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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
/sigh, I tried to make a tree farm with only golems, didn't work out to well. Needless to say the other mods with tree farm equivalent mechanics do it MUCH faster.

Anyone got anything I can do wih golems that actually do it better than other mods? Kinda silly to use golems just to use golems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
/sigh, I tried to make a tree farm with only golems, didn't work out to well. Needless to say the other mods with tree farm equivalent mechanics do it MUCH faster.

Anyone got anything I can do wih golems that actually do it better than other mods? Kinda silly to use golems just to use golems.
Depends on what you mean by "better." I like golems for harvesting things like potatoes. They're not as fast as an MFR system w/ fertilizer, but I think they're easier to set up (once you've done the research anyway) and don't have any power cost.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
/sigh, I tried to make a tree farm with only golems, didn't work out to well. Needless to say the other mods with tree farm equivalent mechanics do it MUCH faster.

Anyone got anything I can do wih golems that actually do it better than other mods? Kinda silly to use golems just to use golems.

I enjoy using Golems to harvest pumpkins and feed the seeds into a squeezer setup; to be honest, they're awesome and fun to watch work.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I'm trying to get to grips with the changes (nerfs) to the buildcraft autocrafting table and a build restriction/challenge I've set myself.

I'm using just ender chests and transposers (and possibly golems eventually) to manage all my material transport/storage (no pipes challenge). I'm finding that a transposer cannot put items into a ACT and doesn't appear to trigger the ACT to craft to pull items out, so as a result I have to dump the materials into a hopper, then a hopper to pull out of the ACT. A transposer then manages the stock levels in and out. The down side of this is that it's very clunky.
Is there any way of getting transposers to work directly with the ACT, or is there some other way I can do simple auto crafting that doesn't involve power, AE, LP?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Transposer? Did you mean translocators, or is there another mod besides Redpower that adds an item moving block named transposer? If so, sorry for cluelessness :p

The ACT basically crafts only if there is nothing in the output slot. For example, if you craft a log into 4 planks, and pull 3 planks out, the ACT will continue to wait until the last plank is also removed before starting to craft again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to get to grips with the changes (nerfs) to the buildcraft autocrafting table and a build restriction/challenge I've set myself.

I'm using just ender chests and transposers (and possibly golems eventually) to manage all my material transport/storage (no pipes challenge). I'm finding that a transposer cannot put items into a ACT and doesn't appear to trigger the ACT to craft to pull items out, so as a result I have to dump the materials into a hopper, then a hopper to pull out of the ACT. A transposer then manages the stock levels in and out. The down side of this is that it's very clunky.
Is there any way of getting transposers to work directly with the ACT, or is there some other way I can do simple auto crafting that doesn't involve power, AE, LP?

In addition to what Omicron said, you don't need to put the items directly into the ACT, as ACTs can pull from adjacent inventories. So have a chest next to it that the mats are dumped into, and then pull from the side of the ACT.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Sorry, wrote that quickly, I meant the Translocator. :D

Steel, the ACT got re-written (aka nerfed) so it no longer pulls from adjacent inventories. (So much easier to work with when it did).

My experiments so far seem to indicate the translocator can't put stock into the ACT.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ooohh wait, I think we're all confused here.

What Golrith meant, and I also meant, is the "auto-workbench". There's also the laser-operated "advanced crafting table", which is what we accidentally said, and what Steel meant. The ACT does in fact pull from any adjacent inventory in an extremely greedy fashion, but the auto-workbench does not.

As for pulling items out of the auto-workbench without power, a wooden transport pipe with redstone engine is super cheap, power-passive and works reliably.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Yep. Sorry, posted too quick. ACT is the old name of the new Auto-Work Bench.

So, to clarify my situation. I'm challenging myself to not use pipes for for sorting/storage & processing. So that's Ender Chests, Transposers and Golems as my (expensive) tools. (Golems yet to be researched, using 1.5.2)
I'm trying to craft items with the Auto-Work Bench but am finding the Translocators don't seem able to put items into the AWB plus doesn't seem too reliable on what it pulls out of the AWB. I'm having to use a hopper as a buffer to pull in/out.
Just wondering if there's something I'm missing with the Translocators that could get it to work without the buffer hoppers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone knows what would make a filler stop?
I was trying to fill the cave system under my base with cobblestone and at one point it stopped, removing the pattern and putting it back didn't change anything(and it had still plenty of cobble and power).
My guess would be mobs and if that's it, any way to fill it anyway(beside going down and killing them)?


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Anyone knows what would make a filler stop? ...My guess would be mobs and if that's it, any way to fill it anyway(beside going down and killing them)?
Lava will also stop a Filler, not sure about water. Hostile mobs will de-spawn if you go about 100 blocks away, unless they have picked something up. Not sure if bats de-spawn like this, and if a chicken has got down there somehow you'll just have to find it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uhm, what is the best thing to shove into a furnace to get experience? I tried magic wood like dire used in his videos but it doesn't seem to work well enough.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Food (i.e. potatoes, steaks, porkchops) and grout (from TiC) generate larger amounts of XP than charcoal making.