A few other questions:
Hellfish. I wonder why I'm not getting any. Granted, I didn't spend a lot of time in the Nether yet, just enough to finish the quest in "Learning to skyblock" and to do a bit of the right-click mining with my Bound Pickaxe. Even so, I would've thought there would be some.
Bound Armor: I have one piece upgraded with a sigil of Magnetism but it doesn't appear to work. I still have blocks falling off into cable ducts and suchlike and not getting sucked into my inventory even though I'm standing two blocks away. Do I need to do something to activate the upgrade? No, I don't have an armor inhibitor on me.
As a general comment, these "For the Hoarding" quests are crazy. I suspect I'll be finished up with everything else including "bragging rights" before I've even unlocked everything here. That Tera Storage Cluster alone will eat up all the Certus Quartz I've collected so far and then some. And then the Dirt quest...