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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which is cheaper to make, Hybrid solar panels from the industrialcraft mod addon or solar panels from the industrialcraft mod itself?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there an efficient way to set up a steves carts mining system? IE without all the back and forth when full, etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a block that can transfer EU power to next block in the row?

Like i drag a cable to this block and on the other side i can place a machine that gets power via the block and not directly from the cable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone knows if Gregtech is stable and working with the new IC2 Experimental? I'm thinking about giving it my first try.

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Which is cheaper to make, Hybrid solar panels from the industrialcraft mod addon or solar panels from the industrialcraft mod itself?

Cheaper depends on how you qualify the material. The advanced solar panels use a LOT of standard/common materials. The Ultimate/Hybrid panels use very expensive materials and will require UU-mater to make some of it. In the long run I think it boils down to which type of solar panel you prefer. The advanced solar panels only work during the day. The others have built in energy storage and will still produce power (at a lower rate) at night.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cheaper depends on how you qualify the material. The advanced solar panels use a LOT of standard/common materials. The Ultimate/Hybrid panels use very expensive materials and will require UU-mater to make some of it. In the long run I think it boils down to which type of solar panel you prefer. The advanced solar panels only work during the day. The others have built in energy storage and will still produce power (at a lower rate) at night.
Basically this. The LV/MV/HV solars will cost you hundreds to thousands of base components like iron, copper, rubber, glass, and coal. The hybrid solars will use varying amounts of rare resources, including iridium, so you have to go the UU route for a lot of it. There's also the "hardmode" option for the hybrids that boost the amount of rare materials needed, but again, that's an option you don't have to enable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The amount of EU that is produced at night is negligible for the added cost, and if you need the bigger badder versions, chances are that a little bit of EU/t at night ain't going to help a lot since you probably are already consuming a very large amount of EU running mass fabricators and an ore processing plant. The compact solars are very much cheaper and it's not really all that difficult to automate their production via AE.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If the quarry drill doesn't work, then the floating laser robot that clears and builds the frame might, so try both ways if the first way doesn't work. I'd try the frame clearance first as that has a higher chance of working.

And if that doesn't work, maybe you could persuade a friendly Wither to blast it.

Can MFFS delete blocks? I've never used it.

Firstly, thanks to all for the suggestions...and I found a winner! A force wrench got rid of it in a jiffy; so simple, and yet so danged elusive. Thanks all!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a block that can transfer EU power to next block in the row?

Like i drag a cable to this block and on the other side i can place a machine that gets power via the block and not directly from the cable.

Depends on what you want to make. For example, a battery box (or other storage unit) completely fits your description. Power in on one end, power out the other. A transformer does even more, as it has one input side but outputs on all five other sides in step-down mode (or vice versa, in step-up mode).

Then there's the fact that you can hide cables inside blocks of construction foam, and even attach any texture you want to the block afterwards, so it will fit in any wall without looking out of place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depends on what you want to make. For example, a battery box (or other storage unit) completely fits your description. Power in on one end, power out the other. A transformer does even more, as it has one input side but outputs on all five other sides in step-down mode (or vice versa, in step-up mode).

Then there's the fact that you can hide cables inside blocks of construction foam, and even attach any texture you want to the block afterwards, so it will fit in any wall without looking out of place.

Also, many devices in GregTech have an option to output power to the output face. Pretty much anything with an item output can be toggled to output power in the same direction. Be careful about voltage when doing this though. Turns out transformer upgrades don't just change what energy can be accepted, but also can change the tier of energy output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Whats the longest block that can suck up items near it, the one with the longest range. (golems are quite derpy sometimes and I need a steady stream and can't afford there derpyness in this build.)

Also whats the fastest golem that can chop down trees. (using TC4) I am using thaumium golem and a chop animation core along with a speed and strength upgrade, still seems VERY slow though for taller trees such as magic wood.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone knows if Gregtech is stable and working with the new IC2 Experimental? I'm thinking about giving it my first try.
GT is only working with IC2 experimental now. Just download the latest of both.[DOUBLEPOST=1383762322][/DOUBLEPOST]
Whats the longest block that can suck up items near it, the one with the longest range. (golems are quite derpy sometimes and I need a steady stream and can't afford there derpyness in this build.)

Also whats the fastest golem that can chop down trees. (using TC4) I am using thaumium golem and a chop animation core along with a speed and strength upgrade, still seems VERY slow though for taller trees such as magic wood.
Obsidian pipe with combustion engine on it maybe.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do trees and/or plants grow slower/faster in different biomes?

Will a wasteland grow trees slower, or a tropical rainforest grow trees faster for example?
Do crops grow slower in the desert/area with low humidity? Does humidity/heat affect anything plant related outside of bees?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Certainly nothing from vanilla. But some mods might elect to implement something like that. Harvestcraft does, for example.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do trees and/or plants grow slower/faster in different biomes?

Will a wasteland grow trees slower, or a tropical rainforest grow trees faster for example?
Do crops grow slower in the desert/area with low humidity? Does humidity/heat affect anything plant related outside of bees?

By default no biomes do not effect growth rate. If it can grow it will grow at the same rate no mater where it is. But take note that almost all growth cycles in MC are random so the same plant in the same place can take diffrent times to grow for no other reason then RNG being RNG.