Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

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You guys say always "change config or gtfo" and that's not the point, because there is still stuff that you can't change.

Ralicraft changes vanilla rails recipe: nobody complains.
Gregtech changes IC2 recipes: 50% of the people dislike, the other 50% percent say that is our fault that we dislike it... I don't think so.

Maybe greg should rethink his mod?
Honza8d, you know I said no such thing, so show me a little respect and don't pretend I did.

I'm asking for calm and civility, and if you think that's too much to ask, well, honestly you might be right, but we can try to pretend to be better then we are, can't we?
I am calm. and what exactly did you not say?
You said
GT has little respect for my time, the assumption that I can leave the computer running for the better part of an hour, it's true but it's not respectful.
GT doesn't require you to leave your computer running without you. And just because YOU think GT takes too much time doesn't mean somebody doesn't like it. I just dont see how this could be disrespectful.

or is it the second part?
The assumption that his word, and not the word of the mod author is the important one, it's not respectful.
Here i would like to here, where Greg thinks his word is more important that other mod authors words? I don't remember where a mod author would want Greg to stop chaging his mod and Greg would think his word is more important and refused.
The whole gregtech debate has become moot. During beta there was something to talk about because there was no choice - either you played the beta with gregtech, or you didn't play.

But now we're out of beta, there's several modpacks to choose from, and no need to complain. If you like gregtech on hardmode, play the Mindcrack pack. If you don't, play direwolf20's pack or the magic pack. The argument that it's bad that a mod changes how the game works is ludicrous when changing the game is the essence of modding and nobody is forcing you to play with these mods in the first place.
Back to the original topic...

I personally love GregTech, and play on full hard mode. I believe the OP intimated that an MMO player will enjoy GT because of the grind, where a technical player will hate it for the same reason. I respectfully disagree. I am definitely NOT an MMO type player, and I hate the grind. However, the difficulty GT has added to the game has forced me to consider other methods, and different methods of automation. The increased technical nature of the manufacturing required by GT appeals greatly to the Engineer in me.

I propose that the added difficulty does not actually force you to spend tedious hours mining. It does, however, make working "smart" that much more rewarding.

That's my two bits. Feel free to return to the bickering. :)
A reasonable facsimile of intelligence...
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you don't get to decide that.
that's a silly ad hominem attack. I based my opinion on direwolf's forgecraft series, where I've personally never seen any hostility towards gregtech. So I assumed this wasn't serious as that is the most likely thing.
But if it is true, not liking a mod doesn't equate forbidding a mod or asking that he stop changing recipes.
The whole gregtech debate has become moot. During beta there was something to talk about because there was no choice - either you played the beta with gregtech, or you didn't play.

But now we're out of beta, there's several modpacks to choose from, and no need to complain. If you like gregtech on hardmode, play the Mindcrack pack. If you don't, play direwolf20's pack or the magic pack. The argument that it's bad that a mod changes how the game works is ludicrous when changing the game is the essence of modding and nobody is forcing you to play with these mods in the first place.

This so much this. It is an optional mod you can chose to install or not. You can modify to your liking or remove from the pack you are using. The only time this should impact you beyound your contorl is if you are playing on a server and at that point it is still not an issue with GregTech but something you should be talking to your admin about.
My playing experience without GregTech was a bit... I don't know... let's say obvious. IC2 machines, solar power going on, looking for some oil, refinery, quarry, RedPower cobblegen to a recycler, lava system in the nether, massfab, steady UU production within the first week of the game. Well, after a couple of week, I finally created my matterfab, but I'm not even close to producing enough EU to keep that guy supplied with the huge amount it demands. With the Mindcrack pack, I'm exploring every single aspect in this wonderful pack, mainly thanks to Greg. I often swear at him, that's for sure, but it's the challenge I've waited for so long in Minecraft modding world. Thanks Greg!

Yeah...I wasn't a huge fan of GregTech when I first saw it, and I'm still not the biggest fan, but after playing the DW20 pack for awhile, it does seem like you hit a point where you're rolling in resources and power...I haven't done a lot of actual building in terms of a nice looking base, though, nor have I done a lot with automation...but I can see the appeal of GregTech after you get burnt out on the "vanilla" mod stuff. Been thinking about starting a Mindcrack world myself to check it out...not sure, though, because I find mining to be tedious and GT seems to just make you do more of it.
Yeah...I wasn't a huge fan of GregTech when I first saw it, and I'm still not the biggest fan, but after playing the DW20 pack for awhile, it does seem like you hit a point where you're rolling in resources and power...I haven't done a lot of actual building in terms of a nice looking base, though, nor have I done a lot with automation...but I can see the appeal of GregTech after you get burnt out on the "vanilla" mod stuff. Been thinking about starting a Mindcrack world myself to check it out...not sure, though, because I find mining to be tedious and GT seems to just make you do more of it.
Not exactly. Getting all the resources required manually would be quite tedious. However since you need a lot of them, it is much more beneficial to work on automation.

In other words, need 10 carbon plates for a quantum suit? Just toss some coal in a macerator, craft the dusts in your inventory, and throw that in a compressor. Need several stacks of something for GT recipes? Well you can accept the tedium, or you can set up some automation and sit back and watch as everything is produced much faster. There is actually a reason to do so, other than just bragging rights.
Won't happen unless Eloraam gives permission, and unless I missed something I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon :P At least there's the blutricity engine though.

I really like how gregtech pulls everything together and offers me so many alternative recipes - which given the upped difficulty - encourage me to make the most out of all my materials.
Eloraam doesn't want people messing with her mod so it's pretty much pointless asking
It was serious. It's well known that RichardG dislikes GregTech. I can give you more quotes if you want.
I don't know how many people took it seriously, if it was even intended to be serious. Everyone can plainly see that RichardG does not like GregTech, but if you look at the responses beneath that (mine being one of them), I don't think people in the thread (including Greg) saw it as anything but a joke.

EDIT: And to the people earlier that have complained about GregTech's Thermal Generator making Geothermal EUs easier to make than core IC2, you do realize that the core IC2 Geothermal Generator can produce the exact same amount of EUs from lava being pumped into it right?
You guys say always "change config or gtfo" and that's not the point, because there is still stuff that you can't change.

Pleqse list changes to other mods that GregTech makes that isn't controlled by the config.

Also, people have bitched about changes to vanilla costs made by railcraft, they're just old changes and most have moved on with their lives.
[quote="Hydra, post: 88955, member: 12806"
In my opinion Greg has no idea about game design because he has no idea about fun and balance. Fun isn't making stuff tedious.[/quote]

To the vast majority of humans, fun requires challenge and accomplishment. Frequently, time investment (what you're errornously terming tedious) is a form of accomplishment, particularly in areas like Minecraft where personal skill is all but meaningless. Your claim of wnat is and is not fun flies in the face of several multi million dollar companies experience. Personally, ill follow the money for advice.

Balance means that every machine should remain useful. You don't improve balance by just adding your own high tier stuff that's 'better' in every way just to make sure people use your mod.

Interestingly, its plainly obvious that the pulverizer and induction smelter is just what you describe, making stuff better just to be sure everybody uses it.

I know damn well it can't be turned off, that's not the problem. My problem with GregTech is that it goes against the wishes of mod authors and should not be supplied with a pack that puts so much weight into what mod authors want.

It ashould be noted here that the opinion that matters is the users, not the mod authors. Just like I may mod Minecraft to my hearts desire, I can pick and choose others modifications and then modify those modifications further. GregTech simply makes such inherent choices easier to accomplish. But it boils down to the fact that its running on my compter, not any mod authors.
Man I need to install a popcorn machine around here. Seems everytime Greg is brought up in a thread no mater how tangent to the topic it turns into a Anti GT vs Pro GT thread with a dash of Greg is evil on the side.
Man I need to install a popcorn machine around here. Seems everytime Greg is brought up in a thread no mater how tangent to the topic it turns into a Anti GT vs Pro GT thread with a dash of Greg is evil on the side.
Right? It's like magic!

Oh, and don't forget to install a mountain dew fountain as well!