thanks for reading
Username: motokazieracer
Age: 13
Location: MidWest, USA
Why you want to join: I want a server with pele who like to help others, and dont grief or steal.
Plugin Suggestions (optional)
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: ive been playing ultimate for about 2 months, i had to stop when i broke my elbow though ):
Quick Question. Is it customary for Admins to Ban Guests when they don't break the rules? and if I broke the rules can you please explain which?
Username: th3niiinja
Age: 22
Location: PA, USA
Why you want to join: The server that I currently play on is having issues with their host and I getting frustrated with how the host is treating their customer by making them wait so long to have the problem fixed. It has almost been 3 days without the server up.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: None really, I've been playing with Mindcrack pack mostly so looking for something a bit newish.
Username: eemer
Age: 23
Location: Minnesota, USA
Why you want to join: Looking for a place to expand my knowledge of FTB with an active community.
Suggestions: Viewable world map (If you already have one, couldn't find it in the original post)
Plugin Suggestions (optional): N/A
How much experience do you have in Ultimate?: Experience with Tekkit, primarily Industrial Craft and some Buildcraft. Not much experience with FTB-specific mods, looking to learn.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): N/A
Username: Loveair
Location: Nottinghamshire, UK
Why you want to join: Several reasons the current server iam on keeps having severe server code errors and having probelms with time outs and can be down for an hour or 2, im looking for a server with a better up keep also there wasn't alot of players on i need more excitement is this the server for me? :)
Suggestions: if i join the server and play with you guys ill have a good look around , i may have suggestions at a future time its hard to know blindly without looking incase you already have what i suggest:)
Plugin Suggestions (optional) not sure about plugins myself
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: i have alot of experience with tekkit i have played that for about 6 months and ftb 2 months is say still fairly new but im learning alot on youtube hopefully someone can guide me if im stuff on something?
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional) yes i have a picture somewhere sorry tried to use the upload feature didn't work lol
Username: SurlyLHT
Age: 30
Location: Minnesota, USA
Why you want to join: Looking for a solid community of mature players to enjoy my time with. I enjoy playing Minecraft in an exploration and tinkering game style with the feed the beast stuff. I enjoy helping out others with projects and collecting/picking up everything I see most times. So after a while if someone is looking for something chances are good I may have it in a chest somewhere.
Suggestions: Items/blocks that are banned or not allowed. I know some items can be harmful in the wrong hands or cause undue lag to the server which ruins the experience for others. Also what version of ultimate are you running, to help new people out since not all servers are running the same version/release.
Plugin Suggestions (optional): None that I can think of but then again I am not sure of compatibility with feed the beast.
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much: I am fairly new to the ultimate FTB mod pack but I do have some experience with the Beta FTB modpack. I know enough to get myself started and have a good list of youtube tutorials to help me along the way if I get lost. I have been a Minecraft player since 1.1.2 or somewhere about there.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional): Here is a link to a build I have on a survival server I played on for a while: http://s1232.photobucket.com/user/origineight/library/MelonQuest - Otterville
Please follow this format
Why you want to join:wanted to play with my brother and i wanted to play FTB because it sounded fun.
Plugin Suggestions (optional)non
How much experience do you have in Ultimate? don't worry if you haven't much:Non. I've never heard of it.
Pic(s) of anything awesome you've made (optional)I don't keep any pictures.
P.S my brother is mileyk101
Username: Sharpshooterr26
Age: 17
Location: United States
Why you want to join: I am friends with mileyk101 and awsome_hunter and they thought the server was awesome and i should try it.
Suggestions: Keep the server up, IT SOUNDS AWSOME
Plugin Suggestions: Factions
How much experience do you have in ultimate? Been playing it since it came out.