OK from the nether I lost:
1 industrial centrifuge, 4 redstone engines, 1 ender chest, 1 liquid tesseract, a pump, 6 liquiducts, 3 geothermal generators, a batbox, 6 glass fibre cable, a chunkloader, wooden pipe and autarchic gate, then along with those was my nether bee setup of actually only 2 apiaries
Then when I tried to go in ever so innocently

mean lava...:
pair of long fall boots, eletric jetpack, steel helm, diamond pick with fortune 3 and efficiency 4 and unbreaking 3, an emerald sword with smite 4 and looting 2, an emerald shovel, minium stone, beealyzer full of honey, MY PRIZED AND LONG SOUGHT AFTER MODEST PRINCESS AND DRONE(first thing i was worried about), treealyzer, some torches, and my canvas bag full of tools:
Pocahontas the axe of the stream with repair 2 and efficiency 4

, 1 energy tesseract, prototype omniwrench, 19 energy conduits and 10 liquiducts, and lastly power 4 bow and arrows.
Lol yeah I remembered everything because I was building my steam boiler, luckily didnt lose any of it and check the nether every hour.... so thank you! Maybe send out a message the day before? Well thanks still!
PS and my portal gun
PSS also upon want to inoculate my bees, ive also lost my 1 adv. genetic machine, genetic machine, and apiarist's machine...... lame