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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I recommend to you Unleashed. Yeah, some of the mods are "OP", but you don't need to use them. Unhinged is terribad and is just "grind until you become a mole". DW20 lacks a bunch of good mods, so I recommend Unleashed.
Balance is something that does not exist.
It's just the fact that people think X is OP that is creates this fake idea of "balance".
Play with Unleaahed and Unhinged and tell which one you had more fun with.

Unhinged is fun in SMP, not SSP.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
>Close to vanilla

You're doing it wrong.

No, seriously. Both modpacks play very, very differently from vanilla. That's the point.

I think he meant, "Are any of them 1.6, if not, which ones are on the nearest MC version". If I've interpreted that correctly, the all of them are on 1.5 - FTB doesn't currently have any 1.6 packs AFAIK.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Two Applied Energistics Questions:

1) Is there any advantage or point to having more than one MAC? Would that even do anything?

2) If I want to maintain a particular level of particular items (for example, always maintain 64 torches), what's the easiest way to do that? I know that with a redstone emitter pointed at some dark ME cable that leads to an export bus pointed at whatever, one can can tell the export bus to always craft, and the emitter to emit at the particular level...but that's a lot of parts. Is there an easier way to do this, or is that the standart operating procedure for this bit of network management?

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Two Applied Energistics Questions:

1) Is there any advantage or point to having more than one MAC? Would that even do anything?

2) If I want to maintain a particular level of particular items (for example, always maintain 64 torches), what's the easiest way to do that? I know that with a redstone emitter pointed at some dark ME cable that leads to an export bus pointed at whatever, one can can tell the export bus to always craft, and the emitter to emit at the particular level...but that's a lot of parts. Is there an easier way to do this, or is that the standart operating procedure for this bit of network management?
1) Nope. Just make it bigger if you want more room for patterns or faster crafting times (note that only boosts "crafting table" type recipes, stuff sent to machines still takes the same amount of time).

2) You could set up a ME interface in a convenient place that's set to keep X amount of Y items in its inventory. Then whenever you grab the items from it, it will restock itself, given that you have more in your ME system or it knows how to craft more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how do I automate the crafting of GT tiny dust piles into 1 dust?
I don't want to program every single recipie into an AE system, and I don't want to do it manually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The gregtech electric craftingtable can auto-combine them for you.

Never tried it myself though so you have to play with the somewhat cryptic GUI to figure it out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Two Applied Energistics Questions:

1) Is there any advantage or point to having more than one MAC? Would that even do anything?

2) If I want to maintain a particular level of particular items (for example, always maintain 64 torches), what's the easiest way to do that? I know that with a redstone emitter pointed at some dark ME cable that leads to an export bus pointed at whatever, one can can tell the export bus to always craft, and the emitter to emit at the particular level...but that's a lot of parts. Is there an easier way to do this, or is that the standart operating procedure for this bit of network management?

1. No advantage. Just make 1 big one if you really want to go nuts. I once made a 6x6x6 and it just a waste of resources imho.

2. I'll explain this using an example: I want to keep 100 charcoal at all times. I have a setup where a furnace makes charcoal from wood. An export bus exports wood into the furnace which is configured to only work with a redstone signal. Next to it I place a level emitter and configure it to emit a redstone signal, IF there is less than 100 charcoal in my AE system. That way, whenever I take charcoal, it starts smelting me some more :).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how many pieces of redstone do I need to apply to a pickaxe to make it have efficiency 5 in tinkers construct (or the EQUAL to efficiency 5)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how many pieces of redstone do I need to apply to a pickaxe to make it have efficiency 5 in tinkers construct (or the EQUAL to efficiency 5)
There are too many variables involved for there to be a simple answer to that question. The main problem is that the vanilla efficiency enchant works on a percentage-increase basis, whereas the TiC redstone modifiers give a fixed (or linear) increase in mining speed AFAIK. So on a slow tool (i.e. stone) it would take less redstone to equal an efficiency 5 enchant than it would take on a fast tool (i.e. diamond) - but that's only because the stone tool is so slow to start with. The situation gets even more complicated when you take into account extra-fast-mining materials like cobalt, as well as modifiers like stonebound.

When it comes down to it, I basically just stick to the more-is-better approach. :p
Also, in my limited experience, stonebound (even 2.0 with ardite) is not as effective as an extra modifier filled with redstone. So I personally prefer thaumium and/or paper (and then I use an electric modifier to negate the hit to durability....)

EDIT - You got me curious about the exact numbers, so just in case you find it useful:
Redstone dust increases mining speed by 0.08 per dust. Vanilla efficiency increases mining speed by 30% over the previous level (so levels 1 through 5 go: 100%, 169%, 220%, 286%, 371%).
So that should help you crunch the numbers, depending how concerned you are about the exact equivalent for a particular tool!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone here toying with Thaumcraft 4 yet? I've started playing with it and I have a major issue in not finding any nodes that have Ordo or Perdito vis for wand charging. I probably checked around 10-15 nodes by now; the four elemental aspects I have coming out of my ears, and there's even several compound aspects.

Is this intentional? Are you supposed to get that kind of vis only from slaying monsters? Or am I just extremely unlucky?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone here toying with Thaumcraft 4 yet? I've started playing with it and I have a major issue in not finding any nodes that have Ordo or Perdito vis for wand charging. I probably checked around 10-15 nodes by now; the four elemental aspects I have coming out of my ears, and there's even several compound aspects.

Is this intentional? Are you supposed to get that kind of vis only from slaying monsters? Or am I just extremely unlucky?

Ordo was on my very first node. Don't forget that obsidian totems have dark nodes that contain aspects aswell. I guess you are just extremly unlucky.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Found two dark nodes so far. One contained Aer and a compound aspect, and the other contained Terra and a compound aspect. I've also looked through the nether, where all nodes I find only contain Ignis and Aqua (wtf water nodes? Did they mistakenly add the Netherlands instead of the Nether? :p) I've searched in jungle, plains, extreme hills, desert and tundra biomes.

Guess it's just another case of my luck, then. Didn't find a silverwood tree yet either. Or for IC2 Experimental, never found a single iridium ore despite an entire month of playing. Or how I can manage to go three nights hunting without finding a single enderman, and then kill 3 in a row for a grand total of zero pearls...

*mumbles something about game design and content gating by random number generator and bad ideas*
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
While we are on Thaumcraft for a bit, a quick question or two. What is the best reference for info? I am playing FTB Unleashed w/ Thaumcraft 3.05h
I have a large unstable node as my nearest companion, but it is at a height of 13. Do I really have to tear up the landscape trying to chain plant silverwoods down to that level? My newly created little companion pure node also turned unstable after only one merger and with no additional thaumaturgy being used. Is this common and do I just giver her time to stabilize?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While we are on Thaumcraft for a bit, a quick question or two. What is the best reference for info? I am playing FTB Unleashed w/ Thaumcraft 3.05h
I have a large unstable node as my nearest companion, but it is at a height of 13. Do I really have to tear up the landscape trying to chain plant silverwoods down to that level? My newly created little companion pure node also turned unstable after only one merger and with no additional thaumaturgy being used. Is this common and do I just giver her time to stabilize?


Afaik the biggest node is the one it will convert into when 2 nodes merge.
So I imagine your pure node got eaten alive by that unstable node :p.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
Sorry, poorly worded- My silvertree 'companion' node is still on the surface, far away from the evil node below. The second tree and ensuing pure node merger, resulted in an unstable node...