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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do i think this is a bad idea...

Oh, i get it, it's because someone on EVERY server forgets to turn their mob farms off and cause huge neverending lag. AND makes it so that normal mobs can't spawn normally everywhere near.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
Why do i think this is a bad idea...

Oh, i get it, it's because someone on EVERY server forgets to turn their mob farms off and cause huge neverending lag. AND makes it so that normal mobs can't spawn normally everywhere near.
Make a new server rule. Ops will destroy your spawner and take your shard if you don't automate it to turn off when you have a surplus of mob drops. People will be so wary of permanently losing a Tier 5 spawner that they'll be sure to follow the rule. It's not like that kind of automation is particularly hard. A buildcraft iron gate will handle most forms of storage, just set it to enable the spawner when you're out of blaze rods, disable it when you're full (or half-full, or whatever). And if you have an AE storage system, all you need is a level emitter.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, this is a problem mostly for public lightly moderated server, but still. It's just a bad idea, man. How many people are going to complain about lag and have no idea where it is coming from? Seriously... Making them not despawn is a bad call... Mobs already take a pretty good amount of time to despawn on loaded chunks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Supposedly, ShadwDrgn tweaked the mobs spawned by Tier 3 and above spawners, keeping them from despawning. So if mobs from those spawners aren't sticking around to be killed, it's a bug.
Yes, from everything I've heard the mobs are supposed to stick around so the fact that they don't could be considered a bug. The bug (and workarounds to avoid it) have been around more or less since the mod debuted, so at this point most people plan their builds with it in mind. We know how it should work, but "should work" doesn't always mean "will work."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Query: does golem pathfinding work with ladders? I'd like to stack my reactors, if possible, I just don't want to have to create a ton of steps for my reactor attendant golems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Query: does golem pathfinding work with ladders? I'd like to stack my reactors, if possible, I just don't want to have to create a ton of steps for my reactor attendant golems.

As far as i have seen in my own playing with golems, they cant use stairs. But the last time i really used golems was back in 1.3.something, so this could have changed.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Supposedly, ShadwDrgn tweaked the mobs spawned by Tier 3 and above spawners, keeping them from despawning. So if mobs from those spawners aren't sticking around to be killed, it's a bug.
That's a bad idea! I've had a few hundred spawned mobs that I've got rid of by flying away and back, so it clearly isn't the case in my version, UNLESS the despawn-inhibiter is keyed to proximity to the spawner, that's a possibility.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Query: does golem pathfinding work with ladders? I'd like to stack my reactors, if possible, I just don't want to have to create a ton of steps for my reactor attendant golems.
As far as i have seen in my own playing with golems, they cant use stairs. But the last time i really used golems was back in 1.3.something, so this could have changed.

I can confirm golems do not understand ladders or even magic leviators for that matter. Their path finding is really really simple. They can even get stuck on obsticals like fences or just a block if it blocks the direct path form A to B sometimes and just stand there staring into the block for minutes on end before finally moving around it.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
My Straw Golem spends ages staring through the fence at the pumpkins and carrots in the next garden. He does go and harvest the wheat eventually, though, but I might move my farms further apart so that he wastes less time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My Straw Golem spends ages staring through the fence at the pumpkins and carrots in the next garden. He does go and harvest the wheat eventually, though, but I might move my farms further apart so that he wastes less time.

Or make a path betwene them so he can harvest from both. Whichever is easyer in your base. I would make a small underground tunnle for him to reach the other field without being in the way


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My own question now. What exactly does a ME storage bus do? I know that if i attach it to a chest or other inventory then i can pull items out of it through the acces terminal. However what is the inventory inside the bus for? In some places i hear that it will also make the network store those items in the chest, but i haven;t been able to get my system to do that. Am i overlooking something stupid or is it just not working like that. I use ultimate 1.0.2 right now for reference. Also i cant post screenshots since im now not at home, but in basic i tried to connect a storage bus to a chestand made it store iron by placing a iron in the bus's interface. I tried every side of the chest as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No-one has to be near. It's a T5. Is there a less laggy way to kill Blaze other than dropping them in water? I could do some MFFS thing, but I've never messed with MFFS so that's out.

MFR Grinder or Quicksand. Quicksand is slower, the Grinder is almost instant (It has a cycle so depends when the mobs spawn in relation to the cycle, but I've never seen mobs around for more than a few seconds)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ME storage bus takes an existing non-AE inventory and adds it to the ME network. It really is that simple ;)

The inventory it has is a filter. It works like the preformatter does: it tells the storage bus what items are allowed in the chest. It wont remove "wrong" items, but it will never store anything that isn't in its filter /unless the filter is empty, or there is an unifinished stack of "wrong" item to finish)

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
My own question now. What exactly does a ME storage bus do? I know that if i attach it to a chest or other inventory then i can pull items out of it through the acces terminal. However what is the inventory inside the bus for? In some places i hear that it will also make the network store those items in the chest, but i haven;t been able to get my system to do that. Am i overlooking something stupid or is it just not working like that. I use ultimate 1.0.2 right now for reference. Also i cant post screenshots since im now not at home, but in basic i tried to connect a storage bus to a chestand made it store iron by placing a iron in the bus's interface. I tried every side of the chest as well.
If I'm not mistaken, when storing things in the network, AE will prioritize any storage medium that already contains the item in question, then any storage medium formatted to accept that item (as opposed to anything), then a chest on an umprogrammed Storage Bus, then an unformatted storage disk. So, try taking all the iron out of your network, and then putting it back in via the ME Terminal (or just dropping the disk that contains your iron into an ME IO Port).

If there's no iron in your network, but there is a Storage Bus with iron on a chest in the network, any iron added to the network should go there, until the chest fills up.

Also, AE probably won't automatically move items around within the network just because a higher-priority storage opened up. You'll need to drop your storage disks into an IO Port in order for that to happen, to clear the disk of items and redistribute them within the network.

As a final note, Storage Busses can be extremely powerful when placed on Deep Storage Units from MFR, or (to a lesser extent) Factorization Barrels. Up to two billion items not eating your disk space!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MFR Grinder or Quicksand. Quicksand is slower, the Grinder is almost instant (It has a cycle so depends when the mobs spawn in relation to the cycle, but I've never seen mobs around for more than a few seconds)
I haven't looked into MFR at all so far. I'll have a glance at their wiki.

Back to the original question. Can a T5 Blaze continuously power a 36HP boiler. Forgetting for a second everything but lag and whatever else. Just talking about blaze rod output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, I don't think so. Used to be able to power two 36HP and a 36LP, I think, but blaze rods got nerfed hard a few months ago.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I'm not mistaken, when storing things in the network, AE will prioritize any storage medium that already contains the item in question, then any storage medium formatted to accept that item (as opposed to anything), then a chest on an umprogrammed Storage Bus, then an unformatted storage disk. So, try taking all the iron out of your network, and then putting it back in via the ME Terminal (or just dropping the disk that contains your iron into an ME IO Port).

If there's no iron in your network, but there is a Storage Bus with iron on a chest in the network, any iron added to the network should go there, until the chest fills up.

Also, AE probably won't automatically move items around within the network just because a higher-priority storage opened up. You'll need to drop your storage disks into an IO Port in order for that to happen, to clear the disk of items and redistribute them within the network.

As a final note, Storage Busses can be extremely powerful when placed on Deep Storage Units from MFR, or (to a lesser extent) Factorization Barrels. Up to two billion items not eating your disk space!

So if i got that right then, with a more practical example of what im planning to build in my world. If i have a MRF DSU filled with wood from my treefarm, and no wood anywhere else in my system. If i program the storage bus to contain wood and i pull a stack of wood out of the terminal, craft some things, and trow half a stack back. Then that half stack of wood will end up back in the DSU instead of the regulair disks.. Right? Because that i never managed to figure out and always used export busses to keep my items in DSU's after using it to craft