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The beams of light are Waypoints accessible via the J key (always delete the death waypoints as soon as you've recovered your grave), and there is a setting in the Journeymap options to turn off those beams unless you are within a certain distance of the waypoint. If you don't change it, the default setting is infinite distance. When you have tens or hundreds of waypoints, those beams can fill the horizon, so you do need to lower that setting to something like 500 blocks.

I cannot play without the Journeymap mod installed, it is far, far, far, far too valuable of a mod to disable it. But we all have different play styles and opinions.

I think you can also selectively disable certain waypoints while keeping them listed, and only turn on the ones you need in that situation... At least I've seen LPs using it that way.
It's not a feature. 1.8 mods work for 1.8 only. 1.8.8 mods work for 1.8.8 only. 1.8.9 mods work for 1.8.9 only. 1.7.10 is the best version for modpacks as it has the most mods

... The only problem being that many of the bigger developers have announced no new work on 1.7.10 mods in favor of new 1.8.9 versions.

Also, and I've seen no proof this has happened yet but according to @voxcpw when Mojang drops support for Java 6 a lot of things won't work anymore:

[Edit] For example FtB announced no more updates for "Infinity Evolved", just bug fixes as needed. All effort seems to be aimed toward testing 1.8.9 mods in "Unstable" now.
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Um, no. The mob cap doesn't have anything to do with the weirdness that Phoenixlodge mentioned. The mob cap only prevents natural spawning of mobs (i.e. like you typically find in caves or outside at night) when there are too many of them (I don't know the exact number) on the server. I don't know if any modded mob spawners respect the mob cap, but I'd be at least somewhat surprised if that was the cause of asb3pe's difficulties.

Bingo, correctomundo - you just saved me from typing the same explanation - MFR Auto-Spawners do not bother with the mob cap. They do not check for it. I've never tried, but it wouldn't surprise me if an MFR Auto-Spawner will still work in a peaceful world. :)

FTB Utilities chunk loading was semi-broken, the one night that I tried it, that's all I can report. It's entirely possible the mod has been fixed now so that it works identical to all other chunk loaders. But "user beware", that's all I'm warning.

Back to reading.
I think you can also selectively disable certain waypoints while keeping them listed, and only turn on the ones you need in that situation... At least I've seen LPs using it that way.

Yeah I've wondered about that, because it sure would come in handy. I color-code my waypoints to some degree (Thaumcraft nodes are light blue, ore locations are yellow, dungeons/temples are red, portals are white, etc.), so the ability to turn on one color range of waypoints while leaving all other waypoints off would be very valuable, but I've never spent the time to try and figure out how to do such a thing.
We updated our Infinity Evolved server and the Hint Book from FTB Utilities is now blank. Is it just us, or is it like that for everybody running the latest v2.3.5? I need those hints so I can progress thru the magic mods which were "expert mode-ed"!
Im just bumbling through magic atm aiming for something then hitting perpetual road blocks.
"Let's do thaumcraft! Ok goggles of revealing need impregnated leather, ok that requires a witchery setup that now needs botania stuff... ok where was I going here?"

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Im just bumbling through magic atm aiming for something then hitting perpetual road blocks.
"Let's do thaumcraft! Ok goggles of revealing need impregnated leather, ok that requires a witchery setup that now needs botania stuff... ok where was I going here?"

You forgot Blood Magic mod, but yeah, that is Infinity Evolved Expert mode in a nutshell. LOL

I finally made one stack of Mutandis and got Rowan, Alder and Hawthorne saplings. That's plural, as in 2 or 3 of each. Big whoopie. Not gonna get me very far, I fear.

So can I plant the 3 Witchery trees using an MFR Planter, and will an MFR Harvester give me mass quantities over time? Cardinal rule of FTB - Before doing the work, always come here and ask the question first... :)

Edit: just simple bonemealing and TiC Lumber Axe gives a large surplus of saplings. Problem solved!
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Currently playing a custom gen superflat world with Ex Nihilo, Ex Astris, entire Thermal X suite, among other 167 mods.

When I smelt Ex Nihilo Aluminum Dust in a Redstone Furnace and try to output it from the bottom using pipes and servos, it doesn't work and jams the entire system. Is this intended, or a bug? The only way I've gotten around this is to have a separate smeltery to deal with the aluminum.

EDIT: When you smelt the Aluminum Dust, it gives EX NIHILO aluminum, not Tinkers' aluminum.
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Thought I stumbled upon a mod that added a 9x9 crafting table? I can't remember for the life of me what it was called, and where I seen it before.
We updated our Infinity Evolved server and the Hint Book from FTB Utilities is now blank. Is it just us, or is it like that for everybody running the latest v2.3.5? I need those hints so I can progress thru the magic mods which were "expert mode-ed"!

I got the same problem after updating to 2.3.5!

Bingo, correctomundo - you just saved me from typing the same explanation - MFR Auto-Spawners do not bother with the mob cap. They do not check for it. I've never tried, but it wouldn't surprise me if an MFR Auto-Spawner will still work in a peaceful world. :)

FTB Utilities chunk loading was semi-broken, the one night that I tried it, that's all I can report. It's entirely possible the mod has been fixed now so that it works identical to all other chunk loaders. But "user beware", that's all I'm warning.

Back to reading.
I just tried it this night to chunck load my Manapool setup. I have a hopper+Chest above a Open Crate that drops on a pressure plate conected via redstone to the hopper.
(dropping wood planks for Endoflames.
Now this works well if I¨m online but it did stop at some point when I was offline and just activated itself again when I came back. And the chunck is RED on the FTB Utilitie Map and just to be sure, I marked all ataching ones too.

Im just bumbling through magic atm aiming for something then hitting perpetual road blocks.
"Let's do thaumcraft! Ok goggles of revealing need impregnated leather, ok that requires a witchery setup that now needs botania stuff... ok where was I going here?"

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
YOu did´t see anything yet :) I was at that exactly point on last thursday. Now I want the Flower that gives me research points. I can´t even tell you how much jumps in between these 3 mods I had to make... But just look up "rune of envy" :)
Tier 4 Blood Magic Altar is needed. That means a weak blood shard that means the bound Sword that means sword of Zypres(or how ever its called) requeires infusion. And now better do not search for the Runic Matrix :) Cause then you know why I want to chunck load my mana production.

edit: DOnt get me wrong. I enjoy that a LOT! Hadn´t so much fun with a pack in years.
About to take my base apart bit by bit to search for the source of my fps lag & was wondering if there is any mod or maybe any suggestions to tracking this down before demolitions begin?

Modest base running off bees (30'ish industrial apiaries) so no massive production a few centrifuges, magma crucibles & item storage combo of storage drawers (20'ish) & basic ae setup. Power is a single nether star generator. And a basic Botania setup. Tree farm buried far under ground. FPS lag arrived after last update & is only at my base. It's not a server performance issue.

Custom Pack hosted on server (spoilered below)
i7-4712MQ /8gb (4gb for MC)
Geforce 750M

Extra Utilites
Pam's HarvestCraft
Applied Energistics 2
AE2 Stuff
BD Lib
Binne Core
BiblioWoods - BOP Edition
BiblioWoods - Forestry Edition
BiblioWoods - Natura Edition
Tinkers Mechworks
Biomes O Plenty
Big Reactors
Thermal Foundation
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Dynamics
Dark Menagerie
Dense Ores
Carpenters Blocks
Inventory Tweaks
Router Reborn
Steves Factory Manager
Thaumcraft NEI
Wildcaves 3
Technomancy - 0.12.1A - 1.7.10
Thaumcraft Minus Thaumcraft

As always thanks for any assistance given :)
Nothing really calls out to me as being known for lag. How big is your "basic" AE setup? I ask because one, "basic" is kind of a variant term and, two, a single big network tends (at least, as far as I recall) to be less performant than daisy-chained subnets, since each network runs in its own thread. Of course, that might be old info, so take it with a grain of salt.
Nothing really calls out to me as being known for lag. How big is your "basic" AE setup? I ask because one, "basic" is kind of a variant term and, two, a single big network tends (at least, as far as I recall) to be less performant than daisy-chained subnets, since each network runs in its own thread. Of course, that might be old info, so take it with a grain of salt.
Thanks for the feedback :) very basic still, a single controller, console & drive filled with 4k's, about 16 channels on combination of i/o buses, interfaces & storage buses & an ae2 stuff wireless setup:D
Shouldn't be a lag source, I see you've got Opis, maybe run the /opis command and see if you can find where the tick lag is coming from. There might be a large amount of entities somewhere that's causing the slowdown, like mobs.
Shouldn't be a lag source, I see you've got Opis, maybe run the /opis command and see if you can find where the tick lag is coming from. There might be a large amount of entities somewhere that's causing the slowdown, like mobs.
Tick rate is fine, 13-15ms with 4 or more people on. Just the fps lag is doing me in. Is there a feature in OPIS that will hunt down fps issues as well? I will do some digging around, I only ever used it for tracking down server performance issues. Thanks again for your input :)
Not a problem! I think it also profiles client-side rendering, so you should be able to hunt those issues down, as well. Opis is an admin's best friend, I swear.