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Immediately, I would think. Where were you looking and which modpack? For Beyond, the link for the server version is in the in-game menu. For others, you might have to run the legacy launcher and click to download the server files from there. I would think any pack that doesn't have it when it launches isn't going to have it.

The SkyFactory3 3.0.11 client pack was released yesterday but the server pack is still at 3.0.10. I was just curious how long it would take for the server pack to be updated. :)
Ooh what did you mean about not entering claimed chunks? I'm missing something here :/

It won't follow me back into the tunnel. I couldn't push it into the tunnel, either. Could be I jumped the gun on the cause.

I trued a water based method to hilarious results, too. Nothing is going as planned, lol. Even fir a pretty manual method. I just need to get the grinder to get the killing blow consistently. I'll get back to it later, though.

Right now, why is my quantum quarry apparently not able to mine sand, even with a desert biome marker? It has mined 445,745 blocks and a sand ain't one. I have get my sand by hand like done kind of a peasant? This cannot stand.
Ugh, this is so close to all set up. Just one thing is not computing. I just spent roughly 478 hours and 749 years worth of bad luck crafting a couple of tier 6 solar panels. Combined, they are generating 4k/t. Oh Happy day because apparently it takes quite a bit of energy to move the sun.

But, the wireless transfer crystal that I have been using all along on all if the devices in my base is keeping up in real-time with the celestial manipulator, but trickles about 40 per tick to one machine, and nothing to a few others. I'm storing plenty, too. It's just not sending right anymore. I even tried re linking. Any ideas?

Edit: nm, relinked the whole network from scratch. Seems to be working.
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Someone mentioned this in the Beyond suggestions thread, but I wanted to ask if anyone's tried it and if so how successful they were: has anyone added Immersive Petroleum into FTB Beyond themselves, and if so how did it go in terms of compatibility/conflicts?
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It won't follow me back into the tunnel. I couldn't push it into the tunnel, either. Could be I jumped the gun on the cause.

I trued a water based method to hilarious results, too. Nothing is going as planned, lol. Even fir a pretty manual method. I just need to get the grinder to get the killing blow consistently. I'll get back to it later, though.

Right now, why is my quantum quarry apparently not able to mine sand, even with a desert biome marker? It has mined 445,745 blocks and a sand ain't one. I have get my sand by hand like done kind of a peasant? This cannot stand.
I always automate my sand by using some sort of cobblestone generator (Igneous Extruder) feeding a SAG Mill (creates gravel, with the secondary output of sand) feeding a SAG Mill (creates sand with the secondary output of flint, which I send back to both SAG Mills for increased output). The TE Pulverizer does similar, but may go straight from cobble to sand (with gravel secondary output). If you have the silk touch mining you had mentioned earlier, you can use one of these machines to turn stone into cobble to feed the whole system rather than create it outright.
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I did find that gravel and sandstone can grind into sand, and set up a temporary fix for now.

Cheating and posting the new vid here just cause it's what you guys have been helping me with and it's pretty, but I'll keep the rest of this talk to my showcase thread as I'm already walking on the border here. Its already been upgraded to tier 5, not shown here, and I'm gonna have to move all of it. After that, though, I will set up these machines more efficiently now that I'm seeing it run at full speed. I can't keep up with processing right now.

Ok, I'm trying to build a moat. But with explosives. And I should have known it wouldn't be this easy. Best way to explain is to show you. Don't worry, not fishing for views, these are not monetized:

So, the idea was to have each line drop after the other and explode on the ground, digging a hole down to bedrock, but mostly straight. I was hoping I would be able to stand in the middle untouched. But, failure is always an option, lol.

I'm hoping for a low tech solution here. This may be more if a vanilla skill. Any advice?

Btw, so gonna have to make a Google cardboard version if that video. It'll be sick.
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Hey, I'm playing in the Skyfactory 3 modpack, and I was really confused today when I noticed that a spawn cow egg seemed to randomly appear in my refined storage system. The only item source I have that channels into my system is a loot bag farm, but according to NEI, you can't get cow eggs from loot bags, or from anything else for that matter. I'm tempted to use it because I'm having trouble getting cows on my island, but I wanna play 100% legit and I feel like this would be cheating if the egg just magically appeared there. Anyone have a clue how it could have got there?
Hey, I'm playing in the Skyfactory 3 modpack, and I was really confused today when I noticed that a spawn cow egg seemed to randomly appear in my refined storage system. The only item source I have that channels into my system is a loot bag farm, but according to NEI, you can't get cow eggs from loot bags, or from anything else for that matter. I'm tempted to use it because I'm having trouble getting cows on my island, but I wanna play 100% legit and I feel like this would be cheating if the egg just magically appeared there. Anyone have a clue how it could have got there?
Loot bag? I know I got a spawn egg for a chicken in one before.

That being said, you should be attracting cows with Cow Bait. Easy to make, put near water, and walk away for a while.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Loot bag? I know I got a spawn egg for a chicken in one before.

That being said, you should be attracting cows with Cow Bait. Easy to make, put near water, and walk away for a while.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
I think if it was from a loot bag NEI would show that like it shows most things you can get from loot bags. Thanks for the advice about the cow bait though ;D
How do I change the mode of a Draconic Evolution I/O crystal
A tool called the Crystal Binder; draconic core, diamond, blaze rod and two draconium.

EDIT: I might be wrong about that, it could be an empty hand, I'd have to check.

EDIT 2: its an empty hand, I think shift right click.
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Curse are such idiots. Now they want us to "merge with Twitch account", except for one small problem - I don't have a Twitch account to merge my Curse account with. But does that stop Curse? Oh no, they tell us we MUST create a Twitch account to merge our Curse account into.

How the flying F does this make ANY sense? Curse are the biggest idiots ever, even bigger than me. LOL Utterly retarded.

And of course, when I go to Twitch to make a new account so I can merge it with my Curse account... it tells me the username I use at Curse is already taken. F YOU.

Serves em right for picking such a terrible, negative name such as CURSE. I CURSE CURSE. CURSES ON CURSE.

It would be such a blessing if we didn't have to deal with those Curse(d) idiots. Except apparently some other Minecraft morons sold out to em. Yay.
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Curse are such idiots. Now they want us to "merge with Twitch account", except for one small problem - I don't have a Twitch account to merge my Curse account with. But does that stop Curse? Oh no, they tell us we MUST create a Twitch account to merge our Curse account into.

How the flying F does this make ANY sense? Curse are the biggest idiots ever, even bigger than me. LOL Utterly retarded.

And of course, when I go to Twitch to make a new account so I can merge it with my Curse account... it tells me the username I use at Curse is already taken. F YOU.

Serves em right for picking such a terrible, negative name such as CURSE. I CURSE CURSE. CURSES ON CURSE.

It would be such a blessing if we didn't have to deal with those Curse(d) idiots. Except apparently some other Minecraft morons sold out to em. Yay.

You know Twitch bought them out, right? That's why the consolidation of user IDs is happening. It's not that they just up and decided to screw with you in particular or something.
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Ok, I'm trying to build a moat. But with explosives.

You want to build an elevated grid of droppers facing down in order to achieve that, tie them together with redstone and press a button for synchronized destruction. I did enjoy my preemptive chuckle when I saw your setup, at least it was fairly far from anything else you had built.
You want to build an elevated grid of droppers facing down in order to achieve that, tie them together with redstone and press a button for synchronized destruction. I did enjoy my preemptive chuckle when I saw your setup, at least it was fairly far from anything else you had built.

Yeah, that's my blasting zone! lol. For some reason I refuse to just go into creative mode to test things, so that was basically me wasting 18 stacks (there was more than that one test) of TNT for science, lol. I was so sure of myself on that one though, that I stood in the center of that blast expecting to be unharmed. Good thing I had blast protection, lol.

I have since come to the same conclusion with the droppers. I wanted to avoid that because I wanted the whole thing to go off like a low-tech chain reaction, but coming to that conclusion has given birth to a newer, more interesting idea for the future anyway.
Is there a simple way in Beyond to regulate redstone ticks? I think I could do this with opencomputers, I assume, but I've never even touched that or any other minecraft computer mod. I'm hoping for some simple way to run a loop. Something essentially capable of the complexity of repeating S-O-S in morse code (that's not what I'm actually using it for, but it paints the picture).

I think I could do this if there was a block that can be turned on and off via redstone, that can emit pulses at whatever length of tick I need. I'm really not looking to get too in-depth because once I start using something like opencomputers, I will NEVER stop.
Is there a simple way in Beyond to regulate redstone ticks? I think I could do this with opencomputers, I assume, but I've never even touched that or any other minecraft computer mod. I'm hoping for some simple way to run a loop. Something essentially capable of the complexity of repeating S-O-S in morse code (that's not what I'm actually using it for, but it paints the picture).

I think I could do this if there was a block that can be turned on and off via redstone, that can emit pulses at whatever length of tick I need. I'm really not looking to get too in-depth because once I start using something like opencomputers, I will NEVER stop.
The closest I can think of would be the RFTools Sequencer - that can be set to be on and off for differing lengths of time; its complicated to explain, and you'd probably need to set up multiple ones to emit different preset redstone sequences, but I think it might do what you're after?
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For single blocks, you'd probably going to need OpenComputers/ComputerCraft/MineCoprocessors. There are a lot of simple clocks in Beyond -- the RFTools sequencer or Hovering Hourglass from Botania is one of the more capable since you don't have Automagy in 1.10 -- but requiring different period lengths is conceptually tricky.

If it can be larger than a single block, you can do it with vanilla hopper-clocks and latches, though this can get unwieldy for more complicated messaging. Combining it with clocks can save space.

That said, for server CPU friendliness, there are a lot of advantages to the magic computer blocks.
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