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Anyone having issues with beyond and hd texture packs? I have a problem that seems to happened spontaneously. Texture packs used to load fine and I've been using the same ones. But now, all of a sudden, sometimes they unload and refuse to load back up. Until they feel like it.

Anyone else run into anything like this?
it does seem like a sound plan using the exu2 scanner for this
Awesome! So the question then becomes whether the ExU2 scanner can detect the difference, and if so what the different states read as... as @Yijare mentioned, a BUD would also work I imagine; the scanner jumped to mind first as I've used it for a couple of things, and it seems an inexpensive and quite powerful block.
I'm building my dark steel suit from EnderIO. There are some enhancements I'm not sure what they do:

The One Probe - Helm - From what I read, it does what the One Probe does already? Or does this add some kind of functionality
What do sonic glasses do? Is this kind of like the ability Joel has in The Last of Us?
What's the apiarist addons do? I get they'll be bee related, but if all they did was, say, negate bee damage, I wouldn't think you'd need that on all 4 pieces.
And lastly, does this suit mean I'm Batman now? That's a trick question. I was already Batman.
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I'm building my dark steel suit from EnderIO. There are some enhancements I'm not sure what they do:

The One Probe (TOP) - Integrates that device into your helmet so you don't have to hold it to get more info out of what you are looking at, still need to press your sneak key to get full details.
Sonar ability provides visual icons on your screen as to where the sounds are coming from, helpfully for removing that one lost zombie stuck behind your basement wall that just wont be quiet.
You do need the full set of apiarist upgrades to prevent taking damage from bees and to avoid their side effects like poison when near tropical bees
Don't forget your grapple gun Batman.

p.s. Be sure to check JEI for all the possible upgrades for each piece, especially checking it before and after empowering the item. Jump is always tricky to find for the boots but step assist is always a must in my mind.
The jump and step assist, if that's what I think it is (walking up 1-high blocks without having to jump?), appear to be a package deal. Along with triple jump.

So, you're saying with the one probe, I'd be able to see like the contents of a chest without holding shift? That kind of thing? Might be worth it.

Wait, is there really a grappling gun? I mean, between this suit and my teleportation wand, i can basically fly, but still...
Yep that step assist and higher jump is all wrapped up in the piston upgrade, it has 3 levels if you want to go even higher, be sure to keep energy in your boots so that you dont't take fall damage when you land from a triple jump.

From my simple use of it The One Probe is just another WAILA mod, it allows for the pack creator to set it up to just automatically work, or to require you to craft the item. I believe Beyond is configured as a hybrid. You get basic info when looking at a block but if you want to know the amount in a tank or items in a storage drawer you need to craft the item and either hold it in your hand or anvil it onto any helmet. Once you do either of those when you look at a block and press sneak you will know everything it can show you. I do not believe it will show the contents of a chest, but that might be a configuration option I have never bother to check on.

I don't remember if grappling hook mod is in beyond but I have played a pack with it before, they have multiple guns you can craft, some with powered reels to get you there faster, another with multiple hooks so if you can stabilize yourself better. Things like that.
Yep! I have jump III, the glider and a solar panel on my head, and wireless charger connected to 2 128/t solar panels at my base(I also wouldn't be batman without my sonic and night vision!). With empowered IV, I almost CAN'T discharge these things below like 75%. I've just been flyin around like a damn fool, lol.

I tested the One Probe. I think FTB Beyond has it set up to be always active because I didn't see any different with or without it on my helmet. You can see a preview of inventories when you hold sneak, but that is working even without the probe on there.

I'll have to look into that grappling hook!
Using FTB beyond pack. Will 1.10.2 world transfer to the 1.11.2 version? Not really sure what's the differences between these versions.
The only issue I can think of, since Mojang said there'd be no real internal mechanism changes for a few versions, is whether or not all the mods in 1.10.2 Beyond get updated to 1.11.2.
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Is there a good way to provide the Cooking For Blockheads Kitchen multiblock access to stuff stored in my AE2 network? I'd like to use the kitchen, but I don't particularly feel like trying to separate out all my ingredients.
Anyone having issues with beyond and hd texture packs? I have a problem that seems to happened spontaneously. Texture packs used to load fine and I've been using the same ones. But now, all of a sudden, sometimes they unload and refuse to load back up. Until they feel like it.

Anyone else run into anything like this?

I would say thats RAM issues. Beyond nees on vanmilla at least 4 gb of it. with HD you can go easily over 8 gigs of ram needed. perhabs even more.
I would say thats RAM issues. Beyond nees on vanmilla at least 4 gb of it. with HD you can go easily over 8 gigs of ram needed. perhabs even more.

This was my same instinct, but I used to run it at 8, but when I started having the issues, I had bumped it up to 12 and it didn't make a difference. It also happens whether I'm in the game itself or not. (IE loaded the world vs the main menu on a fresh startup)

Is there some kind of java argument I could add that allocates more RAM for textures or something, though?

edit: I'm legit starting to worry about hardware failure on my end.

Edit: I also suspect the curse app. It's making calls to outdated java arguments that aren't there.
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Por que minha pele não aparece quando eu estou jogando sem crashlanding ftb mod? Obs, minha conta é original e quando a nenhum jogo normal uma pele aparece normalmente, mas na ftb louche não aparece
Primeiro, peço desculpas, eu tive que usar o google translate para isso, então se soa estranho, culpa google :). Qual versão do FTB você está executando? Quando eu corri FTB Infinity, minha pele não apareceu, tampouco. Mas, agora que estou executando um pacote mais atualizado, está funcionando. Se você estiver executando um pacote que é baseado em 1.7.10 ou inferior, eu não acho que as capas que estão disponíveis hoje ainda são compatíveis.
This was my same instinct, but I used to run it at 8, but when I started having the issues, I had bumped it up to 12 and it didn't make a difference. It also happens whether I'm in the game itself or not. (IE loaded the world vs the main menu on a fresh startup)

Is there some kind of java argument I could add that allocates more RAM for textures or something, though?

edit: I'm legit starting to worry about hardware failure on my end.

Edit: I also suspect the curse app. It's making calls to outdated java arguments that aren't there.

Do you have more than one texture pack running? Maybe a conflict where both are being called to the same block? Just throwing things out here - not overly familiar with texture packs beyond the basics. All else fails, delete the texture pack and redownload to rule out a corrupted file on that side.

One of the reasons I moved away from the Curse/Twitch launcher was the inability to remove the outdated and irrelevant junk it throws into the Java arguments. Not cool that if you add a custom line that goes against what it wants, it simply overrules your decision with its own crap. No thanks. I need those custom arguments to squeeze every ounce of performance out of this old franken-tater.
Do you have more than one texture pack running? Maybe a conflict where both are being called to the same block? Just throwing things out here - not overly familiar with texture packs beyond the basics. All else fails, delete the texture pack and redownload to rule out a corrupted file on that side.

One of the reasons I moved away from the Curse/Twitch launcher was the inability to remove the outdated and irrelevant junk it throws into the Java arguments. Not cool that if you add a custom line that goes against what it wants, it simply overrules your decision with its own crap. No thanks. I need those custom arguments to squeeze every ounce of performance out of this old franken-tater.

Yes, I'm using many texture packs. But, the way they work is a priority system. So, if you have multiple packs, the highest one will take precedence. Chroma hills is, all things considered, the best HD texture pack for vanilla. There are more realistic packs, higher res packs and obviously this is super subjective. I'm saying if I worked for Minecraft Teen Beat Magazine and I were to review texture packs, this would be my highest rated one. And just like the Natural Texture pack with the C++ versions, it's been seared into my identity of modded Minecraft and I can't play without it.

But, it makes the modded stuff look bad in contrast. So, I fill in the blanks with whatever I can find. Second layer here, due to it having a style that isn't far off from Chroma Hills, is Soartex fanver modded. But, that's missing a lot if mods, including my two favorites, enderIO and Actually Additions. So, I fill that in with BD craft, which has most of Beyond covered and even though I'm not a huge fan of the style, actually works ok as a supplemental piece.

I will migrate this thing over to MultiMC eventually. If it's not curse being curse, I haven't ruled out continuum shaders just yet. I can't let it go, though. I need to get these all working together and stable, no matter what it takes.