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Thank you so much for the quick reply!!!

If there was a way to give you "points" or "gold" or something on this forum, I will. Otherwise, if you have an account on, PM me your BGG username and I'll send you some GeekGold. Thanks!!!!
Thank you so much for the quick reply!!!

If there was a way to give you "points" or "gold" or something on this forum, I will. Otherwise, if you have an account on, PM me your BGG username and I'll send you some GeekGold. Thanks!!!!
Many people, including myself, use a mobile app that gives push notifications when there is a new reply to a watched thread. So a quick response is pretty common.

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To answer your question as well, the pillars of light are configurable, as are the floating points. A light weight alternate as already suggested is Mapwriter.
Does the Energy Blaser from Blood Magic give weak shards in FTB Infinity Evolved Expert mode?
I saw the Blade was changed but the blaser is as it is.
Farmed for 30 mins and not one :(
just bad luck RNG or disabled?
I have a small question regarding FTB Infinity Expert mode. Not sure if you or anyone will know the answer, but I was wondering if we knew approximately when the chuck loading of claimed chucks will be implemented? Also the auto back-up and refresh of servers?
I have a small question regarding FTB Infinity Expert mode. Not sure if you or anyone will know the answer, but I was wondering if we knew approximately when the chuck loading of claimed chucks will be implemented? Also the auto back-up and refresh of servers?
I'm pretty all that has been implemented in the mod itself, not sure ftb has updated yet though
I have a question. Does feeding a hungry node actually make it stronger. I'm trying to make a really good node, but I want to make sure I don't die for nothing
Feeding a hungry node will have a chance of increasing the amount of primal aspects in it. The way it works is, the node takes all the aspects in whatever item or block it consumes, breaks them down into all their primal aspects (giving BOTH simpler aspects for each compound aspect until there's only primals left, which gives a lot of primals for the more complex aspects), and then rolls the dice for each individual primal aspect. The more aspects of any given primal the node already contains, the lower the chance of the node actually getting bigger.

Crafting tables are one of the most popular things to feed hungry nodes because they're cheap and they contain Fabrico, which breaks down into all of the primal aspects (and quite a lot of them to boot). You will get to a point of diminishing returns, which really becomes noticeable when you see that getting the node to 200 of each primal takes several times as much time and crafting tables as getting it to 100 does; 300 and 400 are correspondingly worse.

Also, protip, if you taint the node before transducing it, it won't eat your stabilizer and transducer. And once it's fully energised, it'll cease having any environmental impacts entirely.

Also note that while the node itself gets bigger, it's pull on nearby entities won't get any stronger. I think.
I am a newbie and I just installed FTB: Infinity Evolved for 1.7.10.

The mini-map overlay feels too "cheaty" and the death marker (beam of light to sky) is too distracting. How do I disable these features or rather which mods do I "disable" in Options? Am I correct in assuming that if I disable these mods I can "enable" them at a later time without screwing up my world? Do I lose anything else if I "disable" these mods?

Sorry if this question has been asked before but paging through 1279 pages of questions is intimidating. Further apologies if this is answered in an FAQ.

The beams of light are Waypoints accessible via the J key (always delete the death waypoints as soon as you've recovered your grave), and there is a setting in the Journeymap options to turn off those beams unless you are within a certain distance of the waypoint. If you don't change it, the default setting is infinite distance. When you have tens or hundreds of waypoints, those beams can fill the horizon, so you do need to lower that setting to something like 500 blocks.

I cannot play without the Journeymap mod installed, it is far, far, far, far too valuable of a mod to disable it. But we all have different play styles and opinions.
I have a small question regarding FTB Infinity Expert mode. Not sure if you or anyone will know the answer, but I was wondering if we knew approximately when the chuck loading of claimed chucks will be implemented? Also the auto back-up and refresh of servers?

I was implemented in FTB Utilities v0.13 I believe... which is in Infinity Evolved modpack v2.3.3 but not earlier.

To chunkload, you first must claim some chunks so they turn green. Then you CTRL-click a green chunk to chunk load it.

I was excited to have this feature, however, I do not use it. I left my base chunks loaded overnight while logged off, and my mob grinder setup did not produce any materials (MFR Auto-Spawner and MFR Grinders). After some discussion with others, I conclude that mobs do not spawn with the FTB Utilities chunk loader. There are other possibilities to what went wrong, but I think that's the most logical reason. Other machines that were running did work while I was offline, so the chunk loading DOES work to some degree. However, the MFR Auto-Spawner is a big reason why I chunk load my base while I'm not there, to collect the drops from various mobs... so I immediately went back to using the Railcraft World Anchor and turned off the FTB Utilities chunk loading.

Another player on our server ran both chunk loaders at the same time and crashed our server. Do not run both chunk loaders, whatever you do!! It corrupted our world and we had to remove the World Anchor in MCEdit to restore it.

My opinion is that the FTB Utilities chunk loader is still not 100% stable, but I do hope they can resolve whatever issues it has.
Also, protip, if you taint the node before transducing it, it won't eat your stabilizer and transducer. And once it's fully energised, it'll cease having any environmental impacts entirely.
Addon tip, using bees you can turn nodes between hungry, normal, tainted, and pure, so you don't even need to deal with taint if you don't want to.

On a different note, does anyone know if there is anyway to do something like Mapwriter's waypoint categories with JourneyMap? Since that's what I really find myself missing in JourneyMap.
I was implemented in FTB Utilities v0.13 I believe... which is in Infinity Evolved modpack v2.3.3 but not earlier.

To chunkload, you first must claim some chunks so they turn green. Then you CTRL-click a green chunk to chunk load it.

I was excited to have this feature, however, I do not use it. I left my base chunks loaded overnight while logged off, and my mob grinder setup did not produce any materials (MFR Auto-Spawner and MFR Grinders). After some discussion with others, I conclude that mobs do not spawn with the FTB Utilities chunk loader. There are other possibilities to what went wrong, but I think that's the most logical reason. Other machines that were running did work while I was offline, so the chunk loading DOES work to some degree. However, the MFR Auto-Spawner is a big reason why I chunk load my base while I'm not there, to collect the drops from various mobs... so I immediately went back to using the Railcraft World Anchor and turned off the FTB Utilities chunk loading.

Another player on our server ran both chunk loaders at the same time and crashed our server. Do not run both chunk loaders, whatever you do!! It corrupted our world and we had to remove the World Anchor in MCEdit to restore it.

My opinion is that the FTB Utilities chunk loader is still not 100% stable, but I do hope they can resolve whatever issues it has.

If you're on a server with others your issue isn't a problem with the chunkloading but just related to the way mobs work. If someone else is on in the same dimension, but far enough away while you are offline, any mobs that spawn (even forcibly through the likes of cursed earth or auto spawners) will instantly despawn, hence they aren't able to be killed by your grinders for the drops.
Ahh, a victim of the mob cap.
The server could even be using plugins that reduce/ optimise this too.
It's one of the many reasons why admins/ ops restrict chunk loading. Sure loaded chunks by them selves don't lag much but if they have 100 zombies in them it adds up. Not that that would happen with the mob cap.

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Explain to me why this TinkCon smeltery won't pour an ingot shape thing. Currently playing Expert Mode and I want frigging iron tools already. took me half a week to make a bucket for lava and now I can't cast anything.

8 ingots worth of molten aluminum brass in there.
What kind of ingot? Maybe try a different one?

It's a vanilla iron ingot. I don't have any other ingots, and if I seriously can't use iron to make an ingot cast I'm just spawning one in. I also can't pour into a basin so the ingot isn't the problem. Even the empty casting table doesn't work. EDIT: Bricks and seared bricks don't work either.
Explain to me why this TinkCon smeltery won't pour an ingot shape thing. Currently playing Expert Mode and I want frigging iron tools already. took me half a week to make a bucket for lava and now I can't cast anything.

8 ingots worth of molten aluminum brass in there.
So just to double check, that is a drain right and your texture pack just happens to erase the drain circle from appearing?
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Ahh, a victim of the mob cap.
The server could even be using plugins that reduce/ optimise this too.
It's one of the many reasons why admins/ ops restrict chunk loading. Sure loaded chunks by them selves don't lag much but if they have 100 zombies in them it adds up. Not that that would happen with the mob cap.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Um, no. The mob cap doesn't have anything to do with the weirdness that Phoenixlodge mentioned. The mob cap only prevents natural spawning of mobs (i.e. like you typically find in caves or outside at night) when there are too many of them (I don't know the exact number) on the server. I don't know if any modded mob spawners respect the mob cap, but I'd be at least somewhat surprised if that was the cause of asb3pe's difficulties.

What Phoenixlodge mentioned, at least, is a consequence of the rule in Minecraft where "whenever you move 180 blocks away, all the mobs despawn". What that actually means is that any and all (hostile) mobs that are in a loaded chunk more than 180 blocks away from every player in that dimension will despawn instantly. Importantly, when no players are in a dimension, mobs will not instantly despawn, even if the chunks are loaded. I assume this is so that players can't fix a zombie pigman infestation in the Nether just by stepping through the portal. So, the traditional solution in modded MC is to put mob farms in their own Mystcraft age, so that if there's going to be any players there, they're going to be within 180 blocks of the spawner. Nowadays, a dedicated and powered RFTools dimension would work just as well, if you're not fond of Mystcraft.
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perhaps this question has been asked elsewhere, but I can't find it, nor any answer to it, so here goes: On curseforge, some mods are listed as being for MC 1.8, others for MC 1.8.8 and even others for MC 1.8.9. Is there any reason why mods for 1.8 or 1.8.8 shouldn't work on 1.8.9? And if I would be to create a (private) modpack for MC 1.8.*, which version would be best to use?
Not sure, but the main explanation would likely be that something drastic happened in between updates that changes code the mod works with.
As you are making a a pack, perhaps some trial and error is in order.

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So, after spending all sunday working on this, (through trial and error), I have found that no, minecraft 1.8.8 mods do not work in minecraft 1.8.9(nor do the minecraft 1.8 mods, btw). I also tried making the pack in minecraft version 1.8, but then the mods for 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 didn't work. I have now given up, untill someone can tell me which version of minecraft is the better for modpack purposes. The specific problem is that forge tells me that a certain mod requires a certain version of minecraft, and will not run in any other version. If there is a way to turn this feature off, I'd also like to know. Thank you kindly for your time, and I apologize if I sound angry or frustrated in this post.
It's not a feature. 1.8 mods work for 1.8 only. 1.8.8 mods work for 1.8.8 only. 1.8.9 mods work for 1.8.9 only. 1.7.10 is the best version for modpacks as it has the most mods