About GregTech Machines Blowing Up In The Rain

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Every packet has a default size of bits (dunno if it are bits, never looked at the code), then, it doesn't matter what in the packet is, because it's a standard size (voltage). However, sending many packets, takes more bandwidth.

Every packet has a fixed size, and the contents don't matter. You just can't give it more contents than they can carry.

But many packets with a low voltage, equal one packet with a higher voltage (EU).

Note: this is all explained on a noobish manner, to make it comprehensive for everyone.
i see. however,you should also take into account how many producers required to generate that many HV packets, or how few EV producers can do the same thing.

for me it looks like few EV producers, which occupy less space, generate less lag than many HV producers but the eu outcome is the same.

am i wrong on this one?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Every packet has a default size of bits (dunno if it are bits, never looked at the code), then, it doesn't matter what in the packet is, because it's a standard size (voltage). However, sending many packets, takes more bandwidth.

Every packet has a fixed size, and the contents don't matter. You just can't give it more contents than they can carry.

But many packets with a low voltage, equal one packet with a higher voltage (EU).

Note: this is all explained on a noobish manner, to make it comprehensive for everyone.

IC2 Cables have unlimited bandwidth (as far as I have been able to discover by just playing). There limit is the packet size or voltage. The amount of energy (e) going through a cable is is equal to n (number of packets) * packet size (p)

A mass fabricator can handle e of up to any size so long as p does not exceed 512. If you want to increase e you have to increase n and not p (the value of p is not dependant on n just to clarify). An unupgraded electric furnace also doesn't mind what e is so long is p doesn't exceed 32. Copper cable is the same. It will handle as many packets as it can. A packet is made when an EU producer adds EU to the network. If it is a basic solar panel that packet will always be worth one EU, but an HV solar panel will output 512 packets.

When a packet goes through a transformer, e stays the same and p is divided by 4 and n is multiplied by 4.

When you are reading about a generator you will see its output expressed as x eu/t. EU/t is not a measure of packet size but when you are talking about its output per tick, if you remove the time unit you are left with the voltage.

Packets don't add to each other so 32 solar panels don't make a 32eu sized packet.

It sounded like you had a pretty good idea about packets anyway but I thought I would write out the way I understood it in the hope that it was a reasonably clear explanation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The whole packets thing was the entire reason behind the making of Compact solars - people spamming 512 Basic solar panels cause a lot more computional stress than one larger packet if 512eu, because each packet must be handled individually.
So 512 packets of 1eu is the same amount if power as 1 packet of 512 eu/t.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Irony: after reading the discussion in this thread, this happened to me:
That was 8 industrial electrolysers. I accidentally left 4 of them exposed to the sky for a couple of minutes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's all covered by this now:
So when I get around to replacing the electrolysers (or when AE decides to work again?) the rain won't be a problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"I ejeculate fire".
That'd be a cool superpower, but it would suck in sex, to say the least.

I listened to part if it.
That's essentially what it's about - killing people with his jizz.
It's pretty damn creepy, to say the slightest.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well that adds a whole new meaning to the phrase "going down in flames".
Okay can we get back to talking about stuff blowing up in the rain?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I currently have my machines stacked up, with a Universal Cable powering them all.
I simply put my TE machines on top of my GT (currently primarily a plate bender) machines.

And one thing that's essential to cover up.
Any and everything from Mekanism.
I HATE when. I accidentally walk into something from Mekanism and then start spazzing out on it, and being almost trapped there.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The whole packets thing was the entire reason behind the making of Compact solars - people spamming 512 Basic solar panels cause a lot more computional stress than one larger packet if 512eu, because each packet must be handled individually.

Indeed. And unfortunately IC cables use pathfinding to 'find' the nearest machine / battery for energy to be sent to / retrieved from. This is rather computationally intensive. And if you then multiply that by a huge number of packets you turn any server into a lagfest.

This is basically the whole reason d'etre for TE conduits. BC pipes have the same basic issue, conduits work very differently (they're just a single tile entitiy where energy is added / substracted). So if you want to have a huge energy network on a server it's best to use TE conduits.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 Cables have unlimited bandwidth (as far as I have been able to discover by just playing). There limit is the packet size or voltage. The amount of energy (e) going through a cable is is equal to n (number of packets) * packet size (p)

A mass fabricator can handle e of up to any size so long as p does not exceed 512. If you want to increase e you have to increase n and not p (the value of p is not dependant on n just to clarify). An unupgraded electric furnace also doesn't mind what e is so long is p doesn't exceed 32. Copper cable is the same. It will handle as many packets as it can. A packet is made when an EU producer adds EU to the network. If it is a basic solar panel that packet will always be worth one EU, but an HV solar panel will output 512 packets.

When a packet goes through a transformer, e stays the same and p is divided by 4 and n is multiplied by 4.

When you are reading about a generator you will see its output expressed as x eu/t. EU/t is not a measure of packet size but when you are talking about its output per tick, if you remove the time unit you are left with the voltage.

Packets don't add to each other so 32 solar panels don't make a 32eu sized packet.

It sounded like you had a pretty good idea about packets anyway but I thought I would write out the way I understood it in the hope that it was a reasonably clear explanation.
Bandwidth as in RAM.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bandwidth as in RAM.

Pardon me, I misunderstood. I hope that doesn't make my explanation completely useless. Writing it wasn't trivial and at any rate I am pretty sure that I am right about how EU cables work. They can carry an unlimited number of packets and I thought you meant bandwidth as in there capacity for packets.

Note: this is all explained on a noobish manner, to make it comprehensive for everyone.

Thats ironic isn't it.

Having said all that, I was looking through the thread again and I misread something you said as asking for an explanation of EU transmission and that is what I attempted to offer. I must have been tired and not paying attention or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pardon me, I misunderstood. I hope that doesn't make my explanation completely useless. Writing it wasn't trivial and at any rate I am pretty sure that I am right about how EU cables work. They can carry an unlimited number of packets and I thought you meant bandwidth as in there capacity for packets.

Thats ironic isn't it.

Having said all that, I was looking through the thread again and I misread something you said as asking for an explanation of EU transmission and that is what I attempted to offer. I must have been tired and not paying attention or something.
Yeah, sorry. I was a bit... harsh ;)

But imagine a packet of multiple bytes (size is fixed) and that * 512 for 512 solar panels. And that * amount of players on a server ;)
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