or just type "id" straight into the computer. The way Bomb Bloke suggested returns the id of the computer in a program.How do you find out the ID of a wireless turtle?
Insertion pipe: item in insertion pipe will prefer inventories before other pipes, also inventories have priorities (bottom first, top second, etc.)Explain to me like I'm 5 what the two new pipes in TE do. I have a vague idea that I should want to use them, but not what they do so why I would want to use the eludes me.
Is there a mod in Ultimate 1.1.0 that causes silverfish stone/emerald ores to spawn in places other than stronghold/Extreme hills?
I'm not even sure if you're talking about Thermal Expansion when you say TE, but the TE has 3 child mods active that are Factory, Energy and Transport.*snip*
Is there a mod in Ultimate 1.1.0 that causes silverfish stone/emerald ores to spawn in places other than stronghold/Extreme hills?
Bibliocraft has an array of storage options like shelving and cases which work nicely for any item, but as far as I know there is nothing made specifically for disks.Is there any way to store music discs? I mean other than just sticking them in chests... sort of like what Bibliocraft does for books... any equivalent?
Do you have a picture? It's a bit hard to visualise your setup but I think you could use a restriction tube or a painted tube.Running the Mindcrack pack I have an issue using RP2 retrievers. Basically I have two retrievers connected to my inventory of raw materials. The 1st retriever is set to pull 4 redstone and 1 iron igot (to make red alloy ingot). The 2nd retriever is set to pull 4 redstone and a silicone wafer. The 1st retriever is not being pulsed. If I pulse the the 2nd retriever twice the inventory system pulls the 4 redstone and the wafer. However, because the 1st retriever is the closer the 4 redstone stop there and go into the 1st retriever. The wafer goes the 2nd retriever (the one that asked for it). Any ideas on how to force the items to the correct retriever?
Running the Mindcrack pack I have an issue using RP2 retrievers. Basically I have two retrievers connected to my inventory of raw materials. The 1st retriever is set to pull 4 redstone and 1 iron igot (to make red alloy ingot). The 2nd retriever is set to pull 4 redstone and a silicone wafer. The 1st retriever is not being pulsed. If I pulse the the 2nd retriever twice the inventory system pulls the 4 redstone and the wafer. However, because the 1st retriever is the closer the 4 redstone stop there and go into the 1st retriever. The wafer goes the 2nd retriever (the one that asked for it). Any ideas on how to force the items to the correct retriever?
Do you have a picture? It's a bit hard to visualise your setup but I think you could use a restriction tube or a painted tube.
What you need to do is use clever positioning to put the two alloy furnaces at equal distances, wether with buffers or anything else you want. Unfortunately this will split things with a proportion of 50/50 so in practice you won't get perfect odds. I would recommend you to use a sorting machine instead; on the right setting it would be perfect for the job.Sure... See the pic below. As for the restriction tube all it does is reverse the problem.
Omicron... I will try the transposer.
What you need to do is use clever positioning to put the two alloy furnaces at equal distances, wether with buffers or anything else you want. Unfortunately this will split things with a proportion of 50/50 so in practice you won't get perfect odds. I would recommend you to use a sorting machine instead; on the right setting it would be perfect for the job.
The problem is I'm trying to create a JIT inventory/crafting system. That will only craft what needs crafting. So I need the raw materials delivered to the correct location. As for the sorting machine it will not work for what I have in mind. It is good for sorting my raw inventory from a quarry and process the raw ore into ingots. However, my plan is to expand on what you see so I can end line items (for example an ultimate solar panel) automatically without wasting a lot of resources.
The other side of this bank of machines is a turtle for each machine that maintains a certain amount of inventory. For example the turtle that maintains the red alloy ingots has at least two stacks of ingots. If the number drops below 2 stacks it pulses the retriever to have replacement items made. The setup you see in the pic works with the xycraft fabricator as well as other machines. My only problem is getting the raw materials to the correct retriever.