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Look for a file in the mods/Voxelmods folder called In that file, look for the line that says "Menu Key:=" and change the = to whatever you want. Try and find something that is unused anywhere else, I found Voxelmap to be sensitive to that.
Is EE3 in the pack? You could use a minium stone to xmute any dye until you get to cactus green.

I forgot about Minium Stone.

Time to transmute away, i guess.

Reason i'm so phobic of bees is... I really don't like the system. It makes the game unfun for me. While i did dabble in it before, i thought it was too grindy and took way too long for my tastes... It's somewhat based on RNG, since some mutations are simply locked until you can find a Jungle Hive, or a Desert Hive, etc. Nevermind the Nether Hives. Like i said, i SCOURED over the whole Nether, and in 1000 blocks in every direction, i found one Nether Bee Hive. One. Which i only did, because of Voxel Map, that indicated the lighting the hive gave off in an otherwise dark corridor (and since there was no lava, could only be that or glowing mushrooms). So yeah, i don't like bees. Sucks, because you can get so much good stuff with them, but unless i'm on a server and someone gives me a few higher-end ones to start off with, i don't like to do it from scratch.
How do I make a scythe in Tinker's Construct?

You need a Tool Forge. It is created with a Tool Station, four storage blocks of the same type, such as Iron Blocks, and three Seared Brick blocks. The individual components of the scythe require more than 1 resource, so you'll need multiple pieces of cobble in order to craft the parts to make casts out of in the smeltery.
So... Sounds like i got EXTREMELY unlucky with my spawn. In some regards, at least. Playing on the DW20 1.52 Modpack (BOP activated):

1 - There aren't any cactuses out for over 2000 blocks in every direction. I've even gone into creative and tried to scour the map over looking for them, even Tiny Cactuses, and not a single one.

2 - The closest Nether Fortress is 2600 blocks from spawn. Or about 300 blocks in the Nether.

So... Blaze Powder, isn't really MUCH of an issue, because i can get it from nearby Dunes biome, and there's a couple of ways of getting Nether Bricks. But Cactuses... Specifically, Pipe Waterproof. Is there ANY way i can get Pipe Waterproof WITHOUT messing with bees? I REALLY don't want to mess with bees.

You said you have BOP, look in the Nether there should be some tiny cactus somewhere there D:
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How well does AE handle bees in later updates?
If I'm not mistaken, precise buses will only match bees that share ALL chromosomes (i.e. will stack with each other); while fuzzy buses will match all bees of the same species as the one in its GUI. If you want to use AE to stock your apiaries, I'm not sure whether you need to place both a princess and a drone in the export bus GUI or just one.

So reasonably well. There can be some problems if you have different bees of the same species, but different traits (i.e. a freshly-bred species and the same species with Fast Worker) in your network, but it's not too bad.
If I'm not mistaken, precise buses will only match bees that share ALL chromosomes (i.e. will stack with each other); while fuzzy buses will match all bees of the same species as the one in its GUI. If you want to use AE to stock your apiaries, I'm not sure whether you need to place both a princess and a drone in the export bus GUI or just one.

So reasonably well. There can be some problems if you have different bees of the same species, but different traits (i.e. a freshly-bred species and the same species with Fast Worker) in your network, but it's not too bad.
Hm, interesting

Thanks ^^
I think I'd only ever use it as automation for production bees, too much risk and also too cheaty in my opinion to try and breed bees with it.. but for monitoring bee production it sounds like a good idea ^^
I can confirm. It's definitely from the Promised Land. Promised Land is made up of floating islands of Purified Dirt and Skystone. You're going to need to craft an Ancient Staff to get there. Have fun mining every biome/opening lots of Spoils Bags.

Any particular reason why you're extremely phobic of bees? Pipe waterproofing from beeswax is literally the FIRST thing you can get from bees. All you'd have to do is scoop open a single hive and then make a bee house and put the bees in. No breeding. No frames. No seed oil. Just centrifuge the combs when they come out.

Wait, you can find gems as ores? if so, which biomes?
Wait, you can find gems as ores? if so, which biomes?


According to the mod author:

Ruby - Desert-type biomes
Peridot - Grassland-type biomes
Topaz - Jungle/Tropical/Water-type biomes
Tanzanite - Snow-type biomes
Apatite - Swamp-type biomes

They'll only appear in BoP-specific biomes, so don't bother searching in vanilla ones. If you have GregTech installed, it may try and replace the ruby with its own, which isn't compatible with the staff recipe. You'll have to toss the ruby in a Unifier to change it to the BoP version. The staff also specifically requires BoP Apatite and not the Forestry one. No idea if it can be switched in the Unifier.
What mod are the microblocks in Unleashed from? They became bugged when I saved and exited and rejoined, becoming invisible and crashing the game when broken.
FTB Ultimate: Can you melt blaze rods into lava in a magma crucible? Looking for ways to use a t5 blaze spawer as energy, you are supposed to be able to turn blaze rods into lava but it's not working for me.
What machine can I use in FTB mindcrack to eject items in a certain ratio? I need to output 1 royal jelly, 1 pollen, two beewax and three planks at the same time to a carpenter to make scented paneling. This way it will always have the right materials available. I thought i'd use redpower regulator. But anytime the items in the internal buffer match the ratio of items specified it outputs all of the buffer. Any sugestions?
What machine can I use in FTB mindcrack to eject items in a certain ratio? I need to output 1 royal jelly, 1 pollen, two beewax and three planks at the same time to a carpenter to make scented paneling. This way it will always have the right materials available. I thought i'd use redpower regulator. But anytime the items in the internal buffer match the ratio of items specified it outputs all of the buffer. Any sugestions?

In that pack I would use an advanced golem worker. Have a chest or set of barrels with the raw materials in them. Then tell the golem to keep certain amounts in the carpenter.
What machine can I use in FTB mindcrack to eject items in a certain ratio? I need to output 1 royal jelly, 1 pollen, two beewax and three planks at the same time to a carpenter to make scented paneling. This way it will always have the right materials available. I thought i'd use redpower regulator. But anytime the items in the internal buffer match the ratio of items specified it outputs all of the buffer. Any sugestions?
You could try upgrading your Regulator to a Manager, and crafting another Manager to go on your buffer chest.

I don't exactly recall how the settings on those things work, so you'll need to mess around with it some, but this is what I do remember:

Place one manager on your carpenter, and the other on the chest. Set the carpenter manager to "exact amount" (I think it's the mode where the button has the little green and red dots), priority 1, and place about five scented paneling worth of materials. In the other manager's GUI, place one of each item, leave it on priority zero, and set the other button to "any amount" (the mode without the dots).

Connect the back end of both of the managers to the same tube network, and supply BT power.

Oh, does Mindcrack have Logistics Pipes? If so, there's another option.
What machine can I use in FTB mindcrack to eject items in a certain ratio? I need to output 1 royal jelly, 1 pollen, two beewax and three planks at the same time to a carpenter to make scented paneling. This way it will always have the right materials available. I thought i'd use redpower regulator. But anytime the items in the internal buffer match the ratio of items specified it outputs all of the buffer. Any sugestions?

Emerald pipe and RP2 buffer work great together for this task.