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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
What I ended up doing was similar to what you suggest there Rhn. I got rid of the Itemduct, void chest, and Crystal chest at the Quarry side and hooked the wooden transfer pipe straight to the quarry hooked into the Phased pipe and I do like you said I send it all to the house and void the fodder there and do my sorting :)

View attachment 17519
In this case you don't need the redstone engine and wooden pipe. The quarry already outputs items by it self into attached pipes.

And yeah this is much easier, just have a Diamond pipe on the other side separating out all the items you don't want etc.
If you can avoid steps where you put items into inventories and then have to take them out again, then all the better.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone come up with a robust way to implement a fast redstone clock in Steve's Factory Manager? The basic set-up keeps switching off every time I log off and on. I've got a moderately complex set of triggers that periodically re-starts it with a pulse, but is there a better way? Or, what's another good 1-tick-on-1-tick-off clock mechanism that I can hook into SFM?
Would a simple computercraft program do it?

Minnesota Jeff

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In this case you don't need the redstone engine and wooden pipe. The quarry already outputs items by it self into attached pipes.

And yeah this is much easier, just have a Diamond pipe on the other side separating out all the items you don't want etc.
If you can avoid steps where you put items into inventories and then have to take them out again, then all the better.

I looked at the Diamond pipe interface and my head nearly exploded LOL. I didn't understand the first thing about it. It was nothing but a bunch of colored squares and no explanation tab as some machines have. I don't know how yours look in your mod pack but mines pretty much not understandable, to me anyways. Guess I may have to YouTube that pipe to understand it. And that's if I find a tube that has the same interface my pipe has in my mod pack.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
I looked at the Diamond pipe interface and my head nearly exploded LOL. I didn't understand the first thing about it. It was nothing but a bunch of colored squares and no explanation tab as some machines have. I don't know how yours look in your mod pack but mines pretty much not understandable, to me anyways. Guess I may have to YouTube that pipe to understand it. And that's if I find a tube that has the same interface my pipe has in my mod pack.
If you attach some other pipes to the diamond pipe the coloured squares start to make sense :p They are directional markers(up, down, north, south....) corresponding to each side of the pipe. Each square is an item filter where you can place an item which you want to be directed out that colours corresponding side. If any sides item filters are left empty(and they have pipes attached) any unfiltered items will choose one of these by random. So for sorting items you probably always want one exit unfiltered for random stuff.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I looked at the Diamond pipe interface and my head nearly exploded LOL. I didn't understand the first thing about it. It was nothing but a bunch of colored squares and no explanation tab as some machines have. I don't know how yours look in your mod pack but mines pretty much not understandable, to me anyways. Guess I may have to YouTube that pipe to understand it. And that's if I find a tube that has the same interface my pipe has in my mod pack.
Unless things have changed it is fairly easy to understand - the colours represent directions - the same directions regardles of how they are placed. It has been a while but I think Black is top (may be bottom) and white is opposite direction then red, yellow, green and blue (I think) are other directions. So one will always need to be an input and with the other 5 you can put an item in the slot to make that item use that direction or if left empty (and a pipe is attached) anything will use it
edit - I took too long to write - literally beaten to the "post"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My best guess is that it's actually your monitor doing something with the saturation for some reason. Does your monitor have any special auto-saturation features, as far as you know?

Alternatively, your monitor might be so old that it simply can't cope with the changes in color or something...
Nope. Use sRGB for picture editing there is no auto anything.
This is before I open inventory,

and this is immediately after i close

it fades back to normal white within 2 seconds, still annoying

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Nope. Use sRGB for picture editing there is no auto anything.
This is before I open inventory,

and this is immediately after i close

it fades back to normal white within 2 seconds, still annoying
Did you take those screenshots with the F2 key in-game, or using your OS's print screen function (i.e. the button on your keyboard)? Try using the other one immediately after closing your inventory and see if it looks different.

If screenshots taken using MC's internal methods look normal, I blame your OS messing with you by trying to implement some kind of "smart" screen dimming feature. If not... I blame some mod. No idea which one.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Time for another simple question - apart from the power armor auto-feeder, is there another mod that feeds a player automatically from the inventory?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Time for another simple question - apart from the power armor auto-feeder, is there another mod that feeds a player automatically from the inventory?
Thaumic exploration has an item that stores food and feed you with it. Its called talisman of nourishment or something like that


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you take those screenshots with the F2 key in-game, or using your OS's print screen function (i.e. the button on your keyboard)? Try using the other one immediately after closing your inventory and see if it looks different.

If screenshots taken using MC's internal methods look normal, I blame your OS messing with you by trying to implement some kind of "smart" screen dimming feature. If not... I blame some mod. No idea which one.
Im dumb. Game brightness was on moody, turning back to bright solved it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumic exploration has an item that stores food and feed you with it. Its called talisman of nourishment or something like that
Thanks, it is the talisman of nourishment, according to NEI, seems I need more research to get it. Only talisman I can see at present is talisman of remedium.

Edit - found it, it is on the Thermic Esoterica tab - thanks again


What Mod enables right click harvesting in FTB Infinity? (It's not Harvestcraft or Agricraft and Hunger overhaul or greenthumb are not included)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you sure it wasn't Ignoble, that die after a number of generations? Other than that, all I can say is, make sure your pipes don't cross chunk boundaries, and set up vacuum hoppers or item valves or world interaction upgraded item nodes to pick up anything that spills.

As for sorting bees, the only way I can think of to do it without BC pipes would be to use ComputerCraft.

How is Applied Energistics with this?..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How is Applied Energistics with this?..

It works perfectly for inserting Bee Frames automatically. Standard Export Bus on every Frame Housing. For re-inserting princesses and drones, it's a bit more problematic. I much prefer a hybrid setup, I use AE for frames but I still use BC pipes for the bees. You can def use AE for the entire thing, I did it before in my Monster modpack world... but for Infinity I'm back to a hybrid setup because there is zero chance for any error with getting bees mixed up when inserting into alvearies (the one disaster I fear the most with my bees). With AE, you have to import the bees back to the hard drive every bee cycle and then export them back into the alveary. With BC pipes, the bees come out of the alveary and right back in, there's no risk of mix-ups at all, it's impossible with BC pipes. The problem is that I often run multiple bees of the same species... such as 3 Quantum Bees instead of just one if I happen to need a lot of Nether Quartz. AE struggles when you have multiple bees of the same species working in different alvearies. It would infrequently send 2 princesses to one alveary and none to the other one if the timing was wrong, and mess the whole thing up.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A curious question about WAILA...

I use a modpack to play on a server, and I also have a singleplayer test instance on it. When in singleplayer mode, I can for example see the fill status of a portable tank, and it's updated in real time as liquid moves in and out. On the server, most of the time I cannot see any fill status at all. And when it does show up, it only updates once a minute or so (if at all).

That is meant to serve as a representative example for a long list of minor details that WAILA shows in singleplayer but doesn't reliably show on the server. Same modpack, absolutely no config changes.

Why is that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A curious question about WAILA...

I use a modpack to play on a server, and I also have a singleplayer test instance on it. When in singleplayer mode, I can for example see the fill status of a portable tank, and it's updated in real time as liquid moves in and out. On the server, most of the time I cannot see any fill status at all. And when it does show up, it only updates once a minute or so (if at all).

That is meant to serve as a representative example for a long list of minor details that WAILA shows in singleplayer but doesn't reliably show on the server. Same modpack, absolutely no config changes.

Why is that?
I believe the serverside instance of WAILA needs to be installed. However, I have never been able to get WAILA to run on servers, so I take it on the chin, and get by without that feature


Jul 28, 2013
Two mod questions about Infinity (or thereabouts).

1. I've noticed the fog near bedrock is removed in my current world. Which mod/config does this?

2. I occasionally get a bit of text about "whispers dark secrets" or something and then I randomly get a research point for thaumcraft. Is this native to thaumcraft or is it one of the addons?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2. I occasionally get a bit of text about "whispers dark secrets" or something and then I randomly get a research point for thaumcraft. Is this native to thaumcraft or is it one of the addons?
Yes. It's called warp.
Some researches give you warp and the more you have the nastier are the effects.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1) I believe MFR does (I am 90% certain Skyboy originally did that in FlatBedrock mod) - I am probably wrong though
2) That is Thaumcraft, you are highly warped my friend (warp = insanity, insanity = hearing voices, hearing voices = whispers of dark secrets, whispers of dark secrets = secret plans to take over the world, secret plans to take over the world = illuminati, thaumcraft = illuminati)