I have a question. I got vials from a quest and dont know what to do with them I have not gotten into thaumcraft because i used the cheat book.
Okay, changes to the steel works are aparently not updated in the book.
Dirrections in the steelwork book, are not actually working to make steel.
I've got iron, in blocks, and it's at 66% heat, and nothing is moving.
I've got charcoal, in blocks, it's at 1,000c, and the flame icon is still.
33 gunpowder, 24 redstone, 44 sand...
and it's not doing anything.
That change where the max height of the chamber translates into max temprature of the machine is the culpret, isn't it?
Thank you very much! I can see that there aren't that many types of items gotten from sieving, so maybe I can use deep storage units instead of barrels. (Looks like, broken/crushed/pulverized ores aside, there are 21 different items that can be gotten from gravel/sand/dust sieving).I couldn't see if this was actually answered
So here's an answer for you
Even comes with chances so you know the proportions of each
1 mj = 10 rf so 250 mj = 2500 rf
Thank you very much! I can see that there aren't that many types of items gotten from sieving, so maybe I can use deep storage units instead of barrels. (Looks like, broken/crushed/pulverized ores aside, there are 21 different items that can be gotten from gravel/sand/dust sieving).
Building it taller also lets you do more at a time. Try building it a total of 8 tall, so you have six slots of input, with a max temp of 3,000C. It'll run faster that way and actually consume less fuel per action because you have more actions per fuel block. This actually ends up a geometric progression because not only is the faster speed cooking things faster, you also have more things cooking simultaneously.Okay, changes to the steel works are aparently not updated in the book.
Dirrections in the steelwork book, are not actually working to make steel.
I've got iron, in blocks, and it's at 66% heat, and nothing is moving.
I've got charcoal, in blocks, it's at 1,000c, and the flame icon is still.
33 gunpowder, 24 redstone, 44 sand...
and it's not doing anything.
That change where the max height of the chamber translates into max temprature of the machine is the culpret, isn't it?
I just upgraded my reactor a little and have now an output of 12,3k RF, but I have a little problems transferring it to my drill.
I have no problem getting it into my energy cells, but the tesseract seems to only transfer 10k RF. Is there a maximum to them, I thought it was 10k per side because of the 10k per energy conduit connection?
Shouldn't this setup be able to transfer up to 20k? I am confused![]()
Grinders will turn them into their standard drops plus mob essence. But even with a ton of animals and a breeder, it's insanely slow. You can, of course, auto-spawn them instead.Questions:
1. Is there an MFR machine that allows ... more humane animal processing into vanilla components such as raw chicken, beef and leather? At the moment i'm completing all the cooking quests using the vegetarian override (substituting soy) as I havn't had the patience to siwtch my farming over to thaumcraft golems yet.
I seem to recall someone saying they set up 2 activators, 1 to chop the tree down, and another to break 1 leaf so they'll despawn. As to spawning a blue slime, I don't think it's possible if you don't have a bucket of slime water, or whatever it's called (you can get it as a quest reward, and supposedly from bags, but I don't know if that's actually true.)2. Is there any way to automate the harvesting of TiC slime trees? MFR doesn't know what to do with them at all, and even harvesting them other ways is a pain as the leaf blocks don't even start to decay if just the trunk is cut down. At least one must be broken to trigger their decay. Conversely is there some way to spawn a blue slime?
They only need to transfer 10k. Jaded changed the power requirements for lasers, and each pre-charger only takes 2500RF/t according to the 2.1.2 configs. 10kRF/t for a single laser. handy.
Aside from the ores and redstone, I haven't found a need for more than a barrel worth of anything you get from sieving.
I'm 2/3rds of the way to getting my 16M cell done! That thing takes an absolutely absurd amount of resources. I can't imagine why anyone would build one in a normal world, especially given that it (presumably) still has the 63 item types limit.If you set up a ME system, you will need a ton of quartz (from dust), the 16M cell needed for a quest alone needs nearly 9k quartz.![]()
I'm 2/3rds of the way to getting my 16M cell done! That thing takes an absolutely absurd amount of resources. I can't imagine why anyone would build one in a normal world, especially given that it (presumably) still has the 63 item types limit.
Iguna tweeks again?
Mattock, shovel head, axe head, tool rod, right?
I've got a flinkt shovel head, and can make a shovel. I've got a flint axe head, and can make the axe. But the mattock won't make.
Need I better materials, or is a tool with 3 functions just something that we can't have?
So is a deep storage unit, and that isn't anywhere near as expensive. Heck, 63 deep storage units isn't anywhere near as expensive. I just can't imagine anything would justify the cost of the thing unless you'd been playing the same world for many months, were running some sort of world eater, and just wanted to do it because you could.The 16M unit can store 63 types and 68m items (with mixed types - or ~double that with a single type). Which means its more than capable of holding the cobble required to create an octuple compressed cobble.
Wow didn't know that, mattock is by far my favorite tool when farming as it does all the things necessary to create and manage farms. So sad when I couldn't make one, time to make a titanium head/manyullyn rod mattock thenThere is a setting that only allows mattocks of Metal heads.
Both. You get random modifiers for free as you level as well as blank modifier slots but you end up with the same total number of modifier slots as if you had added all 3 extra modifier slots.
Is anybody else experiencing weird behaviour with TE3 on this pack? (running 2.1.2)
I have to constantly reconnect energy conduits and cells. One minute energy is flowing fine, the next minute everything stands still and nothing works.
Replacing the cells and conduits, power starts flowing again - then I come back to find everything stuck again. It's getting annoying.
I know its a month later but I've got 2 extruders feeding 60 crucibles supplying 35 mag dynamos with spare lava. The last couple of crucibles in the string are normally full of lava waiting to be used.Does anyone know how many magmatic dynamos one crucible and igneous extruder can support? It seems to be able to keep up with one, also, my crucible is fueled by a fire from netherack.