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OK here is another quick question^^: Is it just me or does the automap function from "Journeys Map" not work?
I am trying to craft a beealyzer in the carpenter. I have followed the recipe (4 tin ingots, 2 glass, 2 redstones, 1 diamond) and have given my carpenter water and power. But it still shows the "No Recipe" icon.

Can anyone offer any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong or what I could do to fix this?

Google says that you have to use glass panes instead of glass
afaik it is a feature which reveals the whole map. I cannot find any desert biomes so I thought this would help out.
You need to explore the world to get it show up on the map, because the chunks need to generate.

That said, I believe there are tools that exist to simulate vanilla worldgen (assuming you aren't using any biome mods)
You need to explore the world to get it show up on the map, because the chunks need to generate.

That said, I believe there are tools that exist to simulate vanilla worldgen (assuming you aren't using any biome mods)

One of the programs you are thinking about is called Amidst, but as you said it only works with vanilla biomes.
One of the programs you are thinking about is called Amidst, but as you said it only works with vanilla biomes.
Twilight Forest's Magic Map shows biomes, and fills itself in in a much larger range than JourneyMap or vanilla maps do. It works in the Overworld as well s in the Twilight Forest (although, obviously, it won't show you towers and dungeons and things in the Overworld).
In 1.7.10 you could use NEI to do data dumps to get blockIDs, is there another way or mod yet in 1.9.4 that will do the same since it is not a function of JEI?
Are Block IDs even usable any more? I thought they were depreciated in 1.8...
I believe they're still used internally; if nothing else, because storing a 3D array of arbitrarily long strings in a save file takes up a heck of a lot more space than the same amount of integers and an ID string <-> integer ID map. Each world has its own set of numeric IDs, determined when the world is created based on the exact mods present and the order in which they were loaded. Thus, creating two world saves with the exact same combination of mods, mod versions, and configs *should* yield two saves that use the same integer ID mappings; but adding, removing, or updating even one mod can completely scramble the ID maps for new worlds.

The above is true in 1.7, at least. NEI for 1.7 uses integer IDs for its inventory load/save functionality, which is how I found out about the above. I created a test world, saved a few inventories, added a few mods, created another test world (because reasons), and when I opened it and loaded up one of the saved inventories, almost all of the items were scrambled.

That said, if you're writing a mod, you really shouldn't need to mess with integer IDs at all anymore. Unless you're messing with save files or something, for some reason...
Are Block IDs even usable any more? I thought they were depreciated in 1.8...
Minecraft:dirt says other wise
I believe they're still used internally; if nothing else, because storing a 3D array of arbitrarily long strings in a save file takes up a heck of a lot more space than the same amount of integers and an ID string <-> integer ID map. Each world has its own set of numeric IDs, determined when the world is created based on the exact mods present and the order in which they were loaded. Thus, creating two world saves with the exact same combination of mods, mod versions, and configs *should* yield two saves that use the same integer ID mappings; but adding, removing, or updating even one mod can completely scramble the ID maps for new worlds.

The above is true in 1.7, at least. NEI for 1.7 uses integer IDs for its inventory load/save functionality, which is how I found out about the above. I created a test world, saved a few inventories, added a few mods, created another test world (because reasons), and when I opened it and loaded up one of the saved inventories, almost all of the items were scrambled.

That said, if you're writing a mod, you really shouldn't need to mess with integer IDs at all anymore. Unless you're messing with save files or something, for some reason...
No one said anything about numeric ID's. My guess he uses minetweaker or something among those lines and needs to have the string id's.
In 1.7.10 you could use NEI to do data dumps to get blockIDs, is there another way or mod yet in 1.9.4 that will do the same since it is not a function of JEI?
maybe pressing f3+h will help?
In 1.7.10 I know that it then displays the id when you hover over an item, not exactly a dump but closest I can think off
Was looking into the OreSpawn mod for 1.9.4, wants the blockID of the ore to spawn. Basically like how you could use COFH to customize all your modded oregen levels/density/etc in 1.7.10.

F3 + H did it, not when I look at the block, but when i look in the creative inventory it now shows the block id.

Forestry Tin Ore, I can now see is "forestry:resources" meta data 2. Thanks for the help, forgot about the toggle for the advanced tooltips.
My Ender Pearl progress pretty must always looks like this:
  1. Kill whichever Enderman I can find with as good a Looting enchant I can get my hands on.
  2. Finding a few Ender-Lily seeds in a chest somewhere and planting them on whatever.
  3. Investing a few pearls in Resonant Ender in the Smeltery, pour it out over Obsidian if I have access to it (as it gives x5 or else Sandstone) to produce End Stone, so I can plant the Ender-lily seeds on it. Alternatively I might find some End Stone around a bee hive in a magical biome if I happen to be in/near one. This will cut the growth time down to 1/4th and allow for rare secondary seed drops.
  4. Eventually finding a Division Sigil in a chest and using it to get Cursed Earth. Setting up some form of automated mob farm and getting pearls from there. Usually this is enough to keep me going since even a trickle income gets significant during the time I spend on building stuff. If not or I just feel like automating more:
  5. Targeted mob spawning. Something like MFR Autospawners powered by the cursed earth farm.
  6. Bees
  7. Automated Ender-Lily farm(usually for the looks, a good large varied farm is nice).
  8. Whatever...

Just wanted to post an update on my Ender Pearl progress. I've used a combination of the suggestions listed above; adding Cursed Earth to my passive mob grinder (20x20 dark room plus 23 block drop chute) and also adding a 2-high space in my main base to shelter under when Endermen show up. This lets me whack at their shins with impunity, and adding the Cursed Earth to the grinder seems to have made Endermen spawn more often everywhere in the area.

I did find out the hard way that the Division Sigil activation ritual makes a LOT of Cursed Earth, it was kind of traumatic to find it spreading everywhere, even into my in-ground mob grinder! I was running around like a mad thing harvesting the Cursed Earth when I realized I needed a silk-touched tool, so I covered all the purple stuff I could see with regular dirt to keep it from burning once the sun rose. Imagine my surprise when I found the contagious earth had spread to my nearby mob grinder already, and the fires had burned the wooden door to the dark area, releasing a lot of mobs to roam over the top of my base... The only time I've ever set a world to Peaceful to keep from being over-run with mobs.

Using a tip from an old Reddit thread, I later upgraded the mob grinder with some five-block deep collecting channels, filling the upper three levels with quicksand - the sounds of suffocating Endermen is music to my ears. I also found five (woot!) Ender Lily seeds in a mineshaft chest over the weekend, so I'm going to try growing some. One hapless Enderman managed to teleport into the Smeltery, so I've got some free Resonant Ender.

Net result: I've gone from three solitary Ender Pearls to about 125, and the MFR Grinder has almost filled a 2M mb Railcraft tank with Essence. I was thinking of trying the MFR Spawner, but at this point it would just be to experiment, as I've plenty of Pearls for my modest needs.

(And I'm still working the bee-breeding angle, but I keep getting distracted by random fires and mob infestations...)
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I want to have an (mostly) lagless minecraft.
What is better for that, a montly description server, or a new CPU?
In both cases, what is recommended? I live in germany btw.
This question is weird and there's no good answer for it.

A new CPU is better than a crappy paid server.
A paid server is better than a crappy new CPU.

I don't know what's best in either scenario, and in a lot of cases hardware isn't the primary fault in the first place: you could also just look at packs which are better optimized for lag.
This question is weird and there's no good answer for it.

A new CPU is better than a crappy paid server.
A paid server is better than a crappy new CPU.

I don't know what's best in either scenario, and in a lot of cases hardware isn't the primary fault in the first place: you could also just look at packs which are better optimized for lag.

A lot of details are required to properly answer this...

1). Current system specs. We don't know if you need to upgrade from a 32-bit system or just need to add some ram, a decent video card or just an upgrade to a newer Java version.

2). What paid server service? Different vendors have different reputations, different hardware specs and different service levels not to mention different monthly prices.

3). How good is your ISP? If all you have is a 56k modem a paid server will not do anything but waste money each month.
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Can anyone tell me how to modify existing structures spawning rules with Recurrent Complex? I can only find guides on how to create new structures and spawning them etc.

EDIT: I figured it out.
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Just wanted to post an update on my Ender Pearl progress. I've used a combination of the suggestions listed above; adding Cursed Earth to my passive mob grinder (20x20 dark room plus 23 block drop chute) and also adding a 2-high space in my main base to shelter under when Endermen show up. This lets me whack at their shins with impunity, and adding the Cursed Earth to the grinder seems to have made Endermen spawn more often everywhere in the area.

I did find out the hard way that the Division Sigil activation ritual makes a LOT of Cursed Earth, it was kind of traumatic to find it spreading everywhere, even into my in-ground mob grinder! I was running around like a mad thing harvesting the Cursed Earth when I realized I needed a silk-touched tool, so I covered all the purple stuff I could see with regular dirt to keep it from burning once the sun rose. Imagine my surprise when I found the contagious earth had spread to my nearby mob grinder already, and the fires had burned the wooden door to the dark area, releasing a lot of mobs to roam over the top of my base... The only time I've ever set a world to Peaceful to keep from being over-run with mobs.

Using a tip from an old Reddit thread, I later upgraded the mob grinder with some five-block deep collecting channels, filling the upper three levels with quicksand - the sounds of suffocating Endermen is music to my ears. I also found five (woot!) Ender Lily seeds in a mineshaft chest over the weekend, so I'm going to try growing some. One hapless Enderman managed to teleport into the Smeltery, so I've got some free Resonant Ender.

Net result: I've gone from three solitary Ender Pearls to about 125, and the MFR Grinder has almost filled a 2M mb Railcraft tank with Essence. I was thinking of trying the MFR Spawner, but at this point it would just be to experiment, as I've plenty of Pearls for my modest needs.

(And I'm still working the bee-breeding angle, but I keep getting distracted by random fires and mob infestations...)
The whole "was kind of traumatic" got me giggling like a mad scientist using a giant magnifying glass on humans. That and the concept of a failed attempt at a project resulting in the equivalent of opening the Gates to Hell.

Just a friendly reminder (in case you weren't aware) that Ender-lilies are slow af to grow on anything other than End Stone.