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i'm aware of using bowl to get mushroom soup from mooshrooms, but screw this way of getting soup for the quest.

using uncharged weapon for filtering is a bad idea. charge it to full, put it in your grinder for a while like 20-30% charge and the you it in your filter.

This is what I'm trying now. Hopefully it works. And I was poking fun at you earlier [poking with a bowl] ;).
Ranchers will "milk" mooshrooms to get the soup needed for the quest. 6 mooshrooms will keep the rancher constantly running, so more than 6 mooshrooms serve no advantage to the rancher. (You can place ancient spores on cows to get mooshrooms.)

Set the filter to ignore metadata. That is what stores the damage value. Ignoring damage value, but matching NBTdata should allow it to work no matter what damage the weapon takes.

That's what my research determined but I think an electric weapon [I'm using a scythe with a cell modifier] when empty and used takes damage [my problem may be I'm using TiCo weps]. Somehow this changes the tool data enough that it can't pass the filter [maybe TiCo tool's damage is NBT?]. I dunno. Right now I've got it set to pull out at roughly 1/6th charge. My worry is if it falls below this amount before getting pulled, it may not pass the filter again.

I'm using TiCo for the AoE and because they're easy to modify.
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if energy drain is so high that itemduct are too slow to react(can't say if it's possible though), then you should use AE's fuzzy import bus. put fully charged weapon in it's filter and set it to 50%(it should pull it out when it's lower than half of charge or so), and then just export it into infuser via fuzzy export bus set to ignore metadata.

Here's what I'm thinking...
Weps draining from being used. Filter is set to pull at the exact amount. If the wep gets used before filter/duct has time to react, wep stays. And all that takes is a single mob getting hit. Or 2-more mobs get hit same time and wep jumps filter setting [dunno how TiCo/TE3 calculates energy drain for AoE].

This is a temp build I'm working with anyway until I get my Pyramid Altar finished [using villager blood for the beacon blocks - damn slow going]. Then I'll move the autospawners and setup something permanent. I just need to keep the mob juice flowing for now [91 blocks to go].
Someone was having a hard time getting gold couple pages ago? Try a Zombie Pigman and throw him in a spawner. You can recreate Fort Knox + Gold from DieHard III in about an hour. They're difficult to contain though.
-- buggers cost me an Armored Rez Jetpack!

Edit: Very, very difficult to contain it seems. I wanted to add some more witches to the Inquisition room [using conveyors with some vertical travel] and they got stuck, so had to use the /'cofh killall' cmd. Was informed I also had 12 Zombie Pigmen wandering around somewhere [unless they were in the Nether pump chunk]?
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Is there a way to automatically detect when the QDS is finished and turn off the item/fluid output?
Is there a way to automatically detect when the QDS is finished and turn off the item/fluid output?

I'm answering my own questions, but it appears you can indirectly detect the quest state change by connecting a block update detector (advanced) next to the QDS. That will send a redstone signal when the quest is finished.

If you use a SR latch with this, with a separate button to start it on the S input, then connect the Reset (R) line to the BUD, you can prevent the automatic toggling of the state, when configuring the QDS for the next quest, but still allow it to turn off when completed. Due to the nature of MFR Rednet, you may have to manually restart the input upon world load, but it will at least not waste a bunch of resources by dumping them into a QDS where the quest has completed. I'll post a picture when I set it up.
Ok, here is the semi-automated QDS system. I have this configured for fluids, but it can just as easily be configured for items as well. The fluid export bus and the fluiduct are both set to be active with a signal (redstone high). The fluid import bus on the back of the tank is configured to be active without a signal (redstone low). These are all connected to the Q output of the SR latch. The green button is configured to S input, and the BUD (advanced) is connected to the R reset input. This is a one page MFR rednet controller setup, and can't get much simpler than that.

What happens is you configure the fluid export bus with the fluid you want to export, set the QDS by selecting the task in your quest book, then right-clicking the QDS with the quest book. Once that is set, simply push the button to start. As soon as the QDS is completed, the BUD will trigger, then cause the SR latch to reset and turn off the fluiduct and the fluid export bus, and the fluid import bus will activate and pull any remaining liquid out of the tank and back into your AE network. Then, you just configure the fluid export bus for the next quest and repeat the cycle.



Does anyone know how many singularities the Magnetic Personality quest costs? Trying to do the math is just making my head hurt D:
Does anyone know how many singularities the Magnetic Personality quest costs? Trying to do the math is just making my head hurt D:

well, 1 singularity for a level 0 magnet, and you need 8 level 8, which each require 2 of the previous level

1 level 8, 2 level 7, 4 level 6, 8 level 5, 16 level 4, 32 level 3, 64 level 2, 128 level 1, and 256 level 0 magnets. And you need 8 level 8 magnets. You will need 2048 singularities total.
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well, 1 singularity for a level 0 magnet, and you need 8 level 8, which each require 2 of the previous level

1 level 8, 2 level 7, 4 level 6, 8 level 5, 16 level 4, 32 level 3, 64 level 2, 128 level 1, and 256 level 0 magnets. And you need 8 level 8 magnets. You will need 2048 singularities total.
Yikes! And I thought 50K lettuce/100K Oak/100 4x Comp Dirt were bad. :oops:
I'm answering my own questions, but it appears you can indirectly detect the quest state change by connecting a block update detector (advanced) next to the QDS. That will send a redstone signal when the quest is finished.

If you use a SR latch with this, with a separate button to start it on the S input, then connect the Reset (R) line to the BUD, you can prevent the automatic toggling of the state, when configuring the QDS for the next quest, but still allow it to turn off when completed. Due to the nature of MFR Rednet, you may have to manually restart the input upon world load, but it will at least not waste a bunch of resources by dumping them into a QDS where the quest has completed. I'll post a picture when I set it up.
the comparator will help a lot with that, attach it to the QDS like you would detect it's inventory and marvel
Got it. Next one is Poisonous Potato? I've never seen one. Is the only way to get them to craft and use the Tuber Jetpack?
They're just a random drop from harvesting normal potatos, I don't think that you can get them from the tuburous jetpack, but you can use them to craft it (and off the top of my head, they only have one other use in blood magic)
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They're just a random drop from harvesting normal potatos, I don't think that you can get them from the tuburous jetpack, but you can use them to craft it (and off the top of my head, they only have one other use in blood magic)
Was the drop fixed? I was manually harvesting potatos while back and never saw one. I didn't set my system to collect them [not having one to format with] and need one for the Bile Demon summon. Read they're not dropping in AgS. Do I need to actually harvest the crop [no right-click magic]?