Won't that just add oreDict entry?
How will Mari Crucible "know" what to do with that new entry?
Platinum Ore Dust (3757:2) already has oreDict entry named "orePlatinum", it is Mari Cruci that doesnt smelt this block only.
It smelts other sorts of platinum just fine. That's what i want to fix.
Atm I am trying to use those lines i found:
#fix limestone smelting
furnace.addRecipe(<1054:5>, <1054:3>);
furnace.addRecipe(<14756:1>, <3404:0>);
furnace.addRecipe(<9155:0>, <3757:2>);
I added bottom line but it doesnt seem to work and I can't get enough data about how minetweaker works to dig deeper into that :C