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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got a question...

With all the great mods and texture packs out there, why do we still have fence posts that repel water?
Hard to make a nice looking dock when the posts don't seem to go "in" the water.. :)

I always intend to but never get around to making things look nice, but I would think that chisels and bits would be able to do that. Not sure how long it would take to get a template created but after that I would think the rest would all be the same.

Edit: ninja'd, but glad I had the right thought process


Jan 29, 2015
I always intend to but never get around to making things look nice, but I would think that chisels and bits would be able to do that. Not sure how long it would take to get a template created but after that I would think the rest would all be the same.

Edit: ninja'd, but glad I had the right thought process

Indeed - I think what you'd need to do is to create posts that look like the fence posts, put the water around those, and then copy-paste that with C&B to get the look. I think the vanilla fences can't have bits put into their block spaces.


Jul 24, 2013
I've got a question...

With all the great mods and texture packs out there, why do we still have fence posts that repel water?
Hard to make a nice looking dock when the posts don't seem to go "in" the water.. :)

In Minecraft, physics is purely theoretical :D

Speaking of C&B in reference to the Ice/Lighting question above, I've seen instances (probably pre 1.10.2 so I'm not sure if it still works) where the player used a Glowstone cube cut into strips 1 "pixel" wide and tall laid 1 "pixel" below carpet and got nearly full-strength indirect lighting.
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Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
Who wrote the Forge Multiblock mod? We should let them add that functionality to it since it's a similar concept...

Yes, we will "let" them do all the work :)

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Speaking of C&B in reference to the Ice/Lighting question above, I've seen instances (probably pre 1.10.2 so I'm not sure if it still works) where the player used a Glowstone cube cut into strips 1 "pixel" wide and tall laid 1 "pixel" below carpet and got nearly full-strength indirect lighting.

It does work. I usually just use the plane mode with the chisel. Wack two layers off of the block. Insert one layer of glowstone and cover it with one layer of the block. No carpet needed and perfect hidden light source at ground level.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
It does work. I usually just use the plane mode with the chisel. Wack two layers off of the block. Insert one layer of glowstone and cover it with one layer of the block. No carpet needed and perfect hidden light source at ground level.

I use something like this as well. But I had to fix the threshold in the config files to make it work. But, I can drop a single glowstone bit anywhere and it's full luminosity. You can see some of them splrinkled on the ceiling in my storage area (they were supposed to be kind of like glow in the dark stars, lol).


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
I've got a question...

With all the great mods and texture packs out there, why do we still have fence posts that repel water?
Hard to make a nice looking dock when the posts don't seem to go "in" the water.. :)

I might be misremembering this, but I think the latest version of Regrowth has a mod that deals with the water/partial block thing. (Mainly because people were complaining that the 'fence-post diving bubble' wasn't working.)

It also may have been removed since I saw that. *ponders how to research this*


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016

Routable Fluids
The configuration file contains an option to enable Routable Fluids. When enabled, fluids adjacent to Carpenter's Blocks will appear to fill the empty block spaces. This allows shallow water along slope edges and stairs, for instance.


Try making your fences out of carpenter's blocks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015


Try making your fences out of carpenter's blocks.

Unless they've removed it, Carpenter's Blocks has a fence-post recipe built in (although for dock pilings, simple posts will do.) Also, the thing I remembered was an unspecified issue with Mariculture and ladders, which could have been either 'no air bubble', 'washes away ladders', or 'causes serious crashing'. (Go with Carpenter's Blocks.)


Hello !

Simple questions :

MEKANISM MOD 1.10.2 is compatible with Beyond 1.8.2 for MC 1.10.2 ?

Do you know some good mod to add at this modpack for more good content ?

Thank you !


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
I'll let someone else answer that one for sure because I have never used mechanism, but I can't see any reason it wouldn't work.

But, that does remind me, can anyone comment to the level of difference from Beyond 1.5.3 vs now? It looks like it's gone up a notch or two since I've last updated, but updating is a gigantic pain in the butt. I wanna know that it's worth it before I take the plunge.


I think it's about a lot of mods update in Beyond now as Agricraft (sprinkles doesn't work even) etc...
Take care to update with your map. I cant' tell you more.
Someone may can have the answer for mekanism and for you ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello !

Simple questions :

MEKANISM MOD 1.10.2 is compatible with Beyond 1.8.2 for MC 1.10.2 ?

Do you know some good mod to add at this modpack for more good content ?

Thank you !
Adding Mek to Beyond is simple and should be stable. As always, back up any existing worlds before you mess with the pack, but there isn't an obvious reason to be worried.

Do note that Mekanism makes the production of steel quite trivial, which can screw with the progression of mods that rely on it (Immersive Engineering and RailCraft specifically). The ease of which you can obtain the Mek Jetpack also messes with the progression regarding other forms of flight. This isn't bad if it's just your personal pack for fun, but it can imbalance server play quite dramatically. Just something to be aware of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to know if anyone has experienced much desync issues with boats in the major modpacks in 1.10+ ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2015
(Immersive Engineering and RailCraft specifically).
steel is already irrelevant for this te breaks it by its self u can induction smelt steel together by the old recipe ,any ways ie's steel is too slow anyways (ie gets a slowness stack above rc in my book becuase cant automate without giving up a bunch of steel in the first place )
as for jetpacks meh simply jetpacks ones are already in the pack and there easy enough to make so that pt is null
de unbalances stuff far far more and its included in the pack by default


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've not managed to find any info about this; does anyone know how fast
AA's Canola Presses make Canola Oil, and how fast the Fermenting Barrels turn it into Oil? I haven't seen like a mB/t rate for either of these. You can probably guess where I'm going - I'm wondering what the optimal ratio of Presses to Barrels is, to avoid getting a backlog of Canola Oil while having the minimum Barrels necessary.
You'll want roughly two fermenting barrels per press. The devices aren't super transparent with their mechanisms, but going on memory it was maybe a minute per bucket of oil from each press, 30 seconds per bucket in each barrel. The oil generator takes maybe a minute and a half per bucket to burn at 350RF/t for empowered oil. Also note that you'll need to convert some of the canola back into canola seeds: The drop ratio of canola to seeds doesn't quite give you the six seeds you need per bucket of fuel. It can get super fiddly to make handling this fully automated. I dropped off on that point: I just made sure I had a good surplus, and then occasionally shift stuff around when a stock of anything looks low in my Refined Storage system.
I set up a 9x9 Canola field (as that's the max size AA's farmer supports), with 9 earthworms and full coverage of AA greenhouse glass over the field, for max growth boost. Despite all of those speed boosts the AA farmer is still pretty slow, since it passed over the field 1 block per tick to plant seeds, and then 1 block per tick to check for harvests (and maybe a third passthrough to till? I'm not sure if it skips that once the field is set up). With 3 pressed and 6 barrels, the system was operated in pulses with plenty of idle time. They fed into six generators without any backup of oil to jam the system up.

Hell of a lot more work for 2100 rf/t than just making a 3x3 Extreme Reactor, but it's a much more engaging engineering task, at least. :p
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Jan 29, 2015
You'll want roughly two fermenting barrels per press. The devices aren't super transparent with their mechanisms, but going on memory it was maybe a minute per bucket of oil from each press, 30 seconds per bucket in each barrel. The oil generator takes maybe a minute and a half per bucket to burn at 350RF/t for empowered oil. Also note that you'll need to convert some of the canola back into canola seeds: The drop ratio of canola to seeds doesn't quite give you the six seeds you need per bucket of fuel. It can get super fiddly to make handling this fully automated. I dropped off on that point: I just made sure I had a good surplus, and then occasionally shift stuff around when a stock of anything looks low in my Refined Storage system.
I set up a 9x9 Canola field (as that's the max size AA's farmer supports), with 9 earthworms and full coverage of AA greenhouse glass over the field, for max growth boost. Despite all of those speed boosts the AA farmer is still pretty slow, since it passed over the field 1 block per tick to plant seeds, and then 1 block per tick to check for harvests (and maybe a third passthrough to till? I'm not sure if it skips that once the field is set up). With 3 pressed and 6 barrels, the system was operated in pulses with plenty of idle time. They fed into six generators without any backup of oil to jam the system up.

Hell of a lot more work for 2100 rf/t than just making a 3x3 Extreme Reactor, but it's a much more engaging engineering task, at least. :p
Awesome, thanks for that info! :) a ratio of 1:2 presses to barrels sounds perfect. And I've done the same thing with my canola - 9x9 with an AA farmer! Not got far enough to have the greenhouse glass set up yet, but for now I don't need it.

And you're right - much more of what I think of as fun anyway! Though with the 8x fuel usage for Extreme Reactors in Beyond, it might be too challenging to keep up with yellorium stocks anyway!

My plan was always to go AA oil (first crystallised, then eventually empowered), but I've also added Immersive Petroleum to the pack, so I'm looking forward to setting up some pumpjacks too! Hopefully I can find a nice flat desert or appropriately barren looking area for that ;)


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
steel is already irrelevant for this te breaks it by its self u can induction smelt steel together by the old recipe ,any ways ie's steel is too slow anyways (ie gets a slowness stack above rc in my book becuase cant automate without giving up a bunch of steel in the first place )
as for jetpacks meh simply jetpacks ones are already in the pack and there easy enough to make so that pt is null
de unbalances stuff far far more and its included in the pack by default

Use your words. And punctuation.


Do note that Mekanism makes the production of steel quite trivial, which can screw with the progression of mods that rely on it (Immersive Engineering and RailCraft specifically)
Ok thanks you ! I will think about that and see in solo first because i'm looking for more difficulty and using more "ressources mods" to make people not boring.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016

You mention a TE compessor that can make packed ice? I looked at packed ice in NEI and it wasn't showing anything that can make it, and when I search for compressor on FTBwiki, I'm only seeing an ndustrialcraft version (and what appears to be a component for something in rotarycraft), but nothing from thermal expansion. Might this be under a different name, or is that what you were thinking of?

I'd really like some compressed ice, but not seeing anything in NEI has me worried. I can use blocks of snow in its place, but I'd rather have it all.