I'm really partial to Managlass (no power needed! and you can also use a Saw on them to micro-block them) Carpenter's Blocks with Glowstone are a little pricier in this pack, but once you have a Sawmill, it's not so bad. The lamps from Railcraft (I think - I've got both the 'bloody' and the 'frosty' version) are a classy-looking alternative to torches. And, for lighting large 'outdoor' areas, Witchery's Glint Weed does nicely. If you put them on anything but dirt/grass, they won't spread - I just think they look weird inside. Higher end - you've got Blaze Lamps and Thaumcraft Nitor. There's a sleek looking ceiling light - I remember it used glowstone blocks in the recipe, and comes in both regular (power to turn on) and inverted (power to turn off). Word of warning, though: You will need tons of Glowstone if you want to take this pack to the end.