Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Open Sesame is unlocked by crafting a flag from Open Blocks.
Crazy Automation requires you to manually craft an octuple compressed cobble.
Tinkerer requires crafting one each of: Seared Bricks, Seared Glass, Seared Tank, Seared Faucet, Casting Basin, Casting Table
Mob war I'm not sure on, maybe try killing lots of hostile mobs yourself?

I'm guessing mobs from the nether. I've killed everything from the overworld except angry zombies (see pervious posts)

Actually when I opened open sesame and crazy automation, and new 3rd one showed that looks to have a netherstar icon..

There also seems to be one missing from the bottom row (between open sesame and passive Slaughter.
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Alrighty, so I goofed, guys. Been playing Agrarian for a while now, and in an effort to make more compressed cobble made the mistake of putting an auto-packager next to a barrel. Clearly it didnt like this, cause as soon as I put a hardened energy cell next to it it crashed me out, and I fear it may have corrupted the world.

I know there are a bunch of world edit tools out there... buddy of mine fixes a FTB server all the time with em after just these sort of events... So Im wonderin what I can do?
I figure I need to get rid of the packager and/or energy cell to stop the crash spiral. Thatd get rid of the conflict for sure.

Any help would be SUPER appreciated! Thanks guys!

EDIT: Never have I been so happy as when i discovered the backups. DAMN thats one fine mod!

Issue has been fixed! Sorry for the trouble guys. Next time maybe Ill think for a sec before jumping to the forums! ^^
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I'm guessing mobs from the nether. I've killed everything from the overworld except angry zombies (see pervious posts)

Actually when I opened open sesame and crazy automation, and new 3rd one showed that looks to have a netherstar icon..

There also seems to be one missing from the bottom row (between open sesame and passive Slaughter.
The one with the nether star icon is "The True Completionist" and you just need a nether star for it, which you should've had from the blood magic quest in this section. There appear to be two bugs though:

(1) I can't hand in the chiseled seared brick for the Tinkerer quest. I've checked several times and I should have the correct block. There's a brown-looking one in NEI which I cheated in to test (this is a detection tast, not a crafting one) but that won't work either and anyway the one in the book appears to be the black one.

(2) If I have 70% completion with approximately 6% per quest, I should have five quests left. However, if I complete The True Completionist (again, I cheat-completed Crazy Automation in a test world) it says I have done everything. No quest named "mob war" ever unlocks and the book says "all quests completed". Something doesn't add up.

In my AS world proper, I doubt I'll ever complete Crazy Automation. The roadblock is the magnets.....32k diamonds, 32k gold blocks, 64k quartz blocks and 32k redstone blocks? I won't spend enough time in this world to do that...
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You don't, but I recommend to set your fluid interface to export something useful into the direction where your fluids come in before something overflows, else the export slot will get filled by random overflow and you'll never be able to export something useful there again. I have set it to water since the OpenBlocks sprinklers watering my farms are supplied with water from my ME network.
I wanted to see if a single Tesseract could pass multiple fluids and ended up importing through a Fluid Interface...and ran into the very same issue you described. No big deal...just setup some exports for the quest fluids. I have my AE item overflow setup as a preformatted storage bus dumping into a Tesseract [feeding a remote Condenser]. I'm hoping I can use the same setup for fluids?

FYI: Unless I'm mistaken [or you're not using MFR farming apparatus] a Harvester will till the soil and the Planter interaction should be quick enough to work before the farmland reverts back to dirt [especially at default range]. Combine this with Ritual of the Green Grove and Sprinklers become unnecessary [pretty but irrelevant].

Also: Green Grove ritual with Vanilla trees can cause tree overgrowth [where one tree grows before current tree is fully harvested]
I wanted to see if a single Tesseract could pass multiple fluids and ended up importing through a Fluid Interface...and ran into the very same issue you described. No big deal...just setup some exports for the quest fluids. I have my AE item overflow setup as a preformatted storage bus dumping into a Tesseract [feeding a remote Condenser]. I'm hoping I can use the same setup for fluids?
I don't see why not. If anything, it's more problematic with items since you have to deal with damage values and suchlike. Are you using the storage bus to void the damaged armor and weapons you occasionally get from your mobtraps? The reason I'm still using itemducts to sort my mobtrap input - as opposed to everything else - is that I can't set the storage bus to fuzzy comparison. I haven't actually tried though - does the storage bus correctly void these things?

FYI: Unless I'm mistaken [or you're not using MFR farming apparatus] a Harvester will till the soil and the Planter interaction should be quick enough to work before the farmland reverts back to dirt [especially at default range]. Combine this with Ritual of the Green Grove and Sprinklers become unnecessary [pretty but irrelevant].
It's the planter that tills the soil, but tilling is not the problem. Without watering things will grow very slowly, I don't want to keep water blocks in my farms if I can avoid it *and* the sprinklers speed up growth, albeit only slightly. The problem with the Ritual is that I need a regular income of LP for that, and I'm going the self-sacrifice route in this game. So anything that costs any amount of LP one time is OK, also anything I can easily switch off like sigils or bound weapons and tools. I'm efficient enough that I'm not lacking in LP, but for things that expend LP continuously I must do the calculation of how much time I need to spend under my Ritual of the Feathered Knife each day - and not forget do actually do that since its range unfortunately doesn't extend much beyond the boundaries of a tier 5 altar.
gah these hidden quests are becoming a pain.
I've got one of them unlocked in my survival world and one of them unlocked in my creative world, but I've no idea what I did to unlock them and I've no idea what other hidden quests are left and what you need to do to unlock those D:
I tried using /hqm edit but hidden quests are ofcourse hidden there aswell, no use to launch the modpack with hqm edit mode on as you'll open up a whole new quest book when you try to open them and no point in trying to open the hqm files in a notepad as it only shows up as mumbo jumbo (yes, I don't know anything about coding so I don't know how to be able to read that file)
gah these hidden quests are becoming a pain.
I've got one of them unlocked in my survival world and one of them unlocked in my creative world, but I've no idea what I did to unlock them and I've no idea what other hidden quests are left and what you need to do to unlock those D:
I tried using /hqm edit but hidden quests are ofcourse hidden there aswell, no use to launch the modpack with hqm edit mode on as you'll open up a whole new quest book when you try to open them and no point in trying to open the hqm files in a notepad as it only shows up as mumbo jumbo (yes, I don't know anything about coding so I don't know how to be able to read that file)
There should be 17 quests in total in the Bragging Rights section. It says I'm complete with 16 in my test world but that doesn't add up with the percentages I've got earlier as well as information about one I might have missed. BTW, go to the previous page, there is some information.

Which are the ones you have unlocked? Sometimes the first part is a detection task. The quest only appears once you've completed that first part, but the conditions are still visible. Applies to "The Tinkerer", "Crazy Automation", "Open Sesame" (see previous page for the conditions) and "Passive Slaughterer" (kill 100 passive mobs), maybe others, I can't look into the game at this moment.
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I don't see why not. If anything, it's more problematic with items since you have to deal with damage values and suchlike. Are you using the storage bus to void the damaged armor and weapons you occasionally get from your mobtraps? The reason I'm still using itemducts to sort my mobtrap input - as opposed to everything else - is that I can't set the storage bus to fuzzy comparison. I haven't actually tried though - does the storage bus correctly void these things?

It's the planter that tills the soil, but tilling is not the problem. Without watering things will grow very slowly, I don't want to keep water blocks in my farms if I can avoid it *and* the sprinklers speed up growth, albeit only slightly. The problem with the Ritual is that I need a regular income of LP for that, and I'm going the self-sacrifice route in this game. So anything that costs any amount of LP one time is OK, also anything I can easily switch off like sigils or bound weapons and tools. I'm efficient enough that I'm not lacking in LP, but for things that expend LP continuously I must do the calculation of how much time I need to spend under my Ritual of the Feathered Knife each day - and not forget do actually do that since its range unfortunately doesn't extend much beyond the boundaries of a tier 5 altar.

Gotcha on the Self-Sacrifice could also setup some Lamps of Growth for the same/better effect.

I haven't setup my mob farm any further than a single-level darkroom and punji sticks...but I have plans. I found this a couple of worlds ago. Basically, it's an ME sorting system where any enchanted items get filtered/stripped/discarded. I plan to do this AND melt down the iron/gold/chain. If you instead want a storage bus to get rid of these, you'd need to use a fuzzy storage bus.

And another aside for the community:
Don't get the bright idea to use a Harvester to shear Bloodwood trees for their leaves [for dirt production]. The Harvester changes the name of the leaves into something that's not listed in NEI and is incompatible with the barrels. Both Unifier and AutoDictionary will not correct the problem. Shame really, as these trees produce same/more amount of leaves as 2x2 Jungles + Vines.
Also, if you're going to build a Bloodwood farm with a tree planted every 30 sec, I'd recommend you build it in the Nether to cut down on rendering lag.
There should be 17 quests in total in the Bragging Rights section. It says I'm complete with 16 in my test world but that doesn't add up with the percentages I've got earlier as well as information about one I might have missed. BTW, go to the previous page, there is some information.

Which are the ones you have unlocked? Sometimes the first part is a detection task. The quest only appears once you've completed that first part, but the conditions are still visible. Applies to "The Tinkerer", "Crazy Automation", "Open Sesame" (see previous page for the conditions) and "Passive Slaughterer" (kill 100 passive mobs), maybe others, I can't look into the game at this moment.

the ones unlocked in my survival word are...
  1. Thermal Expansion, MCAurey's, Vanilla Lover, Minefactory Reloaded, Tinkerer
  2. Applied Energistics, Interior Decorator, Blood Magic Adept, Cobble gen madness
  3. Armorsmith, Thaumcraft, Passive Slaughterer
and in my creative world I've unlocked
  1. Thermal Expansion, MCAurey's, Vanilla Lover, Minefactory Reloaded
  2. Bee Domination, Applied Energistics, Interior Decorator, Blood Magic Adept, Cobble gen madness
  3. Armorsmith, Mob War
I'll be checking the other page for some hints, though I'd be nice if someone could gather all the bits of information together and perhaps create it into a small guide
I've tried gathering the information for the hidden quests in Bragging Rights from this topic and this is what I have found so far...

Row 1
  • Thermal Expansion - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • McAurey's - Complete "Hell's Kitchen".
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Vanilla Lover - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Mine Factory Reloaded - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Tinkerer - Manually craft a Casting Basin, Casting Table, Seared Brick, Seared Faucet, Seared Glass, Seared Tank and Smeltery Controller,
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
Row 2
  • Crazy Automation - Manually craft an ocutple compressed cobblestone.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Bee Domination - Complete "Comb Collection" from "Bees and Trees".
    • A task where the player can hand in items or fluids.
  • Applied Energistics - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Interior Decorator - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Blood Magic Adept - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
Row 3
  • Armorsmith - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Thaumcraft - Manually craft a Table from Thaumcraft
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Open Sesame - Craft an OpenBlocks flag.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
  • Mob War - Complete "Monster Hunter" from "For the Hoarding".
    • Kill any 100 hostile mobs.
  • Passive Slaughterer - Automatically unlocks after completing "Mob War" where after which "Mob War" will become invalidated.

    • A task where the player has to kill certain monsters.
Right page
  • Cobblegen madness - Unlocks at start.
    • A task where the player can hand in items or fluids.
  • The True Completionist - Unlocks after finishing all other quests in the book.
    • A task where the player needs specific items.
you can only either complete Mob War or Passive Slaughterer, you can't complete both.
if you complete one of the two, the other will disappear.
but don't worry, the quest that disappeared no longer counts towards the total amount of quests.
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If I may add a few things:

Unlocks by crafting one each of: Seared Bricks, Seared Glass, Seared Tank, Seared Faucet, Casting Basin, Casting Table (source: previous page), which is also the first of two tasks.

Passive Slaughterer:
Gets unlocked and completed at the same time, by killing 100 passive mobs.

Mob War:
Does indeed appear to be bugged. I killed way more than 100 hostile mobs manually while collecting weak blood shards.
Hmm...seems I've broken my passive hostile mob farm. I'm guessing the only way to fix it is to '/cofh killall' which means I'll need to find another coven to restock my WoS?
Gotcha on the Self-Sacrifice could also setup some Lamps of Growth for the same/better effect.
I've been using MFR Fertilizers to speed up growth. It's crazy, believe me, provided you don't run out of fertilizer. I've used Lamps of Growth in other worlds, and adding both should result in completely insane growth rates.
and things become completely insane.

I haven't setup my mob farm any further than a single-level darkroom and punji sticks...but I have plans. I found this a couple of worlds ago. Basically, it's an ME sorting system where any enchanted items get filtered/stripped/discarded. I plan to do this AND melt down the iron/gold/chain. If you instead want a storage bus to get rid of these, you'd need to use a fuzzy storage bus.
Very interesting. Not for this world though, where you get enchantments enough. Also thanks for the fuzzy storage bus, I forgot those existed.
If I may add a few things:

Unlocks by crafting one each of: Seared Bricks, Seared Glass, Seared Tank, Seared Faucet, Casting Basin, Casting Table (source: previous page), which is also the first of two tasks.

Passive Slaughterer:
Gets unlocked and completed at the same time, by killing 100 passive mobs.

Mob War:
Does indeed appear to be bugged. I killed way more than 100 hostile mobs manually while collecting weak blood shards.

I tried what you mentioned for Tinkerer, but crafting those items did not unlock that quest
I actually read that earlier but already tried that before when I was writing it up and it didn't work
I've been using MFR Fertilizers to speed up growth. It's crazy, believe me, provided you don't run out of fertilizer. I've used Lamps of Growth in other worlds, and adding both should result in completely insane growth rates.
and things become completely insane.

Very interesting. Not for this world though, where you get enchantments enough. Also thanks for the fuzzy storage bus, I forgot those existed.
I tried MFR's Fertilizer in the last 2 worlds. Worked very well but I ran out of resources too often.
I tried what you mentioned for Tinkerer, but crafting those items did not unlock that quest
I actually read that earlier but already tried that before when I was writing it up and it didn't work
That's strange. Crafting the seared glass worked for me, which was the only item I hadn't crafted before. Also, the first block is "Seared Bricks", which is made from four "Seared Brick". A little confusion...
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I tried MFR's Fertilizer in the last 2 worlds. Worked very well but I ran out of resources too often.
Making the fertilizer from sewage is slow, but you can craft it with 4 wheat, 2 string, 2 bonemeal and a stick and get 16 (!) per crafting recipe. That way you can make a self-sustaining cycle with a wheat farm, a mob grinder and a small tree farm and make more fertilizer than you'll ever need. I ended up with a surplus of 115k.
Thaumcraft was unlocked after like the second quest for me, the one with shards and the thaumometer.

it seems that manually crafting a table unlocked it for me

That's strange. Crafting the seared glass worked for me, which was the only item I hadn't crafted before. Also, the first block is "Seared Bricks", which is made from four "Seared Brick". A little confusion...

hmm, manually crafting a seared brick did unlock the quest
also noted that the bricks were smelted from grout in a furnace aswell, I'll have to fiddle around to see what exactly was the trigger
Tinkerer and Thaumcraft have now been updated
this only leaves Passive Slaughterer which seems to be bugged and connect to Mob War
guess we'll need confirmation from @Jadedcat if these two quests really are bugged or not

EDIT: welp everyone, after going into my creative world and unlocking and completing all hidden bragging right quests so far that we've discovered I seem to have unlocked the very last quest called "The True Completionist" which basically asks for a nether star in your inventory
after completing that quest, all the quests have been completed in the book

this still leaves the problem with "Passive Slaughterer" and "Mob War".
after finishing everything Mob War did not reappear but I was able to complete them all, so maybe you're meant to complete "Mob War" and after completion it'll automatically disappear and unlocks and completed "Passive Slaughterer" but because I'm not 100% sure if this is meant I still left it in red and italic until we get confirmation about it

lastly a few tips for those trying this out in a creative world, use the command "/hqm edit" if you want to easily complete quests (it'll tell you how to do it in the creative quest book) and craft the required crafted items in survival in a work bench if you can't seem to unlock the hidden bragging right quests that require you to craft an item
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