So... Sounds like i got EXTREMELY unlucky with my spawn. In some regards, at least. Playing on the DW20 1.52 Modpack (BOP activated):
1 - There aren't any cactuses out for over 2000 blocks in every direction. I've even gone into creative and tried to scour the map over looking for them, even Tiny Cactuses, and not a single one.
2 - The closest Nether Fortress is 2600 blocks from spawn. Or about 300 blocks in the Nether.
So... Blaze Powder, isn't really MUCH of an issue, because i can get it from nearby Dunes biome, and there's a couple of ways of getting Nether Bricks. But Cactuses... Specifically, Pipe Waterproof. Is there ANY way i can get Pipe Waterproof WITHOUT messing with bees? I REALLY don't want to mess with bees.