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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's another newbie question
Can i disable the eu tool recharging from modular power suits? I use a very small battery to not weight too much with a kinect generator
EDIT: Only the rockcutter uses energy from MPS
I tried crafting the ultimate lappack with the greg tech superconductor and it didn't worked =[ in the NEI doesn't show the recipe too
i forget to say the version is 1.01


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's another newbie question
Can i disable the eu tool recharging from modular power suits? I use a very small battery to not weight too much with a kinect generator
EDIT: Only the rockcutter uses energy from MPS
I tried crafting the ultimate lappack with the greg tech superconductor and it didn't worked =[ in the NEI doesn't show the recipe too
i forget to say the version is 1.01
I'm not sure about the MPS thing, but I'm surprised you can't use the GT superconductor. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure that's what I used when I made my own GraviSuite stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know what my Advanced Jetpack engine sounds are suddenly really quiet? When I first made it, it was loud, but now it's quiet and I liked it before.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know what my Advanced Jetpack engine sounds are suddenly really quiet? When I first made it, it was loud, but now it's quiet and I liked it before.
I think it was changed so you only have sounds when boosting, but I may be wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Storage buses don't need any configuring -- i'm not sure they even have a config panel. They simply attach whatever they are pointing at to your network. When you drop Logs (or whatever items) into your network, the AE system looks at Preformatted disks first (which you can also set priority on), then it looks for any currently stored Logs in the network and just adds the new Logs to those already in the network wherever they are (including non-AE storage attached via Storage Bus).
Not quite - currently stored logs have higher priority than empty preformatted drives.[DOUBLEPOST=1368701398][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm not sure about the MPS thing, but I'm surprised you can't use the GT superconductor. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure that's what I used when I made my own GraviSuite stuff.
Latest GT update stopped them being the same. I assume it's because the GS superconductors are easier to make - no Tungsten required - and Greg didn't want people skipping tungsten on their way up his tech tree.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know what my Advanced Jetpack engine sounds are suddenly really quiet? When I first made it, it was loud, but now it's quiet and I liked it before.

If you updated your modpack, check IC2.cfg if sounds got disabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not quite - currently stored logs have higher priority than empty preformatted drives.[DOUBLEPOST=1368701398][/DOUBLEPOST]
Latest GT update stopped them being the same. I assume it's because the GS superconductors are easier to make - no Tungsten required - and Greg didn't want people skipping tungsten on their way up his tech tree.
There may be no tungsten needed, but it's a massive waste of iridium to make GS superconductors. You spend 4 iridium plates on 3 GS superconductors, whereas you spend 1 iridium place on 4 GT superconductors. Stick with GT's recipe if you like having iridium.

Sent from my phone using black magic


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Storage buses don't need any configuring -- i'm not sure they even have a config panel. They simply attach whatever they are pointing at to your network. When you drop Logs (or whatever items) into your network, the AE system looks at Preformatted disks first (which you can also set priority on), then it looks for any currently stored Logs in the network and just adds the new Logs to those already in the network wherever they are (including non-AE storage attached via Storage Bus).
They don't need to be configured, but they can be. Just right click the storage bus itself.
I tried using one to split my combs... so the first few stacks would go to a hopper feeding the centrifuge... which then pumps the results back into the system. My hope was that every time I put a new load of combs in, that some would go to processing and the rest stored for later. It worked for a bit... then I had to sort out my storage drives and it broke the setup. Now priority is given to the location combs are already stored in my system and the storage bus never gets anything for the centrifuge.
I'll be attempting to fix it once I have enough power to keep my storage system running for more then a few minutes at a time. I think if I break the bus and set it up again, it will give priority back to the bus... since until I manually sorted the drives, it worked fine... I just had dripping combs on 7 different drives, fir sappling across 4 drives and a few other issues. I didn't format any of the drives yet, but I think the manual organizing changed the priority order... newest additions to the system seem to get priority over storage buses that are configured.

I am wondering though, if I format a drive to take a particular item (say, potatoes)... can I personally put something else in that drive (say, carrots)... and can a machine put stuff in that drive (say, planks from a sawmill)?
Yes, I'm using an ME chest beside a sawmill. The system keeps putting random junk it it, despite the 2 other drives in the ME drive that are near empty.
I realizes that I may have been using 'drive' in place of 'storage cell' or something... to me, it is a bunch of hard drives getting mounted in a drive rack or interface chest.


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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I am wondering though, if I format a drive to take a particular item (say, potatoes)... can I personally put something else in that drive (say, carrots)... and can a machine put stuff in that drive (say, planks from a sawmill)?
No, but you can pop it in the formatter again and add carrots or planks to the formatting and then it can accept them. Formatting does not delete your items that are in the drive, which is nice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, but you can pop it in the formatter again and add carrots or planks to the formatting and then it can accept them. Formatting does not delete your items that are in the drive, which is nice.
*groans* I was hoping I didn't have to keep adding to the formating for each time I cut down a new type of tree and wanted to farm it into the sawmill for planks.
I've got another solution in mind... along the lines of deep storage anything mass produced and using import/export buses to ensure it only goes there.
Still, requires configuring things... but I'm only using 4k storage anyway, since I can't afford larger yet. If I get deep storage going, probably won't need larger anyway... though I'm not likely to fill a deep storage unit... I mean, I've only ever filled a regular barrel with cobble... I should start with barrels and upgrade as needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I made a topic but I guess Ill ask here. Not exactly a simple question and I dont requre a long detailed answer just a nudge in the right direction. I want a way to have an ender chest empty out into a whole array of barrels as Im carving out a mountain for myself using turtles. I was told to use the redstone pipes(FTB Ultimate) the pneumatic tubing. Now my question is.

1) Can it be hooked up directly to a chest or does it need a powered wood transport pipe set up first.
2) Does it need to be powered
3) What do I need to do to make it so that
a) Items go into the first empty barrel along the pipeline
b) if they first encounter a barrel that would accept that item, then they enter that barrel

Someone told me stuff about timers and what not but I have 0 experience with anything redstone and this is my first actually big project.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll answer 3.) first: pneumatic tubes have that functionality builtin, you don't need to worry about it.

Regarding 1.), you're mixing up mods. It is important to always keep in mind which mod an item comes from. Wooden pipes and pneumatic tubes do not work together. Instead of a wooden pipe, you should use a "filter". The item is called just that, look it up in NEI.

Regarding 2.), the filter needs redstone signal pulses. The "timer" (again, item is called just that, look it up) will provide them without consuming fuel.

Place the filter against the enderchest so that the big cross-shaped opening points towards the chest (you can rotate it with a "screwdriver"). Attach pneumatic tubing to the small hole on the opposing side. Then just lead the tube across the top side of all barrels you want to be filled. Next, place the timer down next to the filter so that it points towards it. It'll start running on its own.

Everytime the timer pulses, the filter will transmit one stack of items (the first it can grab from the chest) through the tube. And the item stack will enter the closest valid inventory, i.e. a barrel that is empty or already storing that kind of item.
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Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Two options:
1. Wooden pipe attached to chest, with redstone engine attached, and a series of diamond pipes above the barrels, each pipe programmed to send one item type down into the barrel. More redstone engines make for faster item transfer, and attach a gold pipe between the wooden and diamond to speed them up.
2. Filter attached to chest, with a pulsing redstone signal (Timer or old-fashioned pulsing torch-repeater loop), with pneumatic tubes going over the top of the barrels, no need to program them as they will automatically go to the first compatible barrel.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll answer 3.) first: pneumatic tubes have that functionality builtin, you don't need to worry about it.

Regarding 1.), you're mixing up mods. It is important to always keep in mind which mod an item comes from. Wooden pipes and pneumatic tubes do not work together. Instead of a wooden pipe, you should use a "filter". The item is called just that, look it up in NEI.

Regarding 2.), the filter needs redstone signal pulses. The "timer" (again, item is called just that, look it up) will provide them without consuming fuel.

Place the filter against the enderchest so that the big cross-shaped opening points towards the chest. Attach pneumatic tubing to the small hole on the opposing side. Then just lead the tube across the top side of all barrels you want to be filled. Next, place the timer down next to the filter so that it points towards it. It'll start running on its own.

Everytime the timer pulses, the filter will transmit one stack of items (the first it can grab from the chest) through the tube. And the item stack will enter the closest valid inventory, i.e. a barrel that is empty or already storing that kind of item.

Ooh. I knew they were different mods, but I wasnt sure if all the tubes and pipes and what not all interconnected. Thanks for the clearing up and simple explaniation. This was actually understandable. Thanks a lot good sir. Now to build the largest row of barrels one ever did see. And to level Mt Doom!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Two options:
2. Filter attached to chest, with a pulsing redstone signal (Timer or old-fashioned pulsing torch-repeater loop), with pneumatic tubes going over the top of the barrels, no need to program them as they will automatically go to the first compatible barrel.

If you do this, remember and pre-fill the barrels with at least one of the desired contents - otherwise the item will go into the first empty barrel (As its a valid inventory, and tubes only look for the closest valid one, regardless of if a barrel further along the line has the item in it as well.)


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
If you do this, remember and pre-fill the barrels with at least one of the desired contents - otherwise the item will go into the first empty barrel (As its a valid inventory, and tubes only look for the closest valid one, regardless of if a barrel further along the line has the item in it as well.)
That's only strictly necessary with Routers, or if you really care about what order the barrel contents are in. If the OP just wants to dump the mining turtle's output into temporary holding storage while digging out the space for a giant underground base, then they probably don't care what order they're in.

But yes, if you empty out one of the barrels because you want to use the stuff to build your base, then that barrel will start to fill up with the next kind of item that comes along. And it might be a good idea to pre-load the first few barrels with cobble then a couple with dirt, unless you've got the stuff to make extradimensional upgrades.

Oh, and a caveat for the first Buildcraft diamond pipe system, I'm not sure what will happen when a barrel fills up. Probably the item will end up going through all the other diamond pipes and ending up in a random empty barrel at the end. I don't think it will pop out until all the barrels have something in them, but you might end up with a mess of cobblestone all moving around randomly until they stumble across a barrel that they can go in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my FTB server my beacon's area of effect doesn't seem to reach up to world height like it does in vanilla.
Does anyone know what causes this/which mod causes this?:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have two things to ask about:

1) Is there any natural situation where Thaumcraft aura nodes start with high flux or develop it naturally?
I ask because on my personal server, my sister and I have yet to tamper with Thaumaturgy... and we are getting the lightning and wisps that result from high flux levels.
Is there a way to correct the issue... like advanced thaumarugical methods of cleaning the node... or just sapping every ounce of the node dry?

2) is there any reason why sleeping in the bed gives sets the height value to about -100 and proceeds to plummet until either waking or leaving the bed manually?
Do any of the mods tamper with the operations of the beds?
Maybe it has something to do with 1.4.7 ? I actually didn't play vanilla during 1.4.7 since I have been enjoying puzzling with the beast.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have two things to ask about:

1) Is there any natural situation where Thaumcraft aura nodes start with high flux or develop it naturally?
I ask because on my personal server, my sister and I have yet to tamper with Thaumaturgy... and we are getting the lightning and wisps that result from high flux levels.
Is there a way to correct the issue... like advanced thaumarugical methods of cleaning the node... or just sapping every ounce of the node dry?

2) is there any reason why sleeping in the bed gives sets the height value to about -100 and proceeds to plummet until either waking or leaving the bed manually?
Do any of the mods tamper with the operations of the beds?
Maybe it has something to do with 1.4.7 ? I actually didn't play vanilla during 1.4.7 since I have been enjoying puzzling with the beast.
1) Yes. If you set up near a thaumcraft barrow you're almost certainly near a dark node. If you haven't messed with Thaumcraft much, I'm afraid the best advice is to pack up and go somewhere else. Ideally you could create a large pure node using silverwood saplings and once that was sufficiently large to absorb the dark node, drag the dark node over to it using a crystal core and have them merge. There's also an option to regen a lot of the Thaumcraft worldgen stuff that might be able to move the node, but there will be side effects.

2) I've seen people experience that problem in vanilla, so I don't think it's an FTB thing. No idea what causes it, though.[DOUBLEPOST=1368721632][/DOUBLEPOST]
Pumping water into a Carpenter, does it have to go into the top, or can it go in elsewhere?
It can be pumped in anywhere using waterproof pipes or liquiducts. I've never tried RP pipes, but I kinda assume they have some side requirement like pneumatic tubes do.