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Thanks, but I was wondering: if I drop in some Greatwood Logs into an Arcane Furance/Alembic Combo, do I lose one of the two aspects that those logs have?

No, unless you have a bad essential pipe setup no aspects should be lost. However, any unused aspects can clog the system if you do not give them a place to go (a warded jar for example).
No, for the sake of example, let's say arbor gets filtered out first, and that you only have a single alembic on top of it (you may have to five on top of one furnace). The single alebric will fill up with arbor, but the precaneto won't have anywhere to go and stay in the furnace's buffer. When space becomes avaible, etiher by adding another alebric, or by emptying the first, the precaneto will start to fill it up.

This isn't ideal, as the furnace will only melt an item if it has room in it's buffer for the aspects.
Is it possible to disable FTB Utilities' "cheat" commands? [ie: /spawn, /back] Noticed they were in FTB Infinity Evolved and I'm not particularly fond of commands like these and they sort of go against what my server is. ;o
Going to make the Crystalizer, but have to find a good tutorial on the Thaumatorium. Also, I'd like to know if there's a good way to automate the Vis gathering process with Warded Jars that doe not involve Golems.
IF you using the thaumatrium, you put a catalyst in the top slot of it's gui, the thaumatorium will then prompt possible results, and display needed aspects. For example, if you were to put glowstone in as the catalyst, it'll prompt nitor, and will have a white down arrow showing, clicking this will move the thaumatorium to prompt for the glowstone duplication recipe. To go back to nitor you'd simply click the white up arrow. When the thaumatorium is displaying the desired output, right click the output itself. It'll lock in that output. If for some reason you change your mind, you can right click that output again, and it'll go back to prompting.
When it's locked to an output it'll show the output on it's front, and it'll pull in essentia via tubes connected to the holes. These can be attached to warded jars or essentia reservoirs (or the Thaumic Energistics supplier thing or alembrics, both of which can be directly attached). Once the thaumatorum has all the needed essentia, it'll consume a catalyst and spit out the bigger hole the output. If there an inventory in front of this hole it'll be placed in that instead. This is all you really need to know for manual use.

If you automating one, you can attach menomic matrices to the holes in place of tubing or other essentia input, this will cause the thaumatorium to gain 2 extra slots for recipes.

EDIT: As for essentia sorting, due to intracies with the piping system, golems are far and away the easiest method for handling multiple essentia types (assuming no thaumic energstics which obsoletes both golems and tubing in it's ease of use.)

If you REALLY want to use essentia tubes, you are going to need essentia buffers and either filtered essentia tubes or labeled jars a plenty. I've not got any screenshots or further help on this though, as I prefer golems by far.
Ok. The Thaumanomicon page said I'd get dangerous instability if I use/make an Advanced Node Stabilizer. How can I prevent that?
Ok. The Thaumanomicon page said I'd get dangerous instability if I use/make an Advanced Node Stabilizer. How can I prevent that?
By adding stabilizers to the infusion altar: Tallow candles (or the floating variety), mob heads, crystal clusters are things you can use to stabilize infusions (and not having it go wrong and nuke your base to orbit). Refer here for good detailed explanations. Ask here again if it's not clear.

Just understand that it needs to be symmetric (horizontaly; symmetry is not accounted for on the vertical plane). If it's not symmetric it is even worse then not placing anything at all.
yes as normal u can just place a bit of nitor underneath the crucible part of it
Can nitor be used to heat the alchemical construct? I made my base almost entirely out of carpenters blocks, and have set fire to it on 2 different occasions for not isolating properly the area near the lava block I placed near the crucible...

If I can use nitor, instead, then I shall facepalm in a way never seen before in this world...

Edit: can it also be used for the witch's cauldron?
If you mean the thaumatorium ash, yes anything that heats a cruicible works to heat that.

If you have botania, pylons of any variety, mystical mushrooms (any colour), and glimmering and floating flowers (but not functional/generting ones) all count for instablity reducton. If you have both a botania flower farm and a mushroom farm, mystical mushrooms are very cheap to use.