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Is there a block with the stone slab texture? I want it for decorative purposes with my travel anchors but the painting machine only accepts blocks.

If you have them in your pack try Carpenter blocks. These are wooden frame structures that you can place other block "into" to give them the desired texture.
If you have them in your pack try Carpenter blocks. These are wooden frame structures that you can place other block "into" to give them the desired texture.
Won't work, the painting machine needs an actual block to copy the texture off and carpenter's blocks just fake it. That and you can't actually pick up the block without the one it's copying popping out and ender io won't copy transparent ones.
I seem to have a problem with FTB Infinity 1.8.2 crashing more often lately. I'm not exactly sure what I'm reading, but would anyone know what my problem is?

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000002a5f3c9, pid=1492, tid=4208
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_55-b13) (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.55-b03 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# j codechicken.nei.SubsetWidget$UpdateStateTask.calculateVisibility(Lcodechicken/nei/SubsetWidget$SubsetTag;Ljava/util/Map;)V+150
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# ----Censored----
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed
Does anyone know where I could download a replacement for the "Hit Splat Damage Indicators" mod for 1.7.10? Or, is it included in any FTB modpacks? The author's Dropbox links are not working.
Does anyone know where I could download a replacement for the "Hit Splat Damage Indicators" mod for 1.7.10? Or, is it included in any FTB modpacks? The author's Dropbox links are not working.
This isn't really a replacement, but you WAILA does show enemy health when you look at them. Otherwise, though, I don't know.
I seem to have a problem with FTB Infinity 1.8.2 crashing more often lately. I'm not exactly sure what I'm reading, but would anyone know what my problem is?

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0000000002a5f3c9, pid=1492, tid=4208
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_55-b13) (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.55-b03 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# j codechicken.nei.SubsetWidget$UpdateStateTask.calculateVisibility(Lcodechicken/nei/SubsetWidget$SubsetTag;Ljava/util/Map;)V+150
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# ----Censored----
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed

You might want to move to a newer version of Java... 1.8.0_25 works fine for me.
Problem is I already looked at the configs. I don't see one in OpenBlocks that's explicitly labeled as "enable graves on death" . Heres the config if you want to look at.
# Configuration file

additional {
# List any mob names you want disabled on the server
S:disableMobNames <

# Should player inventories be stored after death (can be later restored with ob_inventory command)

blocks {

cartographer {
# List of blocks that should be invisible to cartographer. Example: id:3, OpenBlocks:eek:penblocks_radio (case sensitive)
S:blockBlacklist <

crane {
# Enable magnet turtles

# Use shift to control crane direction (otherwise, toggle every time)

# Enable collision checking of crane arm

# Show magnet turtles in creative list

# Maximal distance from turtle to magnet when deactivating

# Range of magnet CC peripheral

cursor {
# Amount of damage a cursor can take

debug {
# Show structures found by golden eye

# Dump extra amount of data, every time grave is created

dropblock {
# XP consumed by elevator (total amount = ratio * distance)

# Disable limit of blocks between elevators (equivalent to maxPassThrough = infinity)

# The elevator will ignore half blocks when counting the blocks it can pass through

# The elevator will try to pass through blocks that have custom collision boxes

# The maximum amount of blocks the elevator can pass through before the teleport fails

# The range of the drop block

# Defines blocks that are handled specially by elevators. Entries are in form <modId>:<blockName>:<action> or id:<blockId>:<action>. Possible actions: abort (elevator can't pass block), increment (counts for elevatorMaxBlockPassCount limit) and ignore
S:specialBlockRules <

egg {
# Can golden egg pick blocks while hatching (may lead to glitches)

fan {
# Maximum force applied every tick to entities nearby (linear decay)

# Range of fan in blocks

# Is fan force controlled by redstone current

features {
# Explosive enchant can break blocks at level 3

# Id of explosive enchantment

# Id of flim flam enchantment

# Should every player get info book on first login

# Id of last stand enchantment

# Id of liquid XP fluid (WARNING: only for users who know what they are doing - changing this id can break worlds

# Storage in mB needed to store single XP point

glasses {
# 0.0 - no visible change to world, 1.0 - world fully obscured

# Use texture for obscuring world

graves {
# Can grave spawn single block of dirt when it has no block under?

# Try to overwrite blocks with graves if no suitable place is found on first try

# Spawn rate, range: 0..1, default: about 1 per 50s

# Size of cube searched for spaces suitable for grave spawning

# Should grave randomly spawn skeletons

# Frequency of special action on grave digging, 0..1

# Store contents of spawned graves into separate NBT files (can later be restored with ob_inventory command)

# Should grave try to spawn when player died by falling into void? (false -> legacy behaviour)

guide {
# How builder guide should react to redstone. 0 - not sensitive, 1 - powered == on, -1 - inverted

# Square of guide maximum render distance

hacks {
# Enable experimental features that may be buggy or broken entirely

imaginary {
# Speed of imaginary blocks fading/appearing

# Number of newly created crayon/pencil uses

items {

loot {

magnet {
# Can crane magnet pick block?

# Can crane magnet pick entities?

radio {
# Music merchant id (-1 to disable)

# Should tuned crystals sell records too

scaffolding {
# The rate at which scaffolding should break. 0 - fastest

sponge {
# Sponge block range (distance from center)

# SpongeOnAStick use count

sprinkler {
# 1/chance that crops will be fertilized with bonemeal

# The range in each cardinal direction that crops will be affected.

# 1/chance that crops will be fertilized without bonemeal

tanks {
# The amount of buckets each tank can hold

# Should filled tanks be searchable with creative menu

# Tanks will emit light when they contain a liquid that glows (eg. lava)

# Should tanks try to balance liquid amounts with neighbours

tomfoolery {
# You know, THAT thing! That you shouldn't do in public!

# Blacklist for effects used by flim-flam enchantment
S:flimFlamBlacklist <

# Allow only flimflams that don't cause death (or at least very rarely)

# Are you serious too?

trophy {
# The chance (from 0 to 1) of a trophy drop. for example, 0.001 for 1/1000
A few other random questions on OpenBlocks while we're talking about it: What does Flim Flam do? What's up with the "doItWhileTyping" and the serious people stuff in the configs? and what happened to the Vaccum Hopper? I don't think it appears in NEI anymore, but the config option still labels it as "true".
Hate to repost, but I think my question got buried. Anyone have an idea how to enable graves in the configs or to deal with the malfunctioning gamerule keepInventory?
Hate to repost, but I think my question got buried. Anyone have an idea how to enable graves in the configs or to deal with the malfunctioning gamerule keepInventory?
Here's the section of that config relevant to graves:
graves {
# Can grave spawn single block of dirt when it has no block under?

# Try to overwrite blocks with graves if no suitable place is found on first try

# Spawn rate, range: 0..1, default: about 1 per 50s

# Size of cube searched for spaces suitable for grave spawning

# Should grave randomly spawn skeletons

# Frequency of special action on grave digging, 0..1

# Store contents of spawned graves into separate NBT files (can later be restored with ob_inventory command)

# Should grave try to spawn when player died by falling into void? (false -> legacy behaviour)
None of that looks, to me, like they shouldn't be spawning. If you're having trouble with it, I'd suggest disabling voidFix (maybe it's bugged?) or enabling destructiveGraves (in case you're dying somewhere it can't spawn one). But I've never had trouble with the graves spawning, so I dunno.

As for the other things:
- Flim Flam is an enchantment that goes on armor, and does random things to anyone that attacks you, like put Bane of Arthropods on random items or spawn in dozens of charged creepers around them clientside. May not be very useful outside of PvP; I haven't tested it much.
- doItWhileTyping... I have no idea.
- weAreSeriousPeople: Allows you to eat a lump of clay (by pressing B, I think- it's mentioned in the book), and a few minutes later, quite literally s*** a brick.
- Vacuum hoppers: Last I checked, they were working fine, although that was a month or two ago, and my information may be outdated.
I play with a custom modded 1.6.4

I have problem with pulverizing Nether Ores.
All the Nether Ores that I drop in the TE pulverizer turns into one of a Mekanism DUST, or into an EnderIO POWDER, but none of them into PULVERIZED stuff.
I make all the changes I know, in config files, but never can get pulverized things. Only dust or powder.
If I disable the pulverizer recipes in the Nether Ores config file, than all the nether ores turn into EnderIO powder.
I even changed the recipe overwrite switch in the TE config file, but no matter if it was enabled or disabled, the same thing happens.
Looks like that switch doesn't do anything at all. (Or at least, in this case.)

If I first cook the nether ores in a furnace, they turn into a normal (not nether) ore so I can pulverize them into pulverized stuff.
But not if I drop the nether ore in the pulverizer at first place.

I like to know what and how I need to change in which config file, so the nether ores can be turn into pulverized stuff in the pulverizer?
Is that possible at all? Or I always have to cook them before I can pulverize those nether ores?
I play with a custom modded 1.6.4

I have problem with pulverizing Nether Ores.
All the Nether Ores that I drop in the TE pulverizer turns into one of a Mekanism DUST, or into an EnderIO POWDER, but none of them into PULVERIZED stuff.
I make all the changes I know, in config files, but never can get pulverized things. Only dust or powder.
If I disable the pulverizer recipes in the Nether Ores config file, than all the nether ores turn into EnderIO powder.
I even changed the recipe overwrite switch in the TE config file, but no matter if it was enabled or disabled, the same thing happens.
Looks like that switch doesn't do anything at all. (Or at least, in this case.)

If I first cook the nether ores in a furnace, they turn into a normal (not nether) ore so I can pulverize them into pulverized stuff.
But not if I drop the nether ore in the pulverizer at first place.

I like to know what and how I need to change in which config file, so the nether ores can be turn into pulverized stuff in the pulverizer?
Is that possible at all? Or I always have to cook them before I can pulverize those nether ores?
It shouldn't matter; whatever type of pulverized ore it is - dust, powder, or pulverized - it should smelt down in any and all furnaces like normal, and work in any crafting recipe requiring pulverized ore. What you're looking at is the magic of the ore dictionary at work. ;)
Of course, you might have some other motive to explicitly want the pulverized version, but we don't know it unless you tell us, so please do so. :)

This topic is perfect for my simple question : how do you get a simple picture (.png) of a block, like in the NEI ?

(Google can't find my answer... or i use wrong tags ^^')

I searched in the .jar but i find only textures for each sides, not the complete block.
Last edited:

This topic is perfect for my simple question : how do you get a simple picture (.png) of a block, like in the NEI ?

(Google can't find my answer... or i use wrong tags ^^')
Go in the mod or minecraft jar file, Then go into assets/<minecraft or mod>/blocks/block.png

You will need 7Zip to open the jar file.
Go in the mod or minecraft jar file, Then go into assets/<minecraft or mod>/blocks/block.png

You will need 7Zip to open the jar file.
I think they mean like a picture of the whole block, like the grass block image on the vanilla MC launcher.

That image is harder to get; I don't think you'll actually find an image like that anywhere pre-made.
If you're willing to learn a little 3D modeling, though, it's fairly easy to use a tool like Blender to make a cube, add the textures to each side, and then render that from your viewpoint of choice. If you need more help, either Google "render textured cube Blender" and look for a tutorial or start a thread in the off-topic section (PM me if you do, I might be able to help a little).

This topic is perfect for my simple question : how do you get a simple picture (.png) of a block, like in the NEI ?

(Google can't find my answer... or i use wrong tags ^^')

I searched in the .jar but i find only textures for each sides, not the complete block.

Not entirely sure what you're looking for, but when I had to get textures for the FTB wiki it was a simple picture of NEI on the largest GUI setting and then cutting the blocks out with your software of choice.
Thanks for anwsers !

Padfoote, you right, it's like on wiki : i wonder how they get picture of each items, that's all ^^ So, you give me my answer... i thinked they take directly the picture in the .jar :rolleyes:

(To be honnest, i want to create a wiki mods for community FR. That's why)
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It shouldn't matter; whatever type of pulverized ore it is - dust, powder, or pulverized - it should smelt down in any and all furnaces like normal, and work in any crafting recipe requiring pulverized ore. What you're looking at is the magic of the ore dictionary at work. ;)
Of course, you might have some other motive to explicitly want the pulverized version, but we don't know it unless you tell us, so please do so. :)

Thanks, I know that those can be smelt down to the same ingot in any furnace.
But the problem is that; I already set up a sorting-storing system with barrels (from JABBA mod) and its filled with PULVERIZED stuffs. Because all the Overworld ores turn into pulverized one. So I want that the nether ores, if I put them in a pulverizer, come out as TE pulverized items. Not dust or powder from another mod! If I need dust I use the Mekanism machine, or if I want powder than I use the EnderIO SAG Mill.
But if I put them in a pulverizer I expect pulverized items, not items that originally came out from another machine.

Im don't understand why the oredictionary turn the nether ores (and only just that!) into dust or powder if they come out from a pulverizer?
It doesn't make sense because the other machines not making pulverized things! They make what they have to make: dust or powder.

So, is there a way to make the nether ores, if they come out of a pulverizer, turn into a pulverized one?
Or I always have to cook them first (to turn them to an normal Overworld ore) and pulverize them after it?
Thanks, I know that those can be smelt down to the same ingot in any furnace.
But the problem is that; I already set up a sorting-storing system with barrels (from JABBA mod) and its filled with PULVERIZED stuffs. Because all the Overworld ores turn into pulverized one. So I want that the nether ores, if I put them in a pulverizer, come out as TE pulverized items. Not dust or powder from another mod! If I need dust I use the Mekanism machine, or if I want powder than I use the EnderIO SAG Mill.
But if I put them in a pulverizer I expect pulverized items, not items that originally came out from another machine.

Im don't understand why the oredictionary turn the nether ores (and only just that!) into dust or powder if they come out from a pulverizer?
It doesn't make sense because the other machines not making pulverized things! They make what they have to make: dust or powder.

So, is there a way to make the nether ores, if they come out of a pulverizer, turn into a pulverized one?
Or I always have to cook them first (to turn them to an normal Overworld ore) and pulverize them after it?
JABBA barrels are set up to accept any item that shares an ore dictionary entry with the item already inside and convert the item being put in to that item. So your barrels themselves should solve your issue; just put the dusts in and they become pulverized metals instead.
JABBA barrels are set up to accept any item that shares an ore dictionary entry with the item already inside and convert the item being put in to that item. So your barrels themselves should solve your issue; just put the dusts in and they become pulverized metals instead.

I didn't know that the barrel can do the magic! Awsome!
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