No problem! But you balls it up and you make an Alumentu-BOOM!Granted! Not as good as you thought it would be...
I wish i could do thaumaturgy IRL without flux or warp
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Granted. All companies go bankrupt and the economy collapses. I wish that explosions don't exist.No problem! But you balls it up and you make an Alumentu-BOOM!
I wish companies would be less about themselves and more about the customers.
Granted, but the only muscle that strong is your toungue.Granted! All conventional engines fail, travel grinds to a halt, and the economy collapses because no-one can get to work.
I wish for the strength to be able to carry a cubic metre of pure gold
No problem. The potatoes like going Alumentu-BOOM too!Granted! But now all the food in the world is at school.
I wish for potatoes.
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Honestly, I don't hate Bieber as much as I hate Frozen. But that's still pretty bad.Granted! Instead of children ceaselessly singing 'Let it go', you are surrounded by a swarm of pre-teen girls who sing through the entirety of Justin Bieber's back catalogue. Tunelessly. Loudly. And to make things worse, they operate in shifts so you never have a moment's peace. Forever.
I wish that we lived on the Discworld.
No, I haven't.You've never read Terry Pratchett?! :O
Your wish is granted! The world goes bankrupt due to governments spending their entire budget on death stars and being forced to conscript slave labour to build them in time to satisfy the petition makers.
I wish that I had a castle for a house.
No problem! But when you finally get around to watching Prison Break, it turns out to be pretty shitastic. Then your TV goes alumentu-BOOM.The rain from every Minecraft instance ever is transferred to real life, causing mad flooding worldwide.
I wish I could stop getting distracted from my homework so I could watch prison break.