It will be mostly candles.
But my OCD demands that things be eternal....
Update: mana blaster with kindle lenses does not light candles...
It does.Redstone Arsenal has nothing of the sort, but the Blaster will do nicely. Thanks
Yeah that kinda sounds like they are coded to only work by right clicking with flint and steel. Did you try a torch or any other obvious flaming thing?
Also, I'm not sure if it would work but can you add a timeless ivy to flint and steel? So just craft together 3 iron, timeless ivy and flint and steel.
Hello, does someone know why ExtraCells isn't part of the Infinity Pack? I just would liek to know what I have to expect when I add it manually. Compatibility issues? Performance Issues?
Actually, I've seen some (rarely) in vanilla forests before as well. *awayyyy*Fly across the land.
But correct me if I'm wrong, Silverwood trees only spawn in Magical Forest biomes. You could fly around looking for one, or use a minimap to look for a biome.
Yeah, but they're rare af. Best bet is to find a magical forest biome. Plus the grass looks nice.Actually, I've seen some (rarely) in vanilla forests before as well. *awayyyy*
Where do Silverwood trees typically spawn? Is there a good way to find them, beside simply trekking across the land?
No need to post this question in multiple threads... Someone will eventually see it when they get home from school or work or get up in the morning.
There are many reasons mods aren't in certain modpacks... Perhaps the pack creator(s) don't like that mod? Perhaps that mod creator refuses to allow FtB to use the pack? (FtB gets permission to use every mod in their packs). Perhaps the pack creators don't feel that it fit's with their intended theme.. etc.
As far as adding a pack manually, you'll pretty much have to add it and see. Nobody can really predict the interactions between 160+ mods without 3 lifetimes of experience using the mods in various combinations, and that doesn't take into account future updates of individual mods that can raise havoc with the pack.
Best thing is to try it and see.
Actually mod pack makers or 'authors' don't need to "justify" anything. Would you ask a book author to justify the plot of a book.? Mod authors compile packs based on their opinion of what should be in the pack. Players decide which pack to play based on the included mods. This has worked well for quite a while!......I have big respect to the modpack maker, but imho a little bit of transparency of decisions, why something is not in a modpack any more wouldn't be so badBut I can understand that its extra work to write it down.
Actually mod pack makers or 'authors' don't need to "justify" anything. Would you ask a book author to justify the plot of a book.? Mod authors compile packs based on their opinion of what should be in the pack. Players decide which pack to play based on the included mods. This has worked well for quite a while!
A bit confused by the question! My setup has 4 essentia crystallizers attached by essentia tubes to an arcane alembic atop an alchemical furnace, using alumentum for fuel, with 2 arcane bellows attached. It runs fairly quickly and only uses terra to make terra crystalsanyone know the amount of terra used by the essentia crystallizer to run at full speed ?
A bit confused by the question! My setup has 4 essentia crystallizers attached by essentia tubes to an arcane alembic atop an alchemical furnace, using alumentum for fuel, with 2 arcane bellows attached. It runs fairly quickly and only uses terra to make terra crystals
So you're saying using Thaumic frames on Infinity will not warp/flux me/my bees?A lot of the stuff on is out of date. That particular page looks like it's from back in Thaumcraft 3. In 4.2, Necrotic Frames are much safer, with the big risk involving genetic damage to Ignobles.