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Your going to need a Desktop. But if you dont care about video settings. Most NEW laptops can play with minimal video settings and Fast Craft.

My laptop:
Processor: AMD A10-4600M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Video card: AMD Radeon(TM) HD 7660G + 7600M Dual Graphics
The hard drive: TOSHIBA MK5055GSX
Is it enough?
My laptop:
Processor: AMD A10-4600M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Video card: AMD Radeon(TM) HD 7660G + 7600M Dual Graphics
The hard drive: TOSHIBA MK5055GSX
Is it enough?
That should be fine. Your processor is gear'd more to watching movies, But it should do just fine. Remember to install fastcraft. It helps a lot.
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I got involved in a conversation here regarding mods that are complicated for the sole purpose of being time consuming, sparsely documented un-fathomably complicated..... then I got involved with Genetics mod. I have just spent 4 hours and have achieved nothing. Well I have just discovered that the Polymeriser that I have been trying to pump bacteria into actually uses a second type of bacteria called polymeriser bacteria...don't know how I did not know that... it was obvious. But I also discovered that there is another bacteria called bacteria vector, which I can't have discovered a machine for yet.

If there ever was a mod that was designed to force people to cheat items into the game this is it. Mods IMHO should be able to be worked out in-game - you should not need to spend hours on the internet researching how to use a mod, maybe a mod should have harder stuff that if you work them out or research on the internet make using the mod faster or better - but the entire process of genetics needs the internet research - and I have used inoculator etc to breed bees in 1.6.4, that was too much time and effort and this is 50x worse.

Any before Jordsta points out that I said that bagging (putting down, disparaging, piling crap on) a mod only encourages people to defend it ... I know but 4 wasted hours ... and besides I really believe this mod to be un-defendable.

If only EnderIO had a method of breeding bees !!!! :oops:

My simple questions - anyone want to try? (to defend it) and just incase I am entirely wrong - has anyone worked out the mod without help from the internet?
I take it you are talking about Binnies mod? If so, why not just use Gendustry?
Can someone help me figure out what's wrong? Here's what I did to get this. First of all, I was scrolling though NEI subsets, kicked me for something to do with fluids, went back on the world and crash. Here's the link to the log , I wish I could get this on FTBPaste, but when I tried it said "Bad gate-way". I hope no one has to go through that mess of a log. over 12k kbs. Also, esprenet is still acting up for me, would go there in a heart beat if I could.
issue is with forge i wouldn't go past version .352 your going to need to downgrade forge
My laptop:
Processor: AMD A10-4600M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Video card: AMD Radeon(TM) HD 7660G + 7600M Dual Graphics
The hard drive: TOSHIBA MK5055GSX
Is it enough?
I think you are going to have serious issues with that CPU. It is really not geared for the task. Just as a comparison my 7 year old i7 scores nearly double in benchmarking tests as it, and I seriously think I would upgrade before starting on a 1.7 pack.
You might be able to run it and depending on your expectation of performance and habit of building complexity it might be good enough. But I think I would recommend sticking with a 1.6 pack.
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I think you are going to have serious issues with that CPU. It is really not geared for the task. Just as a comparison my 7 year old i7 scores nearly double in benchmarking tests as it, and I seriously think I would upgrade before starting on a 1.7 pack.
You might be able to run it and depending on your expectation of performance and habit of building complexity it might be good enough. But I think I would recommend sticking with a 1.6 pack.

Thank you very much :)
I will do it :)
I've been playing around with Thaumcraft on Infinity recently and for the past 20 minutes I've just been sitting by a cactus, eating zombie brains, with my voidmetal armour. I NEED MORE WARP. I've unlocked most forbidden knowledge, and was wondering a. Is there a way I can cheat in something to modify my warp, or b. What's a good way to farm it. I'm not a very patient guy
I've been playing around with Thaumcraft on Infinity recently and for the past 20 minutes I've just been sitting by a cactus, eating zombie brains, with my voidmetal armour. I NEED MORE WARP. I've unlocked most forbidden knowledge, and was wondering a. Is there a way I can cheat in something to modify my warp, or b. What's a good way to farm it. I'm not a very patient guy
I'm not sure how much it'll help but you could try making a bunch of flesh golems
Press F4

It removes the currently enabled shaders.
Are you sure? I tried that, but I don't see any immediate differences...
The reason I ask is that, in darker areas, like caves, the stone texture seems a bit buggy and kinda has occasional purple/turquoise tints, as if the screen were broken and glitching...
Have been having some problems with newer mod packs. No mods are downloading with the packs, so they show up with no mods added on. Anyone know why that is and what I can do to fix it?
Yes Binnies is the culprit - I don't know if Gendustry is in the DW20 pack, I'll have a look tomorrow, the frustration subsided a bit and I decided to keep going with what I was doing before Genetics.

I actually have made reasonable advances without Genetics, I set up 7 remote platforms with 4 hives each and telepose them back to base to restock frames (which I get from spawning Apiarist villagers on exact copy) and check how they are going, only teleporting myself occasionally to check that all is working. I managed to upgrade the single fertility bees to 4x and 11x9x11 at the same time. So I am thinking of trying to do it all without genetics mods - but I will look at Gendestry.
Hey guys, I'm trying to set up a sort of early-mid game IC2 Experimental System for Machines and so forth, at the moment I am using water mills for power which then transport into tin cables up to the top of the water mill tower, I have then connected them to gold cables which go into an MFE Unit, after that I have HV Cables connecting out to four bat boxes which make up a sort of powered floor I've got going on. What I'm confused about is whether I have this system right and what cables I should be using where. I'm not really understanding the information on the cables, below is a picture which may help.

Have I got this right or should I be using different types of cables in different places? :)
Hey guys, I'm trying to set up a sort of early-mid game IC2 Experimental System for Machines and so forth, at the moment I am using water mills for power which then transport into tin cables up to the top of the water mill tower, I have then connected them to gold cables which go into an MFE Unit, after that I have HV Cables connecting out to four bat boxes which make up a sort of powered floor I've got going on. What I'm confused about is whether I have this system right and what cables I should be using where. I'm not really understanding the information on the cables, below is a picture which may help.

Have I got this right or should I be using different types of cables in different places? :)
In theory you wouldn't want your HV cables pointing into batboxes since they'd just explode your batboxes, but in actual fact the ic2/e enet is completely busted (ahem, in transition) so you can use whatever cables you like to transfer whatever power you like to whatever machines you like.
In theory you wouldn't want your HV cables pointing into batboxes since they'd just explode your batboxes, but in actual fact the ic2/e enet is completely busted (ahem, in transition) so you can use whatever cables you like to transfer whatever power you like to whatever machines you like.

Had it have been working what cables would you recommend for that? :)