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I did it with the Pumpkins. You are all right, but your ideas does not worth for automating farming fast enought to maintain a disel-Generator running.
Anyway thx :)
perhaps this question has been asked elsewhere, but I can't find it, nor any answer to it, so here goes: On curseforge, some mods are listed as being for MC 1.8, others for MC 1.8.8 and even others for MC 1.8.9. Is there any reason why mods for 1.8 or 1.8.8 shouldn't work on 1.8.9? And if I would be to create a (private) modpack for MC 1.8.*, which version would be best to use?
perhaps this question has been asked elsewhere, but I can't find it, nor any answer to it, so here goes: On curseforge, some mods are listed as being for MC 1.8, others for MC 1.8.8 and even others for MC 1.8.9. Is there any reason why mods for 1.8 or 1.8.8 shouldn't work on 1.8.9? And if I would be to create a (private) modpack for MC 1.8.*, which version would be best to use?

Not sure, but the main explanation would likely be that something drastic happened in between updates that changes code the mod works with.
As you are making a a pack, perhaps some trial and error is in order.

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I don't know how to play FTB Infinity without re downloading the game again every time I want to play. Does ANYONE know how to play without re downloading the game? (I am on Windows 10)
Playing FTB infinity, anybody know what mod adds these trees and how to grow them? I'm in a snowy forest biome if that helps
Playing FTB infinity, anybody know what mod adds these trees and how to grow them? I'm in a snowy forest biome if that helps
Are you in a Mystcraft age? I think there's a symbol that causes those types of trees, with 2x2 trunks and made of vanilla oak wood and leaves, to spawn. There's no other way to grow them- the leaves will only drop vanilla saplings.

On the other hand, those look like Twilight Forest fireflies. If you want to farm Twilight Oaks, I'm not sure if that's even possible. Your best bet is to climb around the canopy of a twilight oak and listen for spider noises. That'll alert you to a leaf dungeon, where you might be able to find a Robust Twilight Oak Sapling, which you might be able to plant and let it grow into a tree.

I've never tested that, by the way. I have no idea if the robust saplings are even obtainable, or if they will be able to grow in other dimensions, or even in the Twilight Forest itself. If they can be obtained, though, leaf dungeons are your best bet for finding them. Twilight Oak Leaves only drop Sickly Twilight Oak Saplings, which are fairly useless as far as I know.

Also, protip, if you don't mind cheesing the hunt for leaf dungeons a bit, you can just burn down the whole tree (or at least the canopy). Chests don't burn, so they'll just be left floating in the air. If you don't want to do that, I recommend bringing the Sonic Goggles from OpenBlocks and a Botania Mana Blaster with a Damage/Phantom compound lens. The former will let you see where the spider noises are coming from much more precisely than you can hear them, and the latter will let you shoot the spiders through the dungeon's walls- it can also help sound out the exact location of a dungeon (as, if you fire it into the tree and it hits a spider, you'll hear it) while also killing the spiders spawned within without even letting them see you.
Playing FTB infinity, anybody know what mod adds these trees and how to grow them? I'm in a snowy forest biome if that helps
Those are from the twilight forest mod. Not sure which trees they are but the saplings are probably findable in that dimension
I don't know how to play FTB Infinity without re downloading the game again every time I want to play. Does ANYONE know how to play without re downloading the game? (I am on Windows 10)

It sounds like maybe you're using the java version of the launcher or something?

I don't use Windows 10 spyware (LOL) but let's just check a few things:

1. Did you go here:
2. Did you click the "Download Stable Launcher" button on that page?
3. Did you put the "FTB_Launcher.exe" program that you downloaded in step 2 into its own folder somewhere on your hard drive? I put mine into a new folder I created and named "Feed The Beast" on the hard drive that contains all my game software.

Once you do that, then you just navigate to the FTB_launcher.exe location (the folder you created in step 3), and either double click it to run it, or better yet, make a Windows shortcut to the .exe file and place the shortcut somewhere easily accessible.

If you did all that, you should not have to download every time you play. Just the first time you play a modpack, or when you update a modpack, those are the only times it should download anything.

Good luck. Perhaps it is something unique to Windows 10, I don't know that OS... but I doubt it.
This is not Windows10 related... I've run Windows10 since the Tech Preview (Oct 2014) with no Minecraft issues at all.

@asb3pe shows a valid technique above, but as an alternate you might want to try the Curse loader since it loads a Mojang-supported and maintained Java Runtime (if the preferred JRE changes Mojang will take care of it) and automatically remove it from memory when you close MC... You don't even need Java installed if you only use it for Minecraft. If you want to try it:

1). Go to and load the Minecraft client. You will have to create a Curse account (free)
2). When you fire up the client you'll see a "Minecraft" tab at the top. Select this.
3). You can then browse for packs. All the "official" FtB packs are there. (This is in process of becoming the official FtB launcher after the Mac client is finished)

I like this launcher because it makes it easy to add/disable mods. If you want to disable certain mods to try and improve system performance you can prevent them from loading in the profile with just a click or if you have that mod you can't live without you'll probably find it in the Curse library and again load it with just a click. (My vice is Veinminer :D)
Hi. I've been having trouble with the Immersive engineering lightning rod. I've been using a weak ritual stone with lapis on top in a Compact machines dimension to generate lightning, but the lightning rod doesn't seem to accept it. I've had another build similar to this one using pneumatic craft and it worked like a charm, but it had too much complexity. Why doesn't the lightning rod accept the lightning
Hi. I've been having trouble with the Immersive engineering lightning rod. I've been using a weak ritual stone with lapis on top in a Compact machines dimension to generate lightning, but the lightning rod doesn't seem to accept it. I've had another build similar to this one using pneumatic craft and it worked like a charm, but it had too much complexity. Why doesn't the lightning rod accept the lightning
"natural lighting only " it basically depends on how the lighting is caused .
There was some chatter about it must be a lighting storm to have a chance
ill leave a little teaser there is/was a quite simple build for doing the lighting rod power gen (the harder part was accepting and storing the power generated not the triggering of the power gen, u could potentially automate it as well without that much difficulty or flaws) it does need another mod so its not from ie but this mod has been around a fair bit more then a mc version possibly more..
Hi. I've been having trouble with the Immersive engineering lightning rod. I've been using a weak ritual stone with lapis on top in a Compact machines dimension to generate lightning, but the lightning rod doesn't seem to accept it. I've had another build similar to this one using pneumatic craft and it worked like a charm, but it had too much complexity. Why doesn't the lightning rod accept the lightning
As a couple of lightning based power systems out there, it doesn't actually care about lightning hitting it. How it works is during a thunderstorm, or at one tenth chance while raining it rolls some numbers based off the size and height of the lightning rod/fence and if it decides to go ahead with it it generates the power and creates a lightning bolt on top of it.

Note that during a thunderstorm given the default 16mil RF internal storage I've gotten around 120kRF/t from a lightning rod, and there's quite a few ways of causing thunderstorms out there.
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a player on my server is having an issue with witchery. (Infinity 1.10.1....) She's trying to make some brews in a witches cauldron, but all it does is change the colour of the water in the pot.. I've asked her to recheck the recipe, but are there any other requirements needed to make witches brews? (I've never done witchery, so I'm not sure LOL)
a player on my server is having an issue with witchery. (Infinity 1.10.1....) She's trying to make some brews in a witches cauldron, but all it does is change the colour of the water in the pot.. I've asked her to recheck the recipe, but are there any other requirements needed to make witches brews? (I've never done witchery, so I'm not sure LOL)
It is more than likely not enough altar power... some witches brews now require an altar to be nearby.. and some of the costs are pretty hefty.But they can be lowered by putting special circles around the cauldron
Thinking about starting to use a Immersive Engineering excavatoron FTB Infinity Evolved, but it did not yet understood how this works.
If I understood it right, its not acctually mining the blocks. Its more like the MFR Laser generating the blocks out of nothing.
Not the type of ores depends on the Deposit that was found by the Core sampler inside this chunck.
Is this right?

So I first sample a chunck and then setup the excavator there to mine the Ores.
Dos it work for ever in this chunck or do I have to move it? The Wiki says something about 124 Minecraft days iirc
Thinking about starting to use a Immersive Engineering excavatoron FTB Infinity Evolved, but it did not yet understood how this works.
If I understood it right, its not acctually mining the blocks. Its more like the MFR Laser generating the blocks out of nothing.
Not the type of ores depends on the Deposit that was found by the Core sampler inside this chunck.
Is this right?
My understanding is definitely yes it works like a mining laser. The core sampler tells you what you can find in a chunk. I watched a video once where it didn't work in a "flat" world during a walkthrough. I'm guessing some chunks can have zero ores, or flat worlds don't produce ore-producing chunks.

I'm glad you reminded me of this...I've just reached the fission age (IC2-e with superheated steam setup) and I've been trying to think of a half-decent energy sink. If I can afford this thing (e.g. it doesn't require nether stars or draconic mode ftw) I'll build one tonight.
My understanding is definitely yes it works like a mining laser. The core sampler tells you what you can find in a chunk. I watched a video once where it didn't work in a "flat" world during a walkthrough. I'm guessing some chunks can have zero ores, or flat worlds don't produce ore-producing chunks.

I'm glad you reminded me of this...I've just reached the fission age (IC2-e with superheated steam setup) and I've been trying to think of a half-decent energy sink. If I can afford this thing (e.g. it doesn't require nether stars or draconic mode ftw) I'll build one tonight.

Cant check the recipt now, but I think the Immersive Engineering ones are nearly untouched. At least all of the Bio Disel Maschines (ferrelizer, Squeezer, Rafinery, Disel Generator) were the same.
The "expert" thing here is to get the energy. It needs 4,2k RF/t. That is a full time running Disel Generator. In case you want to balance it with the mod own generators.
Or a 140 Water Mills (lol).
I should start going into the IC2 reactors now or I will pay for it later. But scared of it. never before did it and it seems complicated. What power output does your fission age reactor thing have?
Yeah whether a chunk has ores or not is random, and the vast majority do not, I think I checked nearly 20 chunks in my expert world before finding one with ore, really got to check sometime if turtles can use core drills.

On a not really related note but because I'm thinking of it, you may have noticed that Expert adds recipes for a few random items that aren't normally obtainable such as primal mana, the most notable of these by far is Pure Mana, a normally uncraftable and unnamed block from XU called Pure Love. This block actual has a function you see, it's the best booster to breeding animals I've ever found, the way it works is that every second of so every animal touching it has their breeding cooldown reduced, gets set to love mode if they can breed, and also causes any children to age. Critical in obtaining the pink slime needed for a mining laser for me, spent about five minutes ferrying cows over to a slaughterhouse before getting the 1000mB and then spent something like 100 bolts with a crossbow of power killing all the cows it had produced before they all died, resulting in several stacks of leather and beef. Seriously just try it, the thing is amazing.

Also, diesel generators are nerfed in infinity, max at 1kRF/t, still produce the total RF per fuel iirc, just at a quarter of the speed.
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Yeah whether a chunk has ores or not is random, and the vast majority do not, I think I checked nearly 20 chunks in my expert world before finding one with ore, really got to check sometime if turtles can use core drills.

On a not really related note but because I'm thinking of it, you may have noticed that Expert adds recipes for a few random items that aren't normally obtainable such as primal mana, the most notable of these by far is Pure Mana, a normally uncraftable and unnamed block from XU called Pure Love. This block actual has a function you see, it's the best booster to breeding animals I've ever found, the way it works is that every second of so every animal touching it has their breeding cooldown reduced, gets set to love mode if they can breed, and also causes any children to age. Critical in obtaining the pink slime needed for a mining laser for me, spent about five minutes ferrying cows over to a slaughterhouse before getting the 1000mB and then spent something like 100 bolts with a crossbow of power killing all the cows it had produced before they all died, resulting in several stacks of leather and beef. Seriously just try it, the thing is amazing.

Also, diesel generators are nerfed in infinity, max at 1kRF/t, still produce the total RF per fuel iirc, just at a quarter of the speed.

I´m to do animal farms with botania this time but that sounds interesting.
As far as for the 1kRF/t its still ok i guess. I have to test it but I think with 2 harvesters and a not fertelized farm of 10/10/10 agricraft wheat and pumpkin farm I will be able to generate enough biodisel for 2 Generators.
If it would not be for the tons of Iron and Steel that costs :(
Thats why I wanted a excavator for at least give me enough Iron Ore.
Also I have to look into what x3 Ore processing there is and if MFR Laser is available "mid game"
I should start going into the IC2 reactors now or I will pay for it later. But scared of it. never before did it and it seems complicated. What power output does your fission age reactor thing have?
810 eu/t. Multiply by four to get RF/t. Its really complicated to set up correctly and the videos for it are mostly crap :\

So it wouldn't run the excavator by itself, but that's ok, I have other sources of power pouring in too.