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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi ...

I can't seem to craft Exo-Armor. Ive been using Tinkers Construct to build the Hammer, Wings etc all working fine but can't seem to make Exo-Armor. When I place my large bronze plates into the crafting station, nothing happens. See below.


I read that you need to force a config setting to enable Exo-Armor but can't find any further information on if this needs to be done, or how to do it!

Any help would be appreciated.



  • upload_2015-4-9_19-22-33.png
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi ...

I can't seem to craft Exo-Armor. Ive been using Tinkers Construct to build the Hammer, Wings etc all working fine but can't seem to make Exo-Armor. When I place my large bronze plates into the crafting station, nothing happens. See below.

View attachment 17578

I read that you need to force a config setting to enable Exo-Armor but can't find any further information on if this needs to be done, or how to do it!

Any help would be appreciated.

I don't know the recipes for the Exo-armour, but are you sure that is it?

If it needs a config option it will be in Tinkers.cfg (it may be called tinkersconstruct.cfg, I forget) and then just press CTRL+F and search for "armo" (you never know if the dev is American or not, meaning it could be spelled armour, or armor)


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
I'm pretty sure the exo-suit was deprecated in 1.7 tinkers, if it's still there it probibly needs enabling in the configs. That said, that setup doesn't look right to me, I'm pretty sure it's the usual armor patterns just with bronze plates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure the exo-suit was deprecated in 1.7 tinkers, if it's still there it probibly needs enabling in the configs. That said, that setup doesn't look right to me, I'm pretty sure it's the usual armor patterns just with bronze plates.
I don't think it was deprecated, I think it was just quite buggy, so disabled by default.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the info!

Now, another and wholly unrelated question:

Is there a way to make Thermal Expansion dynamos throttle intelligently? I have about 40 RF/t passive drain from the small beginnings of an AE system, but I also have processing machines hooked up to the same power lines. And I thought: great, let me plop down 4 dynamos. If they all throttle down to 10 RF/t, then my passive needs are met, and if I turn on the machines (or expand the AE system) then there's plenty of headroom to go around.

But nope, no such thing is happening. Instead, the dynamo closest to the consumers takes all the load, throttling itself to 40 RF/t, while the rest of the dynamos have nothing to do. Meaning they sit at 8 RF/t uselessly wasting fuel.

Is there some way I can make them actually work together?

I am no expert and am offering a possibility not an definitive answer only because none seems to have been offered.

Would using TE energy cells - which allow output limitation - used as buffers provide a solution?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am no expert and am offering a possibility not an definitive answer only because none seems to have been offered.

Would using TE energy cells - which allow output limitation - used as buffers provide a solution?
It would either be do this, or just use as many dynamos as you need.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Can anyone help with creating EXO-Armor from Tinkers Construct?? When I use bronze plates in the crafting station nothing happens.


I can created hammers and wings and other Tinker items just no Armor!

I read something about having to enable Exo-Armor in the config files, but couldn't find any way to do this.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • upload_2015-4-9_20-41-19.png
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Can anyone help with creating EXO-Armor from Tinkers Construct?? When I use bronze plates in the crafting station nothing happens.

View attachment 17582

I can created hammers and wings and other Tinker items just no Armor!

I read something about having to enable Exo-Armor in the config files, but couldn't find any way to do this.

Any help would be appreciated.

I already answered this question for you, and so did others
Sorry double post... (from earlier).
Why post it then?


Jul 28, 2013
What does the mod do?

It was that mod in Monster that let you create custom portals in locations then hook them up to each other. It had redstone control, multiple address dialing and it worked across dimensions etc etc.

Really cool but I haven't seen it in a 1.7 pack yet.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
It works perfectly for inserting Bee Frames automatically. Standard Export Bus on every Frame Housing. For re-inserting princesses and drones, it's a bit more problematic... The problem is that I often run multiple bees of the same species... such as 3 Quantum Bees instead of just one if I happen to need a lot of Nether Quartz. AE struggles when you have multiple bees of the same species working in different alvearies. It would infrequently send 2 princesses to one alveary and none to the other one if the timing was wrong, and mess the whole thing up.

Maybe subnetworks are the way to go, one subnet per alveary.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was that mod in Monster that let you create custom portals in locations then hook them up to each other. It had redstone control, multiple address dialing and it worked across dimensions etc etc.

Really cool but I haven't seen it in a 1.7 pack yet.
Well you could always use Mystcraft and intralinking books (using crystal portals)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I had checked both Tinker config files and neither have any references to Armo*

Looks like it's undocumented..
Maybe it was fully removed then.
But there was still no need to repost, just because a new page had started. Just don't want you getting any warning points :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think there is a way to use mystcraft books in a portal setup - basically from my understanding you create "portals" that hold the book instead of a lectern and it functions like a portal. Can only guess that it is all mystcraft but I have not made one. I can see a block named "linking portal" from mystcraft in NEI but it has no recipe.

Edit - I type way too slow


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
I think there is a way to use mystcraft books in a portal setup - basically from my understanding you create "portals" that hold the book instead of a lectern and it functions like a portal. Can only guess that it is all mystcraft but I have not made one. I can see a block named "linking portal" from mystcraft in NEI but it has no recipe.

Edit - I type way too slow
You need to find the very basically named "Crystal" in an Age. You can then use this to form a frame for a portal. Take 8 more Crystals and craft them into a Book Recepticle, and place this on the frame, insert book into the Recepticle and it'll make the portal. Note that this does still apply effects from the link book, and doesnt bypass the need for an intra-linking book if staying in the same dimension.


Jul 28, 2013
Well you could always use Mystcraft and intralinking books (using crystal portals)

I thought about that, but for my purposes I essentially need a way to rig up some sort of dialling device and control the thing with redstone/computercraft. Vanilla portals are controllable with redstone [sort of] but without the selectable dimensions the applications for them are limited...