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Does burning a Silverwood tree containing a node release the node from the wood surrounding it, or does that node get destroyed when the fire block burns the wood block containing the node? If that works, then that's your answer, otherwise I don't think it's possible to capture a Silverwood node, and the usual means of getting one involve getting a sapling to drop from a Silverwood leaf block.

Cheers ...

Silverwood doesn't burn.

And I've definitely seen people on the Youtubes bottle up pure nodes by cutting away all the silverwood except the single block containing the node, then building the jar around that. Might've been changed more recently; I dunno.
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Just got the latest version of Infinity (2.0.2) and it would say "Welcome to the Server" each time I log into SP. Does this mean that the server is now built into the client software? Or do I still need to download the server?
Just got the latest version of Infinity (2.0.2) and it would say "Welcome to the Server" each time I log into SP. Does this mean that the server is now built into the client software? Or do I still need to download the server?
That's probably an artifact of how FTBUtilities was coded, and of how singleplayer Minecraft has worked since Gamma 1.3. That vanilla update made it so that singleplayer Minecraft actually runs separate server and client software inside the game... so that message just means that you've logged into the internal server, i.e. opened up the world.

If you want to set up a multiplayer server so your friends across the Internet can join you, you'll still need to download the server package.
OK, tanks. But I have a big problem now: I'm not getting the warp I need to start the research into Arcane Spa. The meter when I use the Sanity Checker I spawned in reads almost MAX and I ate a lot of brains and did a lot of forbidden research, but nothings come up. Does this thing take time to manifest?
OK, tanks. But I have a big problem now: I'm not getting the warp I need to start the research into Arcane Spa. The meter when I use the Sanity Checker I spawned in reads almost MAX and I ate a lot of brains and did a lot of forbidden research, but nothings come up. Does this thing take time to manifest?
Probably. Also be aware that temporary warp may not actually count toward things that rely on warp. So, you can try to wait it out, or find a way to rack up a bunch of sticky warp. Flesh golems might be a good way to do that, since you can melt them back down into all the essentia you need to make another one (just add a flesh block)- assuming, of course, that crafting them actually gives you sticky warp. Make one, and see if you get the message "You have gained Warp!" appears, rather than "You have gained temporary Warp!"

My Thaumcraft is a bit rusty, so any or all of the things stated above may be incorrect.
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OK, tanks. But I have a big problem now: I'm not getting the warp I need to start the research into Arcane Spa. The meter when I use the Sanity Checker I spawned in reads almost MAX and I ate a lot of brains and did a lot of forbidden research, but nothings come up. Does this thing take time to manifest?

Sanity check question: Did you try to actually build a Sanity Checker using Thaumcraft techniques? With Thaumcraft you have to warp your brain around making items, doing research, and scanning all the things until you unlock some critical piece of the puzzle. Then again, maybe it's actually time-based. I'd strongly suggest you play with Thaumcraft as much as possible, the more you unlock in the Thaumonomicon (sp?) the more likely you are to actually get somewhere with the research you actually need to unlock. Do also check any sites for Thaumcraft and see what they say to do in order to unlock warp effects and items or research. The more powerful you become in Thaumcraft warp-related effects, the better the chances are that warp will suddenly start to kick in and actually take effect.

Cheers ...

While Temp Warp does help the severity of the events, it doesn't count for unlocking warp based stuff to my knowledge. Additionally things locked behind warp are locked behind specific warp events.

With the sanity checker, the pink is temporary warp, the lighter purple is 'sticky' warp, and the darker purple is permanent warp. You only really need to do research to get it up high enough for the unlocks. What useally is the case (I find) is the warp events decaying away to nothing before granting you the unlock, but for the bath salts I usually find them while I'm researching, or soon after.
No, it is time based as I was just researching non-taboo stuff and I got the message needed to research Bath Salts.
No, it is time based as I was just researching non-taboo stuff and I got the message needed to research Bath Salts.
Don't use the salts anytime soon. Keep doing research that shatters your mind further to unlock more stuff. Also, do regular research because I think some of the things of the Eldritch tab need regular non-crazypants research to progress further.
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Guys im new to ftb and i am a noob and dont know many stuff, so i ask :
Where u learned FTB from ? From watching Tutorials or reading Guides ?

How u do it when u build some complex system or setups, did u use just one from youtube (tree farm) for example or build ur own concept ?
Just got the latest version of Infinity (2.0.2) and it would say "Welcome to the Server" each time I log into SP. Does this mean that the server is now built into the client software? Or do I still need to download the server?

Vanilla Minecraft has had the "Server" built in for several years now. This allows you to connect to another player directly without a special server requirement. Many have complained because things ran faster before the program model was changed.
Guys im new to ftb and i am a noob and dont know many stuff, so i ask :
Where u learned FTB from ? From watching Tutorials or reading Guides ?

How u do it when u build some complex system or setups, did u use just one from youtube (tree farm) for example or build ur own concept ?
I learned by playing with a friend. I was mostly at a loss when he setup anything more complext than a redstone furnace seeing him play with Rotarycraft made me sort of panic...). Some mods (Botania, for example) have built in books that offer a guidance. Some are very good, other not so much, but some guidance is better than none.

As for videos, I usualy try to find direwolf20's mod spotlights that offer an above average description of mod, blocks and item capabilities.

A good way to learn things, besides these, is to play a modpack that has a quest book (Agrarian Skies 2, Regrowth, just to name some I'm currently playing and like). These give you a sort of progression and a bit of a tutorial. Or you can play a kitchen sink pack (Infinity).

If you're in the mood, PM me, and we can go to a public server for a modpack we can agree on. Just to give you the ropes, or something. We'll see.

Edit: oh, and regarding setups, unless it's something retardingly complicated (or simple; I can't understand simple) I usualy go with personal knowledge and whims to setup anything.
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Thank you Mate ! Maybe we can meet haha.

So i mean when u want to build someting did u make with own ideas or just copie from youtube, cuz every time when i watch lets play, the guys realy know what they do and have great ideas or know how.

I mostly have not own ideas and its a bit piss me off that cant do choices and figure out cuz im noob :D
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Thank you Mate ! Maybe we can meet haha.

So i mean when u want to build someting did u make with own ideas or just copie from youtube, cuz every time when i watch lets play, the guys realy know what they do and have great ideas or know how.

I mostly have not own ideas and its a bit piss me off that cant do choices and figure out cuz im noob :D
Just play. Set up basic stuff over and over again. Once you want a lot of something that's complex, you'll have enough knowledge to string together your previous small setups to get complex stuff. It's a little like building with lego pieces; there's millions of ways to connect four 2x4 pieces, but you only need to know the basics in order to be able to do all of them. :)
Don't use the salts anytime soon. Keep doing research that shatters your mind further to unlock more stuff. Also, do regular research because I think some of the things of the Eldritch tab need regular non-crazypants research to progress further.

That Tab didn't come up yet. So will have to do more research.

Guys im new to ftb and i am a noob and dont know many stuff, so i ask :
Where u learned FTB from ? From watching Tutorials or reading Guides ?

How u do it when u build some complex system or setups, did u use just one from youtube (tree farm) for example or build ur own concept ?

Try YouTube as there are lots of good tutorials for the mods FTB uses. Then, after you've gotten a hang of it, you can try your hand at design your own set-ups.
Guys im new to ftb and i am a noob and dont know many stuff, so i ask :
Where u learned FTB from ? From watching Tutorials or reading Guides ?

How u do it when u build some complex system or setups, did u use just one from youtube (tree farm) for example or build ur own concept ?

It was a combination of watching Direwolf20 mod spotlights, tutorials and how to's, wiki reading, and experimentation for me.

I would suggest picking a mod to focus on, and read/watch all that you can and go with that before you start branching into mega builds.

Also, on this forum, there are a lot of folks who have been playing modded for a long time. We learned by making mistakes, building and rebuilding over and over again. It may take some time before you get the basics down to a science. We just make it look easy :)
Thank you Mate ! Maybe we can meet haha.

So i mean when u want to build someting did u make with own ideas or just copie from youtube, cuz every time when i watch lets play, the guys realy know what they do and have great ideas or know how.

I mostly have not own ideas and its a bit piss me off that cant do choices and figure out cuz im noob :D
Best thing to do, expert or newbie, is to answer the question: "what do I want to do?". I don't know what modpack you're playing, but you either go with tech or magic. Independently of the tree you pick you'll need resources (this is just a simple iteration you'll be doing, even if unconsiously). If you need resources you need to figure on how to get them. You either dig, or find some other way (quarries, bees...). At the start you have no option but to dig, anyway...

Once you figure how you want to go about getting resources, you might consider on how to store them. A jumble of chests, or something more elegant (or messy; it's aobut your taste). A technological compact marvel wich offers all the storage you might need for thousands or millions of items in one or two blocks (Applied Energistics)? Or a flashy networking of pipes that let you see your stuff going where you sent it (Logistics Pipes)?

Once you find yourself with a crapload of ores you might consider what is the best way to get more out of your ores (again, some modpacks have more options than others). Shoving a piece of iron ore into a vanilla furnace gets you 1 Iron ingot. If you pulverize it with a machine you get two dusts that can be smelted into 2 ingots. If you shove the ores into a smeltery, you can get double output, etc, etc, etc.

Also, something that could be considered at any time: gear. Weapons, armor. On Infinity there are a lot of options. Some easier than others.

Then, if you chose to use some or a lot of tech: power. How to get it? What to use? Steam power? Mana converted to power? Solar power?

This might seem a lot, but there is a lot more. Just take it easy and do it slowly and steadily. Eventually you'll find yourself in a floating castle in a void dimension created by yourself with a lot of stuff set up and still a lot more to do.
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I'm assuming vanilla here, but addons can give better options.

I don't genreally use wands at end game, I instead opt for staves for focus or in world crafting, along with a scepter for crafting in the workbench.

That said:

Scepter: Silverwood Core, Voidmetal Caps

Staff: Primal Core, Voidmetal Caps.
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What is the best wand to have in Thaumcraft?
That would be the Ichorium Adorned Ichorcloth Strapped Silverwood Wand. Which can also be made as a scepter, but not a staff. The wand has 1,000 vis capacity.

Edit: I only noticed the previous comment after the post. rouge_bare is correct, if you're only playing vanilla Thaumcraft. If you have Thaumic Tinkerer installed, then it's what I said.