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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to cause Ender Hives to spawn in MystCraft Ages? If not, are Ender Hives found on GregTech enderoids, or only on the main island in The End?

I can answer your first question, if there was a way of spawning them with Mystcraft, it would be using the sky biome page as this is what the end is.
Else they are found on enderoids (I like that name :p) but quite rarely. Normally the way I'd hear about people getting ender bees after the main island was eaten up was make a frame machine and run it through the enderoids and eventually you'd get some hives.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have two railcraft boilers, both on biofuel, both are putting out 720 mb/t according to power converters. (Both are full size)

One shows its internal steam tank as being full, the other is half full. Any reason why this is?

ALSO: is there any reason to craft sugar cane or wheat into Plantballs or Compress them using IC2 compressor, to use in a fermenter? 1 sugar cane yields 200 mb of biomass, but a Plantball only yields 400, and it takes 8 sugar cane to make a plantball? Seems obvious to just put sugar cane directly in the fermenter, but usually adding a step yields more efficiency, not less. Am I missing something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One shows its internal steam tank as being full, the other is half full. Any reason why this is?

ALSO: is there any reason to craft sugar cane or wheat into Plantballs or Compress them using IC2 compressor, to use in a fermenter? 1 sugar cane yields 200 mb of biomass, but a Plantball only yields 400, and it takes 8 sugar cane to make a plantball? Seems obvious to just put sugar cane directly in the fermenter, but usually adding a step yields more efficiency, not less. Am I missing something?

Boilers will output steam starting at 50% capacity. One of your boilers was able to do so right from the start, that's why it stays at 50%. The other didn't have enough output opportunities early-on and thus filled up. Now it continues to output its full 720 mB/t, but since that is exactly how much it produces, it stays at 100%.

As for the plantball recipes, those are there just for compatibility - to give these IC2 things a use in Forestry. "I can use them to make IC2 biofuel, why not Forestry biofuel?", people asked, and so it was added. They are not supposed to let you convert other valid biofuel items into something of higher yield.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am setting up an armour display from weakest to strongest for Unleashed. I will have them set up as so

Leather -> Gold -> Chainmail -> Steel Leaf > Iron -> Steel -> _> Thaumcraft -> Bronze -> Diamond -> Nanosuit -> Quantum Suit -> Power armour

Is this the correct layout for base stats? Am I missing anything?

Secondly, is there a way to link to separate AE systems using wireless access points as hotspots and chaining them together? I want to hook wire my base together which is 400x400 or so with out running cables everywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The chunkloader is obviously working, if not your trees wouldnt disappear, and your boiler wouldnt run out of fuel (assuming on same chunkloader).

The harvester has to be getting power from something, because it is cutting down the trees. Something is not getting loaded when you log out. Was thinking that something providing your fertilizer was not chunkloaded, but that idea is out. is there any way that the logs have to travel somewhere that is not chunkloaded, to get to the furnaces/boiler?

Just seeing saplings can actually happen if you logged in at daybreak, and your harvester caught up overnight. It might be possible that the logs are just trying to route somewhere that is not chunkloaded, so they never get to the boiler, and you seeing no trees was just a coincidence, and it was morning. Maybe.

The chunkloading issue is odd, im sure ive sent items across pipes that were in chunks that were not loaded before, going from a loaded chunk down to another area that was chunkloaded, and the items made it from what i saw. But its not suppsoed to work that way im told. Could you show a screenshot of what your setup looks like, if no one else comes up with an answer? Its a pretty odd problem, maybe seeing how you set things up could give an idea on what is going wrong.
My tree farm is contained exactly within a 2x2 chunk area that is chunkloaded by spot loaders. Nothing actually leaves or enters the chunk loaded area when I'm offline, by design. The farm's also underground, and lit so that it grows around the clock.

The screenshot... will have to wait a bit until I go home. Which will be a while, unfortunately.

Is the server running MCPC+ or regular forge? MCPC has several outstanding chunkloading issues for 1.5.2.
Hmmm. What's the default settings for Direwolf20 v1.1.3, or rather, how do I check?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
along with that, can the Alkahest be automated! Wont work in a MAC.
The Tome of alkahest will work in the MAC, but alkahest doesn't, unless you want to use it as a type of voiding mechanism.

As stated above, the advanced crafting table should work with it
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gregtech without turning anything off is scary. Im so lost. I usually turn it to easy mode but I didnt this time and its like woooooah. 1.6.2. ;-;


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am setting up an armour display from weakest to strongest for Unleashed. ...
Leather -> Gold -> Chainmail -> Steel Leaf > Iron -> Steel -> _> Thaumcraft -> Bronze -> Diamond -> Nanosuit -> Quantum Suit -> Power armour

I like this :) If you run NEI searches on "chest" or "boots" and the like, you'll find the ones you're missing. Off the top of my head, there's Invar Armor, Composite Armor, that orange hazard/hazmat suit from IC2 (the boots for it are the Rubber Boots, fyi). There's a set of Mud Armor from Biomes o' Plenty, and 3-4 more Twilight Forest armors: Ironwood, Nagascale and Fiery, I believe (though Nagascale only has two pieces to the set), plus the still-WIP "Knightsmetal" (or something like that) Armor. And there are two types of Thaumcraft armor -- the Thaumic Armor, and the Thaumaturgist Robes. I play DW20, so I don't have Dartcraft, but I suspect there's some absurdly overpowered armor in there, too *troll-ducks*.

Secondly, is there a way to link to separate AE systems using wireless access points as hotspots and chaining them together? I want to hook wire my base together which is 400x400 or so with out running cables everywhere.

Theoretically, yes, but not the way you describe: The only way to transmit an AE signal wirelessly from one AE block to another is with a pair of Quantum-Entangled Singularities, the top-tier tech of an already late-game mod. You place one Singularity in an expensive multiblock structure near your main network, and then you build another expensive multiblock to house the destination Singularity. Power 'em up, and both multiblocks are linked as if they were connected by ME Cable (over any distance, even across dimensions).

Practically, though, the Singularities method is incredibly expensive, and generally worth the cost only when the distances are huge. That being said, you do have a pretty big base, so if you have the resources, you could do something cool like build a pair of them and stick them at opposite ends... although, whether this is "worth" it is an open question. Running cables across a 400x400 base is time consuming, expensive, and energy-hungry. Singularities are even MORE expensive, and (probably) even MORE energy-hungry... but they're a lot cooler (and you can always dismantle one and move it somewhere else if you later make a base in another dimension).

Gregtech without turning anything off is scary. Im so lost. I usually turn it to easy mode but I didnt this time and its like woooooah. 1.6.2. ;-;
Don't panic. Stay where you are. Resist the urge to vacuum implode anything. I'm scrambling a rescue squadron of MPS fighter jets and EE2 alchemists; hold on just a little longer...!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
;-; I dont wanna turn on gregtech easy mode though. But by god. I dont even know where to start. And Im on 1.6.2 so no pulverizes. I need to make a.. *shudder* macerator. I think I need to start with metallurgy and make crushers first.. and find out how to make steel and.. oh god. Why cant I go back to the days of wood... oh yeah, I burned down my last tree house, next option.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Silly Q:
Can you out right fully deplete an areas aura for Thaumcraft? To the point where it is fully gone, and you can't do anything more in the area?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Silly Q:
Can you out right fully deplete an areas aura for Thaumcraft? To the point where it is fully gone, and you can't do anything more in the area?

Yes. You can remedy that by finding the source of the vis in the area (the largest aura node in the supply chain), and slapping down a fuckton of crystal clusters around it, which help repair the aura. It'll cause flux, yes, but you can live with that, right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cursed Earth mob spawner. Does it work like normal mob spawning. That you have to be within
16 blocks of it to spawn mobs?