So, a friend and I have been designing automatic farms for various materials. Next up is thaumium, and we have most of it designed except for the actual thaumium production part. Is it possible to automatically charge wands? I plan on using a goggles of revealing turtle to detect when the materials are ready, then power a deployer with a wand.
If the wand in a deployer works, you could try using routers or GregTech machines to swap wands into and out of an Arcane Worktable. I don't think you can pipe wands in directly, but you should be able to use machines to insert wands into the wand slot, probably slot 9 or 10.
Also, if you haven't already figured this out, Chiseled Sandstone works well for Praecantatio.
What's the ideal ratio of MFR planters to harvesters when growing trees on one layer deep xycraft soil? (lol, a bit specific...but the soil probably doesn't matter much). MFR version as per Ultimate. Config changes not possible.
I'm currently setup with 9 planters (3x3) and one harvester...which works...kinda. The harvester only works when the trees directly in front of it have spawned, and then it seems to have trouble keeping up, but having 8 harvesters (the periphery) seems kinda overkill.
If you're on the version of MFR with upgrades (look up "upgrade" in NEI, if you see things like Lapis Upgrade, Iron Upgrade, Diamond Upgrade, etc, you're good; I don't know if current Ultimate has them), then one planter, one harvester, and two Emerald Upgrades should make for a huge farm.
If you don't have upgrades, then mess around with it, do what works. If your harvester on one edge of the 9x9 of saplings doesn't chop trees fast enough, put another on the other side.
Alternatively, use one planter, at least one harvester, one single block of dirt, and a Fertilizer for even more output, without worrying about trees growing too close together, and not getting you as much wood and saplings as you would get per sapling otherwise.